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hopeless dragon build
I hope Im posting this in the right place
this is my hopeless dragon deck

monsters 20
X3 red-eyes darkness metal dragon
X3 masked dragon
X2 battle fader
X2 red-eyes wyvern
X1 sangan
X1 magna drago
X1 plaguespreader zombie
x1 genesis dragon
x1 koa'ki meiru drago
X1 breaker
x1 clear vice dragon
x1 D A D
x1 card trooper
x1 twin-headed behemoth

magics/spells 13

x1 forbiddien chalice
x2 fissure
x2 smashing ground
x1 brain control
x2 book of moon
x1 heavy storm
x1 future fusion
x1 MST
x1 gold sarco
x1 scapegoat

traps 7

x2 trap hole
x2 bottomless trap hole
x1 mirror force
x1 call of the haunted
x1 torrential tribute

extra deck 15

will post later
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Hopeless is right.
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what do you mean? my deck does win games
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hey champ we've got a pokemon subforum for these kinds of threads
skype: bryangtbroyan
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I wasnt told to put it there
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well now you know, can someone move this or lock it so the OP can make a new thread where this belongs
skype: bryangtbroyan
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why lock it? I asked a mod where to post
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i could have sworn this was in spamhaul
Thanked by: TomGuycott
post a strategy or somehting, i dont play yu gi oh and im sure not many others here do but we would be more inclined to reply to it if you had a battlle strategy
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
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my strategy is get out REDMD and a lot of big monsters like DAD and clear vice when my opponet has a clear field because of fissure and smashing ground and sometimes when the hand is right I'll dump my 4 red-eyes and another dark so I can summon DAD
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traps 7

x2 trap hole
x2 bottomless trap hole
x1 mirror force
x1 call of the haunted
x1 torrential tribute

Wow, what a generic set of douchebag traps.

Trap Hole-type cards will automatically destroy a monster when it enters play face-up (sometimes with variations). There's no drawback, and it's so OP, most decks carry them as standard, but they're pretty gay.

Mirror Force will destroy all opposing Attack-position monsters in response to being attacked. Not as broken, but very annoying. Thank god you can only have one.

Torrential Tribute is Trap Hole with the douchebagginess turned up to 11, with a hint of Planar Cleansing. In response to a monster being summoned (any monster, summoned under any circumstance), all Monsters are destroyed.

Call of the Haunted isn't that bad. Summons monsters from your graveyard, but it takes up a spell/trap card slot, and removing the trap will also remove the monster. Surprisingly easy to deal with.

But yeah, everyone and their mother uses these traps, stop netdecking and try making something vaguely interesting.
Specs 'n' Headphones has been revamped! Check it, yo.
[Image: 10y3mgj.png][Image: groove-1.gif]
Thanks to Pik and Solink; they are sexy people. Heart
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I wasnt netdecking it was an armed dragon build at one point and it couldnt handle LS plus my side deck is cyberdark/machine and I dont know anyone with that kind of build with dragons plus if you look at blackwings their traps are pretty much the same too
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That build can be used with any deck type. you don't know anyone who uses it, that doesn't mean it hasn't been done before.
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oh I know but on sites like pojo they only build BWs X sabers and now quickdraw dandywarrior but I haven't been on pojo in a while so who knows there could be a deck out there like mine and have every card I run
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hopeless, indeed..
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