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Link's Awakening Pic Revamp Thingy
I believe these images were originally from the actual game Link's Awakening, or if not then the Gameboy Color version that had additional content. I think there's even a picture like this when you try to steal from the item shop... Link looks hilarious in that one.
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vipershark already pointed that these are just recolors from Link's Awakening. he didn't draw any of those, and conveniently forgot to mention that bit of info.
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(11-29-2009, 06:35 AM)First Post Wrote: Made this Link's Awakening revamp. Tongue

(11-29-2009, 10:05 AM)The post after the first reply Wrote: If you mean re-colours, I have some Pokemon Red/Blue revamps. Tongue
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Well, in all honesty, I did say they were REVAMPS. Tongue

Sorry if you didn't understand, I just use the wrong words. Tongue

And when I showed you guys my Poke splices, I hope you see that I wasn't being modest when I said I was an amateaur. Shy

However, if I don't make more rubbish artwork I'm never gonna get better, so I have to keep trying. CoolTongue

As long as you guys keep giving me criticism, I'll be improving. Smile

Of course, I've a LONG way to go first, but we can all dream. Tongue

The main reason I joined this forum is because I wanted to learn something other than re-colours and splices, and learn to make my own sprites, and hopefully that might happen.
So thanks guys. XD
I would've said that in the poke splice section (shudders) but I couldn't for obvious reasons. Tongue

And at that, I'm off to find some spriting tutorials and stuff. Big Grin
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