01-21-2024, 04:03 PM
(01-20-2024, 09:00 PM)LexSeifer Wrote:(03-02-2016, 05:14 AM)beastedot9 Wrote:Code:#script for quickbms
# By Allen
#2015-9-1 Evoland 2 .pak
idstring "PAK\0"
get DataOffset long
get fileSize long
get dummy short
get numFolder long
for i = 0 < numFolder
set folderName string ""
CallFunction unpack 0 folderName
next i
StartFunction unpack folderName
get namelen byte
getdstring name namelen
get type byte
if type == 0
get offset long
get size long
get dummy long
math offset += Dataoffset
set fname string FolderName
string fname += /
string fname += name
log fname offset size
elif type == 1
string folderName += /
string folderName += name
get numEntry long
for j = 0 < numEntry
set folderName2 string folderName
CallFunction unpack 0 folderName2
next j
Just in case any users search for the same, this is the script I used. Aluigi posted this over on the Zenhax forum.
Hi. how can i use this script?
It's a QuickBMS script. I can't really speak for how to use it on Windows (I use Linux), but there should be plenty of guides on the web about it. Hope this helps!