Hey everybody. I'm working on a project called Revenge. As the title of the post explains, it's an homage to the older style Megaman games, particularly Megaman 2. I do not intend to profit from this game in any way shape or form except by including it in a portfolio. At the completion of the project, this game will be made publicly available.
A Little about me and why I started this:
I've been programming for about 5 years now, but I've never really mastered C++ although I'm more than proficient on Java and Python. Because of this, I wanted to program the game mostly in C++ using SDL. Revenge is going to be my first full-featured game that will adhere to some sense of quality control
While I know that ANOTHER programmer starting ANOTHER megaman project is nothing to get excited about, especially with amazing games like corrupted just on the horizon, I did want to start a thread to be able to post my progress.
The Game:
I don't want to give too much information about the game away. First off, it will be something of a parody in the sense that all the names will be changed to a certain extent. Instead of Dr. Wily, there will be Professor sneaky, instead of Mega Man, there will be Okkusenman (yes, I know it means 110million).
Also, To give credit where it's due, One sprite that has already made the cut is
Yellow Devil - NO Body
The moment I saw this guy, it was love. Also, my avatar will be making an appearance as Okkusenman. He's simply a rip of the old megaman with recoloring and some minor changes to the helmet.
While there is a big difference between the resolution of Okkusenman and Yellow Devil I think it will fit with my game. I'm not an artist, so by relying on what's already out there, things are bound to not match. I think if I play my cards right, it will work just fine.
Because it's so early in the project, I'm not going to ask for any sprites or assistance in any way for this. Honestly, at this point, the most I could ask for is to have a few dialogues with someone like JKB GAMES. Anywho, please try to keep your eye on this. Believe in me!
I'm working on trying to take sprite sheets and get this to look proper in-game. I know it seems trivial, but it's actually proving to be challenging for me. I can make them appear on screen, and they look fine standing still, but when they run... there's some ugly in there. One suggestion I received was to use GraphicsGale. I haven't had the opportunity to try to use it yet, so I'm excited to see if it will make this easier. Any other programmers with experience utilizing premade sprite sheets are definitely welcome to give their input!
My game engine still has significant work left to go.
A Little about me and why I started this:
I've been programming for about 5 years now, but I've never really mastered C++ although I'm more than proficient on Java and Python. Because of this, I wanted to program the game mostly in C++ using SDL. Revenge is going to be my first full-featured game that will adhere to some sense of quality control

While I know that ANOTHER programmer starting ANOTHER megaman project is nothing to get excited about, especially with amazing games like corrupted just on the horizon, I did want to start a thread to be able to post my progress.
The Game:
I don't want to give too much information about the game away. First off, it will be something of a parody in the sense that all the names will be changed to a certain extent. Instead of Dr. Wily, there will be Professor sneaky, instead of Mega Man, there will be Okkusenman (yes, I know it means 110million).
Also, To give credit where it's due, One sprite that has already made the cut is
Yellow Devil - NO Body
The moment I saw this guy, it was love. Also, my avatar will be making an appearance as Okkusenman. He's simply a rip of the old megaman with recoloring and some minor changes to the helmet.
While there is a big difference between the resolution of Okkusenman and Yellow Devil I think it will fit with my game. I'm not an artist, so by relying on what's already out there, things are bound to not match. I think if I play my cards right, it will work just fine.
Because it's so early in the project, I'm not going to ask for any sprites or assistance in any way for this. Honestly, at this point, the most I could ask for is to have a few dialogues with someone like JKB GAMES. Anywho, please try to keep your eye on this. Believe in me!
I'm working on trying to take sprite sheets and get this to look proper in-game. I know it seems trivial, but it's actually proving to be challenging for me. I can make them appear on screen, and they look fine standing still, but when they run... there's some ugly in there. One suggestion I received was to use GraphicsGale. I haven't had the opportunity to try to use it yet, so I'm excited to see if it will make this easier. Any other programmers with experience utilizing premade sprite sheets are definitely welcome to give their input!
My game engine still has significant work left to go.