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Gaia's Sprite Thread
[Image: 35bfqfs.png]

Some WIP Style Merger..
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[Image: 1zqpqn7.png]

Style fusion, hence the visible "fusion branch". Keep in mind that there are a ton of diffrences in this merging.
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[Image: 1z4bckx.png]

I've been working at this for awhile now..
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(05-07-2009, 09:27 PM)Gaia Wrote: [Image: 1zqpqn7.png]

Style fusion, hence the visible "fusion branch". Keep in mind that there are a ton of diffrences in this merging.

well yeah, the hands are really too big but the main thing I notice was the face
the face does not match the height of the original style that you were making

of course im not so good with words so have an edit"line"

[Image: mminmmximprovement.png]

you may have also notice that I made a few slight alterations with some of the shading, keep in mind that I was trying to make it look like it's style as close as possible.
this be a sig and I is bawlin!!!!
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Well, technically I was going for a fused style (Power Battles and MMX) and that came out, so.. yeah. Really no excuse but I may sheet it.
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[Image: 16m5ea1.png]

Pretty much, I just shaded the legs, now to figure out the hand placement (or improve on the hands a bit).

And yes, I may or may not sheet this once it's done.
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Looks really nice so far. Love the colours.
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[Image: jjqwhs.png]

Now it's finally fukkin' finished, this took me awhile to complete, and it had a minor pallete change also, only 10 colors used for this bugger.
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I dont like the little gray kid, I think his colors and shading make it too hard to identify each of his parts from a normal (not closed-up view)
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Linked due to massive size.

If only I knew how to sort the yellows, greens, reds, and blues, this current pallete would be perfect. I just honestly don't know how all the main characters and the misc crap can use these same colors..
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[Image: id4q5t.png]

Edited X1 Zero into the more modern Zero with accurate height, because the Z1 sprite is moreso closer to X's height, so I edited the X1 Zero sprite a bit to make it moreso like the modern one with a more accurate height.

In english: I have simply edited X1's Zero to Modern Zero of the X series so that his height can be accurate, albeit a few flaws.
[Image: jakif5.png]

Just a shot at making a running sprite animation.. and making a project out of a sprite, just a small attempt really.
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[Image: 9ibh9z.png]

A background in progress, as this is a practice working with them, I used plenty of stages for reference for the tiles as well.
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[Image: 2hfs468.gif]

Now Prometheus and Pandora both have a corrected NES pallete.. 4 colors each below the broken pallete ones.
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[Image: 2mq12lv.png]

Kudos to Grooveman for the style reference image on the left. The top three are the character's design references, so don't bother with them, just give a little C+C on the shading and color choices I have so far, as I am just trying the style here of MnF/EF.
[Image: 2jaywrt.png]

A small detail I must've missed when making the spritesheet. It's there now.
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[Image: 2r4tt1k.png]

Gaia in Mugen no Frontier style, complete. Constructive Critisism is welcome.
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