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Galeria de Jesus Lizard
Art thread for my art, made to put my art in so you can look at it.

Got around to getting a DA profile:

Beelzebub redesign:
[Image: 16c1av4.jpg]

An octopus made in paint:
[Image: 2vsnmfr.png]

Old but still current sketch of Aven (my furfag character):
[Image: 9rpycm.png]

I do not give a fuck if having a self-promotion topic is looked down on.
[Image: garrybeusymonsters.gif]
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I'm surprised you didn't post any rule 34 :o
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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but really it's decent artwork, the octopus is kinda more left up to more or less being kind of bad, without the random lines in it it'd be better imo.
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Oh noes, more furries on DA. Very Sad
Sarcastic, unfunny biggotry joke aside, you're pretty good, shortie. I can safely say that you've got more talent than I did at your age, and I have my old DA submissions to prove it. Ded
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Cthulhu VS. Communist Kong
[Image: 2agm3id.jpg]

Cursed Knife
[Image: sfxnc3.jpg]
This little knife may not look like a powerful D&D artifact, but WOAH, NELLY this little shit packs a massive curse.

If the posseser, usually some random Marry Sue, does not kill something more inteligent than a dog every day, than the curse on this knife will ruin their life by making their every waking second miserable.
Not only that, but you can never get rid of it untill you are killed in combat, as the weapon gives it's wielder eternal life (but not health).

A rouges weapon, this dagger hold an even deeper secret, so horrible that the owner may wish to take their own life to rid themselfs of the curse.

The dagger is possesed by a gargantuan centipede demon, named Feif.
Feif is an ancient evil being, as cold and cruel as his cursed dagger.
Feif allows the wielder of the knife to earn his meals for him, capturing the souls of those slain by the dagger and devouring them in his own personal hell.
When the dagger's owner falls in combat, Feif takes the life force of the doomed wretch and summons himself into this plane through the dagger, killing enemies, NPCs, and player characters alike.

He lies dormant untill he finds another damned rouge to use as a host, and curses them with his vile knife.

I love my D&D character ideas so much. Heart Heart Heart Heart
[Image: garrybeusymonsters.gif]
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[Image: v80tbs.jpg]
[Image: garrybeusymonsters.gif]
Strix Nebulosa, D&D mad scientist character.

[Image: 2ex1wch.jpg]

I don't think anyone has ever tried this idea before.

D&D character, mad scientist.
It's going to play like a sorcerer with cleric abilities, though I'll have to rework a lot of spells and things.

Char BG info:
Strix was born in a rather wealthy town.
This town was a thriving melting pot of cultures, untill the pluage hit it with full force.
Many were killed by the disease, and Strix was one of the thousands that contracted it.
Bubonic plague's mortality rate is approximately 50%-60%; pneumonic plague is usually fatal if not treated within 24 hours.
Against all odds, Strix survived the onslaught of the virus, though it left his body weak and, to be frank, completely fucked up.
This event prompted him to attend a medical school, where he graduated top of his class, became a professor, and improved profoundly apon the school's scientific methods.
He was eventualy kicked out for unauthorised experiments involving dead bodies in the school's labs.

At a later time, he was drafted my the millitary of the area in a war.
This war was fought against magic users.
Good ones.
Strix was on the non-magic side, and his allies suffered many casualties.
What Strix saw in in his time of service drove him insane and he had to be removed from service.
He eventualy recovered, but was still quite mad.
He took up his old trade as a scientist and now travels the country side, looking for ways to practive his unknown arts of technology and science.

Some of his faces and shit

[Image: 8vvwk5.jpg]
Strix will be a very animated character.
Making Frankenstein monsters, arguing with clerics, and generaly electrocuting anything that moves are only a few perks of playing him.
[Image: garrybeusymonsters.gif]
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Someone told me to "go write a poem" as a response and insult.
So I did.

Fire fire in my brain
Who is this who caused me pain
with a knife to sting
and a rope to bind
I'll light a blaze inside his mind
[Image: garrybeusymonsters.gif]
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I got some stuff of my scaleslut, Aven.

Medieval Aven
[Image: 2psly7a.jpg]
The concept sketch for Aven as used in D&D campaigns.
Aven carries no weapons, other than an ornate quarterstaff.
This staff is able to change into a scimitar, short spear, and/or two daggers, all of which have the same base modifiers and things.

Aven wears no armor, as it would cripple and hamper his magical abilities.
He wears a cloak, cape, thong, and loin cloth, all of which are suited for the warm muggy environments where Aven prefers to live.
A religious symbol made of silver hangs around his neck on a fair chain. When asked what it symbolises he snickers softly and denies that it has any meaning it all.

He is able to channel raw magical energy through himself, however, these energies are so chaotic and powerful, that if he does not keep them under some control, they will annihilate his mind and body.
(Lucky for him, it's rather easy to control.)

In adventures, Aven quests either to seek knowledge, gain power, or get some tail (lock up your daughters, shoot your sons. Aven goes both ways.).

An unused design for Aven

[Image: 25fk6ir.jpg]

Was designed to be a more sexy character than the original, and at the same time retain the natural concept of the Basiliscus basiliscus (Aven's secies.)

I decided against this one, and kept the more dino like Aven.

I might use this for something, though.
Maybe a new character?

Check out the artistic "evolution" of Aven here:

It's actualy kinda fun to go through past years and see how you change over time.
[Image: garrybeusymonsters.gif]
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[Image: 2eap6yx.jpg]
Behold and cower, foolish corporeals!
For from the holes of gluttony stumbles forth a god of fearfull intent!
The Glorf will be given offerings.
Dispare for never more will your people dine on the Chocolate.
The Gorf will consume ALL of your chocolate, to sate the hunger in his burbelling tum-tum!
And the slorgods will laugh from their spires and the Melcras will rejoice in their smorg pits!
[Image: garrybeusymonsters.gif]
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New stuff, much more on the way.

Alien VS Prana Devil (see Unholy War)
[Image: fodpw1.jpg]

And a weapon study
[Image: 11jvnyh.jpg]

Read about that one here:
[Image: garrybeusymonsters.gif]
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You've improved incredibly since the last time I've seen your work.
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Where was it that you last saw my work?
[Image: garrybeusymonsters.gif]
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I'm pretty sure it was here, I don't remember really but I remeber seeing your work all the same though.
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Bigbig update

Click the links below the pics to read about them.

Lovecraftian Space Monster
[Image: ilaqvb.jpg]

Rubin, the extrademensional cursed lizard
[Image: 2nprt.jpg]

Cubist Cthulhu
[Image: 8ybbbt.jpg]

Slorgod study (very small preview, you simply must click the link.)
[Image: fu3uo9.jpg]

Facial study
[Image: i39p2h.jpg]

Tiger Woods caught in a nuclear blast
[Image: 343raxc.jpg]

A badly drawn and angry prawn
[Image: 260wzg4.jpg]

A dipshit kid from my school
[Image: 24vpkbm.jpg]

[Image: 2iacx02.jpg]

[Image: garrybeusymonsters.gif]
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