04-06-2010, 01:17 PM
I added you back when this project started on NGG but either you ignored me, are never on, or something is up with MSN.
04-06-2010, 01:17 PM
I added you back when this project started on NGG but either you ignored me, are never on, or something is up with MSN.
04-06-2010, 02:54 PM
04-06-2010, 03:02 PM
something is up with MSN cause it wont lemme at tyvon or morgan either. try adding spritingpenis@hotmail.com
![]() Updated Torchic, it now matches the style of the rest of the mons, i will be completely redoing the burmys and such, and updating combusken as wella s making blaziken soon. also im changing the starter line up to chikorita, squirtle, torchic so we can use the squirtle line early on the new proposed regional dex-- not in any particular order chikorta bayleef meganium torchic combusken blaziken squirtle wartortle blastoise caterpie metapod butterfree weedle kakuna beedrill venonat venomoth pineco forretress nincada ninjask shedinja kricketot kricketune burmy wormadam mothim murkrow honchkrow houndour houndoom gible gabite garchomp pichu pikachu raichu mareep flaaffy ampharos elekid electebuzz electivire pachirisu machop machoke machamp croagunk toxicroak vulpix ninetails growlithe arcanine ponyta rapidash magby magmar magmortar spearow fearow hoothoot noctowl swablu altaria starly staravia staraptor gastly haunter gengar shuppet banette hoppip skiploom jumpluff sunkern sunflora budew roselia roserade cacnea cacturne cherubi cherrim sandshrew sandslash diglett dugtrio geodude graveler golem baltoy claydol swinub piloswine mammoswine spheal sealeo walrein rattata raticate jigglypuff wigglytuff meowth persian tauros eevee flareon jolteon vaporeon umbreon espeon leafeon glaceon sentret furret teddiursa ursaring stantler miltank skitty delcatty bidoof bibarel buneary lopunny glameow purugly ekans arbok zubat golbat crobat koffing weezing stunky skuntank grimer muk natu xatu spoink grumpig abra kadabra alakazam slowpoke slowbro slowking bonsly sudowoodo lunatone solrock relicanth onix steelix aron lairon aggron psyduck golduck poliwag poliwhirl poliwrah politoed goldeen seaking magikarp gyarados wooper quagsire lotad lombre ludicolo corphish crawdaunt buizel floatzel finneon lumineon
04-06-2010, 05:03 PM
Before you get too far with the region, what will we do with Sinnoh Evolution (moss rock, mt. coronet, yeah)?
we could replace the rocks with the Leaf Stone and some other new stone and use the Moon Stone for coronet.
04-06-2010, 05:07 PM
yes thats what i was thinking as well. give some of the more useless stones some sort of purpose.
glaceon- show eevee to an NPC with nevermeltice as held item and next time it levels it will consume the nevermeltice and evolve leafeon- bring eevee to a sunny hill somewhere with a leaf stone as held item then USE a sun stone on it and it will evolve mt. coronet pokemon will probably use moon stone unless i can think of somehting cooler
why not have a traveler from sinnoh with moss shard from eterna, ice shard from route 216, and coronet shard? and make them level up holding it.
that other option sounds too fangamish(trust me ive tried it too)
04-06-2010, 05:56 PM
where the f is zangoose >: (
04-06-2010, 06:06 PM
forget zangoose i dont see parasect >:U
04-06-2010, 06:35 PM
parasect looks too jungly and zangoose doesnt seem colonial america to me
04-07-2010, 03:58 AM
atm I'm working on base sprites and animations for npcs, I figure that will help you sengir.
adding onto the plot. idk if it willbe detailed or not, depend on how i feel wheile im writing it so here it goes!!!!!!!
*it should be noted that Heath is kind of an asshole. during your first practice match after you get the 'dex if you lose he will act cocky and tell you he is the best and never expected you to win before walking off. if he loses he will be surprised and make excuses as well as tell you that that was no official battle and doesnt count before walking off. i have also decided that the professor asks you to challenge him to a battle, not Heath himself. So once you are ready to fight Heath, you enter his "Gym" which is actually the fire station. some of the fire fighters will ask you to battles and will serve as the trainers lounging around in gyms. Once you reach the back of the station, Heath will be in his office, pondering your last battle (gloating if he won, paranoid if he lost). He will notice you walk inside eventually and be surprised, asking if you have come back form a rematch. The battle will commence. If you lose, you will be sent to the Pokecenter as usual as if nothing happened. From now on this will be the norm for losing a battle unless stated otherwise. When you finally manage to beat him, the fire alarm will suddenly sound. He will use this as an excuse to claim the battle was interrupted and run off to stop the fire without giving you his badge. At this point you should report back to the professor who will laugh at the events, claiming that Heath doesn't take to losing very well. She says you should forget about him right now as it is obvious you have a natural talent for battling, and then invites you to travel further down the river with her to the next town-- a town with a cotton mill run by a large water wheel that also has a gym leader in it. Later that night you will approach your family's wagon, where they are sleeping. You intend to ask them but are obviously reluctant because you know they will say no. Heath approaches you form behind, and gives you a lecture somewhere along the lines of: "Hey kid, I heard Professor [type of tree] asked you to go with her. ... You know if you go back with them your life will just be more of the same... Don't ask them, just go. I will tell them in the morning what you have done. This is your life, this is the frontier!! Grab it by the horns and make what you want of it. That is what this country is all about right? Haha, many people seem to have forgotten that... But I know you can rekindle the fire that drives us all! Go out west and show the world what you've got. You know where they are going right? Make sure you visit them sometime or I will never be able to forgive myself! And make sure you come back to fight me again too... that loss... wont happen again! Ahahaha!!" And then he will walk off. You run to the steamboat and take off in the morning for w/e the mill town will be named. So technically you haven't beat a gym yet even though you have. I'm just looking for ways to extend game play here, so pardon me if this seems a little drawn out. :-) GYM UP NEXT: Mill Girl Brooke -Current Badge Pokemon 13 Marill, 15 Quagsire, 16 Wigglytuff
04-08-2010, 01:12 AM
you should boost quagsire up to 20
04-08-2010, 01:27 AM
At this point the wild encounters will be as follows---
CAMPSITE-- This is a large area, there is a wheat field to the east, a creek running west to east in the south and a dense forest with a small clearing in the northwest. :::WILD ENCOUNTERS::: -Hoppip 38%, Ratata 35%, Lotad 15%, Starly 15%, Murkrow 2% *This area will never be able to be accessed again, and you only get one catch, so make sure it counts. FIRST ROUTE-- Small route with a few junior trainers practicing in the tall grass. A very simple and straight forward route with a few rocky areas. :::WILD ENCOUNTERS::: -Ratata 65%, Spearow 34%, Koffing 1%
04-08-2010, 04:03 AM
![]() female base in progress |
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