Before I do it, is this even a semi decent idea? Also if this is or isn't a "good idea" atleast supply reasons.
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Trading in 360 for ps3?
06-23-2010, 11:54 PM
i have both.
Never touch the 360. Play the PS3 alot. Free online and better exclusives. Thanked by: Omegajak
06-24-2010, 12:01 AM
Honestly, just own both, and find a cheap way to get your hands on the PS3 so that whatever DOESN'T evetually get ported over you can still get.
Thanked by: Gwen
06-24-2010, 12:03 AM
Can you list some exclusives? I've been living under a rock in the gaming world for the past couple months so I'm not really sure what's out for it. I mean, everything I own the 360(like 5 or 6 games) minus L4D2 is on the PS3, and to be frank if it wasn't for the fact most of my friends play on 360 I probably wouldn't have gotten one. The only reason I'm really considering is because I'm hearing the ps3 offers more, but no one has ever told me what that "more" is. However free online is pretty rad, as is that ModNation Racers thing.
ps3 has at least 50 more exclusives than the 360(not even kidding)
the entire ps3(exclusives only) library has a higher rating on metacritic than all of the 360 exclusives the ps3 has better graphical capabilities than the 360 the ps3 has a better online comminuty the ps3 is a fucking bluray player the ps3 slim isn't a completely useless pile of shit the ps3 doesn't red ring every 15 minutes ps move doesn't look anywhere near as shitty as kinect kevin butler
06-24-2010, 12:16 AM
PS3 also has more exclusive content for multiplatform games
1up, thank you. Well after I unhook half my shit and get my brother not to whine and bitch because he can't play modernoveratedpieceofshitfare 2 with his friends anymore, I'll see what gamestop will give me towards a trade in on a used ps3, hell if I'm lucky maybe I'll get it almost free if not free after I trade in a few games towards it.
06-24-2010, 12:24 AM
That's if you're really lucky. With the new 360 model out, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they half'd the sellback price for old-style 360s.
Aww your right. This maybe more a shot to ass then its worth.
06-24-2010, 12:41 AM
The assumption that the PS3, while admittedly true that it does have a BETTER community than 360, still sucks my ass. Was playing Red Dead at a friend's (he has the PS3 version, I don't), and there was a bunch of trash talking little bitches on it. Then the day after that I got a "UR GAY!" message from a punk who I totally beat the shit out of in BlazBlue as Iron Tager when he was Arakune, something I thought I'd never be able to do. He just sucked.
Good times. ![]()
06-24-2010, 01:01 AM
keep your 360, 1up and tyvon are literally blinded fanboys
im not saying they are wrong but the 360 is a great console and while it would be great to have a PS2 i dont think you should have to sacrafice one for the other maybe get a job and buy one Thanked by: Kairos, Phantom Killah, Gwen, Rhyme
06-24-2010, 01:03 AM
blind fanboys that are also right, wahay!
06-24-2010, 01:04 AM
im not a blinded fanboy. get the psthree.
06-24-2010, 01:12 AM
(06-24-2010, 01:01 AM)sexhaver1994 Wrote: keep your 360, 1up and tyvon are literally blinded fanboysI'm not a fanboy. At all.
06-24-2010, 01:18 AM
*Cough* totally are *cough*
Although the PS3 is fucking rad. |
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