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My head is a cat
(03-25-2010, 09:08 PM)sweet georgia brown Wrote: no dex showed me the pm he sent you

you just obviously don't get what "there's a difference between spamhaul spam and posting images over and over and over and over and over and over" means

That's imagespam... which is allowed on normal spam boards. Again, I didn't know this wasn't a spam-board.

Also, what is this Spamhaul spam? Is that regular spam with very limited discussion potential?
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(03-25-2010, 07:41 PM)sweet georgia brown Wrote: no

being a bad poster in the spam board is illegal get the fuck out now, peace

No need to be a jerk. Isn't your username "SWEET georgia brown"?
I can't defeat Air Man
No matter how I try to dodge all his tornadoes, he just kills me again
And even though I can get behind him
It's no use. I try to fight, but I get blown away in the end.
I shoot as fast as I can,
But when I had to go against Air Man's tornado I was helpless again
I'll try again, of course, but this is my plan
I'll keep my E tank saved in reserve just as long as I can
ashura i am glad you are taking the moral high ground and refuting the purpose of a board on an internet forum instead of doing the stupid thing and just not posting at all
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a lil sarcasm for u there heh DID YOU GET IT

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idk what time it is in anime pedo land but right now over here its 4:20
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stop double posting you fcker il repot u......
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Quote:My head is a cat
no, it's not
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(03-25-2010, 09:29 PM)a ghost Wrote:
Quote:My head is a cat
no, it's not

[Image: rolleyes.gif] hey kori i have a ukulele lets make some songs
[Image: tumblr_lbmz8gVkvC1qcyzauo1_500.gif]
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horrible things have happened in this town.
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posting images from danbooru/pixiv

try posting something that isnt from a japanese related site please.
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(03-25-2010, 09:29 PM)a ghost Wrote:
Quote:My head is a cat
no, it's not

Fuck, you got me.
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i still like your avatar ):
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we get it rhymey, you like anime, shut up
Thanked by: Chris2Balls [:B]
look, the streets know what just this is
ghost ride the whip up and down the strip
the ghost bustas, they the police
always wanna pull a nigga over for his piece
Thanked by: 17 kids
okay so im sitting at my computer right now and im butt ass naked and im am getting so fucking horny form watchign inocence post

i can teven see my computeer screen iany more my boner is in the way so innocnecne please call me my number is 8166689047 please call me pleaseleplae
Thanked by: Chris2Balls [:B]

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