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Custom Drifloon (Pokemon)
[Image: KStyleDrifloon.png]
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It's just one sprite moved upward every frame.

The shaded version doesn't really look at all like Kirby Advance style either.
[Image: luigibrawlsig.png]
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8-bit is with just 8 colors. This purple and yellow doesn't seem to be part of 8-bit.
32-bit is with 32 colors. But the 32-bit sprites is more a 16-bit.
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Your 8-bit isn't 8-bit.
Do you even know what that means?
Apparently, to you, it means no shading with as many colours as you want.
Also big sheet for no reason. It's the same sprite moved up with edited eyes.
He's not very round, either. He looks like a sharp...thing on each side.
[Image: cIUPd.png]
Give me my own member group!
megazario Wrote:quite amazing good job make up more keep up the good work
plz dont give me a bad point plz for sounding a bit gay here
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seiorsly man the 8-bit one isnt 8-bit and the sprite sheet of yours is just one pic moved up and down with different eyes...
its need a lot of work and you need to take your time...
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This is crap. 8-bit doesn't look 8-bit. 8 bit is only limited to 4 colors, and transparency is actually part of those 4. And the 32 bit one's shading is crap. It doesn't look Kirby Advance style, and the poses are barely changed. If I could rate this sheet on a scale of 0-5, I'd give it a 0.05
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Arend Wrote:8-bit is with just 8 colors. This purple and yellow doesn't seem to be part of 8-bit.
32-bit is with 32 colors. But the 32-bit sprites is more a 16-bit.
8 bit is with 4 colors per 8x8 tile, 32 bit is with 16 colors per 8x8 tile.

I know this because I hack games as a hobby, so I know the color limitations.
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I'm gonna go ahead and deny this for the reasons listed above.
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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