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I'll throw out some info since it seems few people here play Custom Robo. I'm a huge fan of the series.
-The main attacks available to players include a gun weapon, usually the standard attack. Most projectiles from guns are energy-based.
-Next there's the bomb, a secondary weapon which is generally a slow, arcing, and powerful attack.
-The other secondary weapon in the Pods, usually slow/awkward moving explosives that home on the opponent. They self detonate after a short period of time.
-The most deadly but risky attack available to robos is the Charge attack. A charge attack grants the user temporary invincibility, and they move a short distance. The attack is really powerful, but leaves you wide open after attacking. Ray's charge is a simple, quick dash forward.
-Robos can maneuver in the air by "air dashing", which varies from robo to robo. In Ray's case, he simply dashes forward in the air. Streams of energy shoot out of the robo's feet when this happens.*
-Something to consider: Most Guns/Bombs shoot differently when fired in the air compared to on the ground. It might be cool to reflect this in Smash.
-Customization never occurs mid-battle (but if you can think of a clever way to incorporate customization into his moves, why not?**)
Aspects which may work as final smashes (if this project is doing those?):
-Robo matches start with the robos in Robo Cannons. After a countdown, they launch in the direction the player aims in the form of a cube. These cubes then transform into the robos seconds later.
-"Soulboost" is an ability introduced in Custom Robo Arena. When used, the player glows gold and gains a temporary attack and defense boost.
To be specific, the robo you've sprited is Ray Mk III. He's from the DS game Custom Robo Arena. Visually, it looks like he's equipped with the Flare Gun, a Straight Bomb, and a Twin Flank Pod. The Flare Gun shoots short ranged rounds that burst and the end. The Straight Bomb is pretty self explanatory. The Twin Flank Pod shoots two pods on either side of the robo using them.
*If you're shooting for accuracy, since Ray's equipped with the Formula Legs (I think), his streams would be a light blue color.
**Keep in mind, customizing movesets would mean you'd need to redo every sprite to reflect each weapon. I'd recommend sticking to cycling between Gun weapons, keeping everything else the same.
If you'd like me to expand on something, let me know.
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(05-18-2010, 09:04 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: Not if it's all 4 B-moves.
If that idea makes it into the final game it would definitely make Ray one of the funnest and potentially best characters to play as. Well, as long as the customized moves aren't watered down from the original versions.
05-18-2010, 09:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-18-2010, 10:02 PM by Kitsu.)
Well, pre-match customization would kind of slow the setup period down a bit, when we need to be getting the player into the game play as quickly as possible, so I'd like to be able to get any sort of customization in during gameplay, even it it's not the most accurate thing in the world.
Anyway, the customization would likely affect the B moves that are associated with the part picked up (if we go that route). If we don't do the special items thing, then customizing would affect all B moves, but I think that sounds too much like PokeTrainer, Zelda, and the other transforming characters.
As far as "unlocking" attacks, like Ton said, how exactly would that work? Would you be able to choose specific customizations from the selection screen? That sounds like it could be kind of confusing for players, and it might clutter up the screen. Also, if we made separate screen for it, I feel that could be giving the character too much emphasis.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and XG, I just gave 'im what the smash dojo pictures him with.
Hmm, I didn't think about pre-game setups. I had a thing in mind where you'd complete tasks with character (target test, etc) and get some kind of "chip" or "attachment" that Ray could equip and use as his attacks. Before unlocking any he can only use A-attacks, but after you get them all you can do things like Falcon Punch (B), Bowser's bellyflop (smash B), Mario's Jump Punch (up B), and Marth's Counter (Down B).
However, like you said this would be a pain in pre-match time, and would make Ray a real pain to sprite, seeing as he'd have so many different attacks.
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Ahh! I just thought of something! Well.... has anyone here played the newest Dragon Ball Z game for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3? Dragon Ball: Raging Blast?
What I'm getting at is.. in that game they had this real nice attack customization system. It wasn't big... because there were few moves to choose from, but the concept was good. Basically, you start off with your four special moves (In this game, your four B moves), and as you progress through the game's story mode, you unlock more moves for the characters (Or in this case, maybe you find little bits of armour in the place of trophies lying on the ground). As you unlock them, you can go to this deck thing, customize, yadayadayada, blah blah, etc.
Anyway, instead of that, maybe when you go to the character select screen, on MKII's icon there could be a little button reading... "edit" or something. You can then click on that, and go to a little screen where you equip these moves (seeing as it'd be very hard to make it actually show the worn armor, maybe just leave it at guns, bombs and pods?) and then press back, and voila! You can now play with your desired B moves.
B Moves could be Guns
>B could be pods
vB could be Bombs
Yeah?.... no?
Too much work. Would be a bitch to program, too, especially for the AI.
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But Runouw's dah man!
Well... so be it. I was just providing another possible idea for what almost everyone here seemed to want to do. If it's too hard, it's too hard.
But surely something could be done for some sort of customization? Maybe instead of actual viewable weapons, you can get invisible upgrades? You know... speed boosts, and such. It wouldn't make the thing ultra-fast or anything. Just provide a little more speed, for the hell of actually being able to customize it at all. Things that you can actually change to your liking (to match your preferred playing style) are always fun.
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I would say his parts swap out depending on the move he's doing.
His leg parts change to the High-Jump legs when double jumping or doing his ^B. His gun and bomb arms switch up for different strengths and ranges.
Bear in mind that Robos have no close-range attacks; but instead have guns that fire at a very short range, like the Splash (Thows out a flurry of slow-moving fist-shaped bullets at close range) or Sword (Extremely fast bullets that go a very close range and have to be spammed to stay out any length of time) guns.
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How about his different colour changes choose what weapons Ray MK II has (eg. blue, for example, could have some faster moves, red could have more powerful moves, yellow has more projectile moves etc., or whatever colours you guys want)
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That's uh
Not very fighting game-y. If his alternate colours give him different abilities; that should by rights happen to everyone, and fuck that. Just changing the parts circumstantially will give him the moveset, and represent the 'custom' part.
Oh, and Robos were initially designed to do construction work, and tasks deemed too dangerous for humans before they were commercialised. He would probably have the same 'lifting strength' as Donkey Kong and the other heavy characters.
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(05-19-2010, 11:23 AM)Aurapigonstilts Wrote: How about his different colour changes choose what weapons Ray MK II has (eg. blue, for example, could have some faster moves, red could have more powerful moves, yellow has more projectile moves etc., or whatever colours you guys want)
I think they already decided against customizing the weapons beforehand.
Out of curiosity though, does anyone have any ideas for what his final smash should be? The only thing that would really fit with the series would be something to do with illegal parts, but with other characters that already have powered up forms of themselves like Giga Bowser and Warioman it would seem kinda redundant. It wouldn't really have to be something the character can actually do either considering Yoshi's way out of left field Final Smash.
On that note, Yoshi's final smash isn't really all THAT out of left field. After all, he can get wings and spit fireballs in SMW, and he is officially considered a dragon (dragon coins), sooo...
But I guess just switching around between parts for various moves would work, but I like the idea of having a character with some sort of player-controlled customization.
Maybe I'm asking too much of the character. I'm currently researching this topic.
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Well As far as CR DS is concerned, Robos have 2 overpowered situations.
One is using an Illegal part as you say. Most of these parts are uber-strong versions of standard guns. I recall the Wyvern Gun that sent out 5 streams of energy shaped like dragons, that home in on targets. It was fuckin' terrifying.
Then there's the Soulboost. Where you glow gold for a period of time, and you're harder, better, faster, stronger. Ingame it also made you 'dirty' after it wore off, decreasing the effectiveness of your gear.
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Just checking out some of Custom Robo's moves, and got some ideas
Intro: fired out of a cannon
B: 3 way bullets (one fires straight across, one slightly underneath and one slightly over it)
Up B: Cannonball (cannon appears , and user chooses the direction that robo is fired in)
Side B: Exploding bullet (Robo fires bullet slightly upward, and when it lands it explodes)
Down B:
Thats all I got so far. Im a bit rushed for time, so Ill do more research tomorrow
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Yeah the B Up could be the Pod Launcher that works like Ness' PK Thunder.