Which games on the gba do you like the most? Personally my favorites are Tales of Phantasia and FFTA.
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Favorite gba games
01-23-2010, 01:34 AM
So far, Megaman Battle Network 2.
Even though I'm absolute shit at it.
01-23-2010, 02:17 AM
Megaman Zero. Which one? WHOLE SERIES! Go home.
01-23-2010, 09:54 AM
01-23-2010, 10:09 AM
Minish Cap, Wario Ware Twisted, M&L, Kirby and the Amazing mirror.
Drawing a blank on my other favourite gba games
01-23-2010, 10:54 AM
The Sonic Advance series and Pokemon advance games. Metroid Zero Mission was pretty awesome as well.
01-23-2010, 11:12 AM
Pokemon games, M&L, Minish Cap, MMZ...
01-23-2010, 01:50 PM
katam, mmzero, aria of sorrow, metroid fusion, drill dozer
01-23-2010, 01:53 PM
MegaMan Battle Network 3
Followed by MMBN 2, FFTA and Pokémon Emerald.
01-23-2010, 02:17 PM
I don't have a specific favourite, but Sword of Mana, M&L, and Drill Dozer are on the list.
01-23-2010, 02:33 PM
The Castlevania Double Pack
with Aria of Sorrow and Harmony of Dissonance first Castlevania game I ever got B)
01-23-2010, 03:20 PM
maybe if i ever saved for a gba, but considering i played everything onemus, i dont really think i have enjoyed it as i should.
01-23-2010, 08:07 PM
Tomato Adventure
01-23-2010, 09:22 PM
Astroboy The Omega Factor is by Treasure, the same guys behind Gunstar Heroes. Also, there's Gunstar Super Heroes that's a re-imagination of the original title. Pretty awesome.
Justice League Heroes - The Flash is way better than the other titles of this same game (for PS2, GC, X-Box, PSP, etc). Metroid and the Castlevenia games are awesome, specially Castlevania Aria of Sorrow and Circle of the Moon. Teen Titans games are also pretty fun to play. The Final Fantasys remakes and Tactics Advance may be my favorites all around, but heh, that's me. |
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