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Happy Mothers Day everyone! To celebrate the US release of Pokémon Hear Gold + Soul Silver, here's the first of Lemon's Johto themed updates for today. Plus, take a look at the partner Pokémon from the game under the Characters section!
Ranger Dex:
[R-012-013][1804-1805] Sentret & Furret [ICON]
[R-034-035][1810-1811] Spinarak & Ariados [ICON]
[R-060-R061][1813-1814] Chinchou & Lantern [ICON]
[R-090-092][1801-1803] Totodile, Croconaw & Feraligatr [ICON]
[R-093-094][1808-1809] Ledyba & Ledian [ICON]
[1715-1716] Ukulele Pichu [ICON]
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03-14-2010, 12:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-14-2010, 01:27 PM by Lemon.)
Here's another mini Johto-themed update for you.
[R-007-009][1823-1825] Mareep, Flaaffy & Ampharos [ICON]
[R-175-176][1821-1822] Natu & Xatu [ICON]
Sorry for the lack of rips today guys, tomorrow night there should be a new batch. :s
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It's been one whole day since HGSS was released in the USA! Let's party with some more Johto rips!
[R-026-028][1832-1834] Hoppip, Skiploom & Jumpluff [ICON]
[R-052][1851] Dunsparce [ICON]
[R-186][1892] Entei [ICON]
[R-241][1848] Girafarig [ICON]
[R-190-191][1849-1850] Pineco + Forretress [ICON]
[R-273][1855] Qwilfish [ICON]
[R-126][1887] Raikou [ICON]
[R-231-231][1853-1854] Snubbull & Granbull [ICON]
[R-010-011][1836-1838] Sunkern & Sunflora [ICON]
[R-249][1893] Suicune [ICON]
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hey, I'm not sure but where's Ho-Oh? just asking.
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With all the other unripped sprites at the moment.
Sorry for the fail at updating, my computer has a virus, but I'll just have to learn to live with it.
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I apologize for the lack of updates, Lemon's computer has had a virus as he has said above and I am slacking a little, I have a really small update for you all here, and I intend to crate more sheets. Thanks for all of your kind compliments.
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I'm so sorry guys about the lack of updates in the last few days, had to sort out my computer majorly :s
Anyways, I'm back and to make up for it here are ten new rips. Expect a similar update later along with one from PT.
[1894-1896] Larvitar, Pupitar & Tyranitar [ICON]
[1900-1902] Treecko, Grovyle & Sceptile [ICON]
[1903-1905] Torchic, Combusken & Blaziken [ICON]
[1906-1908] Mudkip, Marshtomp & Swampert [ICON]
[1909-1910] Poochyena & Mightyena [ICON]
[1911-1914] Lotad, Lombre & Ludicolo [ICON]
[1915-1916] Wingull & Pelipper [ICON]
[1917-1919] Ralts, Kirlia & Gardevoir [ICON]
[1920-1921] Makuhita & Hariyama [ICON]
[1922] Sabelye [ICON]
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03-20-2010, 01:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-20-2010, 02:32 PM by Lemon.)
Twenty one sheets in a day. Nice one me.
I'm in a production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast this week, so updates from me might be a little thin on the ground.
Hope the rest of these make up for it :s
[1923-1925] Aron, Lairon & Aggron [ICON]
[1926-1927] Electrike & Manetric [ICON]
[1929-1931] Carvanha & Sharpedo [ICON]
[1932-1933] Numel & Camerupt [ICON]
[1934-1935] Baltoy & Claydol [ICON]
[1936-1937] Anorith & Armaldo [ICON]
[1938-1939] Duskull & Dusclops [ICON]
[1941] Absol [ICON]
[1942-1944] Spheal, Sealeo & Walrein [ICON]
[1945-1947] Clamperl, Huntail & Gorebyss [ICON]
[1948] Relicanth [ICON]
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Not included the Pokemon affiliated with other sheets, that's all of Hoenn done now!
[1949] Luvdisc [ICON]
[1950-1952] Bagon, Shelgon & Salamence [ICON]
[1953-1955] Beldum, Metang & Metagross [ICON]
[1956-1958] Latias [ICON]
[1959-1961] Latios [ICON]
[1962-1965] Deoxys [ICON]
[1966-1969] Turtwig, Grotle & Torterra [ICON]
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03-21-2010, 10:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2010, 10:32 AM by Deacon.)
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We're using Tahaxan for extracting, and a few programs made by the wonderful barubary, along with CP and MS Paint.
Yup, once the Pokemon are done we'll finish the NPCs then probably move onto backgrounds and objects.
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03-21-2010, 11:23 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2010, 11:24 AM by Deacon.)
Aha !!!
Very well !!!
OK. What it program CP ?
See ya !!! Thanks.
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03-21-2010, 11:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2010, 11:56 AM by Lemon.)
Command Prompt, sorry.

For extracting things from the data_game files.