Users browsing this thread: 19 Guest(s)
What do you think about us?
all of you are cool and I don't wanna make a list since then I'd leave someone out :C

all of you except robbydude

Thanked by: Gwen
a ghost- a bro more like
tyvon- a p. cool guy haven't talked to much personally tho also first uprep thanks bro :bropound:
robbydude- how about just ban
gizmonicgamer- gizmonique gamer (bro4life)
asshole parade- your name will probably be different by the time anyone reads this post
bryan- avatar is entertaining to watch
1up- want to steal his ability to give sprites an easily recognizable style
shawn- i remmeber him from PT don't really see him much here but he made really good sprites iirc
zeemort- seems to be a p. smart and/or cool person, again haven't really talked to personally tho
morgan- made pokepix thread, everyone cheers
rokkan- brazil is cool so by extension
djanjo- likes 2d fighting games and the boondocks, therefore must be at least slightly cool, exact levels not measured yet tho
vipershark- the only good part of lucky star is anime tenchou okay
Thanked by: PrettyNier
tyvon - cool mexican guy
zeemort - britfag, go masturbate over the union jack
robbydude - shit poster ban immediately
vipershark - i've literally never held a conversation with him
a ghost - cool guy, want msn
bryangtbroyan - cool guy, needs to be online more.
lunkya - have literally never talked to before
tomguycott - good poster
kohshe - homeboy
dex - seems pretty nice
sonikku - br0 for life
ravan - br0 for wifes
pieman sprites - favorite member
uncle dazzyman - cool guy, needs to talk more
joshua garrison - great poster, best poster on the forum
morgan - you are pretty cool i guess???
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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i secretly like all of you, see yall later
skype: bryangtbroyan
Thanked by: Stooben, Nystre, slut, Rökkan
[Image: 93awHYlOgr30yz3u5fsuhcpNo1_500.jpg]
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it's like you're intentionally trying to be as unfunny and as 4chan as possible
My Plan Has Been Foiled.
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tsr is a wonderful community i love you all
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i hate tsr xDDD
Tyvon- ooga booga booga where morgan at
Morgan- giant sweetheart n smartie ilu
Woppet- cool accent and nice dresser
kori- ilu a lot and one day im gonna hang out with you
1up- funniest fur friend
portalguru- whoru but you seem okay!!! :^)
fret- austen texas ranger
Dazz- the prince of soccer
Rokkan- good artisTa and funny wordsmith
Nystre- fantastic friend n a cute wordsmith
Kosheh- idunno you well but i have nothing against you
Zeemort- samesies
[Image: tumblr_lbmz8gVkvC1qcyzauo1_500.gif]
Thanked by: slut
(05-19-2010, 07:37 PM)Rhymey Wrote: tSR:
[Image: 93awHYlOgr30yz3u5fsuhcpNo1_500.jpg]
[Image: george-bush-laughing.jpg]
Thanked by: Sonikku
(05-19-2010, 08:12 PM)a ghost Wrote:
(05-19-2010, 07:37 PM)Rhymey Wrote: tSR:
[Image: 93awHYlOgr30yz3u5fsuhcpNo1_500.jpg]
[Image: george-bush-laughing.jpg]

[Image: 6a00d83421dda453ef0120a570e9e8970c-800wi]
[Image: tumblr_lbmz8gVkvC1qcyzauo1_500.gif]
Thanked by:
Thanked by:
Kat- Likes Dr. Horrible, already like you
Tyvon- Awesome guy, great mod, and fantastic spriter. You were rightfully put in your position
asshole parade- bee movie the game
Rhymey- Total loser, don't see who would hang out with this guy. Oh wait, I would. Cool guy, funny at times, and fellow anime-lover.
Tonberry2k- Keeps shit together, has really helped out with organization in the SSB project from what I've seen, and is a responsible administrator.
Woppet- Proves that guys from the UK can be cool and charming(?) at the same time. Have yet to see bad attitude from him
Colton.- Haven't really been around or seen enough of your posts to make a proper assumption, but you seem pretty cool from what I've seen so far.
bryan GT bryon- eat a fuc
oB2Ko Mario- Awesome dude. First to die on the deadly Oregon Trail.
MrSkeleton- Clever and hilarious, keeps the Spamhaul fresh.
nin- Sexiest avatar I have ever seen. Keep making them as scantily clad as possible next to nudity.
DrSlouch- CSIdog.jpg
icarly viewer- One of the first to greet me here. One of my favorite members here, he's funny and at the same time a really nice guy. 4EVAR.
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(05-19-2010, 08:47 PM)ThePortalGuru Wrote: a ghost- YOU'RE THE BEST AROUND, NOTHING'S EVER GONNA TAKE YA DOWN

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seriously fuck all of you guys i really hate everyone
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
Thanked by: Rhyme, Sonikku

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