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post your character and a classical painting
and i will draw your char in the same pose as the classical painting

i need practice
[Image: IiIQzhm.gif]
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[one of] my characters, but not my main one.
[Image: coffeeideas.png]

and some of a boy on a swing
[Image: 1873_Pierre_Auguste_Cot_-_Spring.jpg]
IDK, the only painting I could find without making my char. look stupid.
[Image: OH4K4jX.gif] [Image: R7WBBzo.gif] [Image: TsJpssj.gif]
Thanked by: 17 kids
[Image: 45451995.jpg]

I really hope you meant the girl cause thats who i drew :v
[Image: IiIQzhm.gif]
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I mean the guy, since well, he is a guy :V

still it's awesome, you have a ton of talent Surprise
sorry for the pagerape, but if you still wanna practice, do you wanna try this one?
[Image: starboy.png]
with this?
[Image: pi_313.jpeg]
[Image: OH4K4jX.gif] [Image: R7WBBzo.gif] [Image: TsJpssj.gif]
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yeah fuckit why not; no one else is posting lol
[Image: IiIQzhm.gif]
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des lips figure
[Image: hegay2.png]

guys pose
[Image: classicalfigurepainting.jpg]
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[Image: Adolf-Hitler.jpg]
hip hop goron, since you designed it in the first place Tongue
this is a sig

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(04-29-2010, 01:06 AM)Vipershark Wrote: ooh ooh me
refs are in my sig (under love)

this is my "official" ref (until i draw a better one)
[Image: Ref.png]

basically black trench coat, blue jeans (baggy is optional), fresh black and white nikes, black (or gray) t shirt, hat with yellow thing, green lens sunglasses, black spiky hair
black gloves with yellow designs are optional

edit- actually gorsal's is the most accurate

this pose
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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As your "little brother"(according to Tyvon) I would like one!
Ref:[Image: facesn.png](yeah its my face, I'm lazy and like myself as my character).

And male pose please!(even though the woman has a lovely aerobesc, I prefer the male's)
[Image: rubens_painting_adam_eve.jpg]
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[Image: i4fxo8.png]
[Image: 2921b48.png]
skinny jeans, yellow sweater, pink shirt, and for shoes just give him converse

the guy with the least clothes on, who looks native/aboriginal/Indian
[Image: 1267492263072.jpg]
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[Image: 2whqn2s.jpg]
[Image: 8ys404.jpg]

Don't care who's him
[Image: garrybeusymonsters.gif]
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im gonna need some compliments or niceness i dont liek when people are just like "do this and this" :v
[Image: IiIQzhm.gif]
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des babby
Thanked by: Chris2Balls [:B]
actually im already done with yours :v
also sorry Baegal i got too frustrated with your second one to continue, sorry bro

[Image: oneup2090295.jpg]

also i feel like that painting has some sort of handjob motif
[Image: IiIQzhm.gif]
holy dicks thats awesome
Thanked by: PrettyNier

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