post your tips to the newbies
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any tips on spamhaul for a n00bie lurker entering here??? POST HERE---OFFICAL------
01-14-2010, 12:32 AM
avoid this thread!
oops too late.
01-14-2010, 12:34 AM
lose the sig image man
01-14-2010, 01:54 AM
Thanks for making this topic ////AUD!! I've been wanting to give advice to the lurkers for a very long time, but I am quite shy and do not like making topics (to be honest, I turn a rather deep shade of red and start crying. Please, don't make fun of me.). Anyway, I feel like I've been going on about this a bit too long, I'll just get to the point, so to speak:
So, You're New To Spamhaul, Eh? Well first off; Welcome! I'm glad you have chosen to post in a special part of TSR (The Spriters Resource) called Spamhaul (based off a forum called Spamhaus, but we won't get into that)! It's good that you would like to post here, it shows you've got true posting potential! But Spamhaul is a rather high class forum, everyone is welcome to join and post many posts but many of our members are quite uptight so if you are an "amateur" poster, you may just get your butt handed to you, as they say. That's not to say that you can't post in any way you please, go right ahead, I personally don't mind. But if people offend you, don't say I didn't warn you! How Can I (An "Amateur" Poster) Improve My Posting Abilities? I'm glad you asked! If you've made it this far it shows you are a true go-getter and that you really want to post in Spamhaul! Good job! Way to go! Spamhaul is all about posting with real thought, like a great philosopher once said "If you're going to post, post well.". That was me. Posting is all about putting time and thought into each word you type, don't just post all willy-nilly, throwing random words in just to spice up your posts. That's not proper posting etiquette at all. If you have to, think for a good solid hour before hitting that "Post Reply" button, make sure your post is well thought out and solid, top posting quality even (again, referring to my quote above). Something we in Spamhaul simply can not stand is foul language, it's all well and good to say that sort of filth in real life (though, i personally dont), but here in Spamhaul we don't tolerate it one bit. I don't know if you are aware of this, or you could even be one, but there are children who browse the internet every day. The Spriters Resource is a forum about video game sprites, and there are children all around the world who play video games, so surely some of them are going to end up here. We don't want them showing this forum to their parents and their parents possibly cursing us out of what we have done! Plus, cursing is just pointless and rude. If you're going to say something like that, use a polite supplement. For example, instead of "What the ****" (I'm not going to type the word, but you know what I'm referring to) you should say "What the flip", or possibly "What the f" (a shorter version). Now, you're probably sitting there thinking "well that's all well and good but what the heck do I post on spamhaul?!". Well, good sir (or sirette), this is quite an easy question! ![]() Now, let's say you do something bad, like spam or use a curse word. We here at Spamhaul believe in the baseball theory that when you get three strikes you are "out". Hypothetically, let's say I posted "desu". Just the word desu, nothing more, nothing less. That is spam, it has no substance or any sort of juice (so to speak). I would be given one strike because of this, there is no arguing about this, if a Spamhaul vet (or spamvet as we call them) says you have a strike, you HAVE a strike. You have 3 chances and once you've hit that 3rd chance you are out of Spamhaul for life, buddy! Some people are afraid of Spamhaul, they feel as though if they post here they will be "flamed" or "trolled". This is untrue! If any of the spamvets see any sort of flaming or trolling that is also a strike! We do not promote any of that foolish behavior, it is just bad posting. If you feel that you want to post on Spamhaul, then do it, I am not going to stop you, infact I encourage you to! Every new poster in Spamhaul is like a new friend to me, I love each and every one of you. Reputation? Ah yes, I was just about to get to that. Reputation is a big thing here in Spamhaul, the higher your Reputation is the more recognized you are in Spamhaul. There are some exceptions, of course, but in general if your "rep" is high, then you are probably well liked! Good for you! Now, let's say you think you're a pretty good poster and your rep isn't that high. If this is the case, I highly encourage you to make a topic about it in Spamhaul. Spamvets are usually very generous with rep, and I myself will gladly give you a rep point with a nice comment to go along with it! ![]() This Place Seems Kind Of Gay, TBH. Whoah there! Calm down, Sparky! Though this forum supports homosexuals (Gay Pride), we are not ourselves all homosexuals. This is a common misconception that most people have. I Mean The Forum Is Stupid. Boy oh boy! Now that's just not very nice! If this weren't me, I'd give you a warning right now, mister! If you don't like Spamhaul, we understand, we won't hold it against you, there's plenty of other places on TSR to post. I personally love the art of spriting, and I'm sure plenty of other members on TSR do as well! If you've got a sonic recolor, or you've pillow shaded a tree, I'm sure everyone here would love to see it! Good job! Alright, Just Wrap It Up, Would Ya'? Ah, yes, sorry lol. I thought I was carrying on for a bit long. In conclusion, posting in Spamhaul is simple, just post well and post good. Post on, posters. Post on. Thanked by: Nystre, Adam, MoneyMan, Jovian-12, Maxpphire, Sengir,
01-14-2010, 02:34 AM
if i had a slow enough internet connection to thank a post 100 times i would do it to the above post
01-14-2010, 03:04 AM
01-14-2010, 11:33 AM
everyone is stupid
Thanked by: froggerfun265,
01-14-2010, 11:38 AM
Thanked by: froggerfun265
01-14-2010, 01:18 PM
(01-14-2010, 03:04 AM)Rhymey Wrote: desuThank you for this! This is a great example of what we here in Spamhaul call "ironic posting". I clearly stated in my well thought-out good post that something like "desu" would give you a strike, so Rhymey, being the oh-so-clever person that he is, decided to post exactly what would give him that strike! So funny, wouldn't you agree?! ![]() Thanked by: Adam, Sengir, Alpha Six, Rhyme, Rosencrantz
01-14-2010, 05:58 PM
don't pay attention to aud
jump on a bandwagon months later pretend like you're on a krew Thanked by: Vipershark
Don't be nice to Jesus lizard
That's probably a good one.
01-14-2010, 08:35 PM
dont make fun of vipershark.
Thanked by: Vipershark
01-14-2010, 09:18 PM
01-14-2010, 09:27 PM
ugh |
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