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The Drunk Thread
There was no drinking thread. Now there is. I made it because I am a depressing person who drinks half a bottle of wine on a monday before dark out of sheer boredom.

So if you're drunk, post here. If you're not, I guess you can too.

PS. 12 dollars for a very large bottle. I feel classy. I EXUDE class.
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probably never posting in this thread
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hi darkshot go away and never come back, peace
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I am hurt. Wounded even. Gonna go cry in a corner, kay? Kay.
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i'm durnk
[Image: detg1h.png]
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you have anime tits you cant be drunk
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slam durnk
[Image: detg1h.png]
Thanked by: Alpha Six, 17 kids
durnkin donuts
[Image: detg1h.png]
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I'm too young to drink, I'm a good boy :]
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durnk driving
[Image: detg1h.png]
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Durnk driving is for dumbheads. Heroin is much more driving conductive.
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i shoot heroin via my asshole plese dont judge me
[Image: detg1h.png]
Thanked by: 17 kids
im drink
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
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im dank
[Image: detg1h.png]
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[Image: daft_punk.jpg]
i'm daft punk
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