01-02-2018, 01:49 PM
(01-02-2018, 12:00 PM)Hallow Wrote:Use the "flip_17_12_05__15_49_04out" dae(01-02-2018, 09:29 AM)Lord Milutin Wrote:(01-01-2018, 08:19 PM)Hallow Wrote: The image isn't showing up, but I went ahead and made a quick and pretty lazy video for you, just use youtube's built in speed control if you need it slower. if you watch it through this embedded player make sure to set it the quality to 720p. This goes through how to apply each texture, to use the emission(the last texture I applied in the video) texture properly you'll have to switch the diffuse texture(The one that should automatically be applied when importing) with the one that's the RBG of "GreenLanternJessicaHeroic_EI" or just add both of them and uncheck the one you aren't using.
And to use Texture Remix, Drag the textures you want to split into the top box, or click load images. Make sure to set an Output Folder which is at the bottom, and then click the C+A button in both boxes of Image 1 & Image 2 if you loaded both into the program.
After that it will spit out new textures in the folder you set as the output as seen below
Thanks a lot! I managed to get the texture working, it's just looking weird.
I see that before you recorded, you did something, but I don't know what, so that's why your texture looks correct and mine does not.
Got it to work now. I am eternally grateful!