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hey i know some of u have wacky parents or no parents (sorry) what do those wacky mom n dads do!!!!!

for instance i feel sick in the morning by default. i always have and my dad knows this

however if i dont eat breakfast he loses his shit

also he is in a stage where he is obsessed with me being a 'man' to the point where he spent $30 on protein powder to make me stronger?????? i made a point of telling him it was stupid and never drank it, now my sisters do so i guess that's resolved
i also can't wear bright colors of purple without upsetting him anymore although he's more ok with that now

also going to community college is a huge failure to the family apparently, even though my sister's in there currently and it's cheaper/closer/more flexible. the reason hes so pissed that im not going away is because he wants to move someplace where he doesnt have to take his kids with him (he wants to move to california)
while there is nothing wrong with that i sort of wish he'd wait until we were old enough to move out and live on our own as opposed to saying "i sure wish i didn't live with my kids anymore" when they were 16-18

GOOD ASPECTS OF DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hes usually pretty nice n funny and carts me wherever i need to go if he can
he is a PROVIDER since he kicked my mom out of the house because she was a crazy lady
he is paying for the costs of living on long island (which are redicu-high, another reason he wants to and should move)
etc!! he is a responsible dad usually

i love my mom a lot too

now tell me all about your parents and things you like/dont like
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my dad is kind of an irresponsible bum and my mom has lots of mental problems and is incredibly bipolar and can't really hold down a job well and lives with my grandparents

my dad supposedly took acid once and went to go see the movie groundhog day in theatres and was freaking the fuck out
he thought he was in there for like 2 years heh
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my dad is a sleezy opportunistic right-wing insurance salesman who has a short fuse

but he's kind of a goofball and we grew up playing N64 together (he used to kick my ass at Mario Kart 64 + he was the one who got 120 stars for me in Super Mario 64 without a strategy guide + did the hard path on Star Fox 64 + beat Bomberman 64) and he taught me how to drive and he sometimes shares stories of the culture and etc. growing up in france and he also knows things like asterix and tintin (as he should)

he also makes a lot more money than anyone I know's parents but we are in debt like crazy so I guess he's really bad at being responsible and managing money right (we don't live in a big house or anything or in a fancy neighborhood)
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oh right he's french *hon hon*
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dad's a big, angry dockworker and he's really depressing to be around (he complains about his life a LOT) but otherwise he's really cool

mom's a drug addict and my stepdad does nothing about it, she's really nice when she's not high though
skype: bryangtbroyan
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my dad beat me 2 years ago for being gay

i dont live with him anymore
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(06-25-2010, 02:36 PM)Chris2Balls [:B] Wrote: oh right he's french *hon hon*

he doesn't really act it tho also some of my friends say he has a strong accent but i can't hear it
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my dad is a alcoholic smoker even though he has diabetes, heart problems and asthma! but he's a really funny guy and nice to hang around except when his favorite team in sports is losing.

my mom is a cool chick though she's not the most exciting person to be around but i still love her.
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my mom yells at me for not eating breakfast
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Thanked by: PrettyNier
(06-25-2010, 04:40 PM)Vipershark Wrote: my mom yells at me for not eating breakfast

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my mom owns and my dad hasn't been around in 12 years Smile
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my dad needs to die. Sad

my mom is p cool tho
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My parents taught me a good lesson in how not to raise children.
Thanked by: Rhyme, PrettyNier
my mom beat me with a yard stick when i was young because i told my step dad that she drove me around all night, on a school night causing me to not wake up to my alarm clock the next day

my dad is cool because he gained custody over me from my mom and buys me anything i want (i tend to only want stuff when i know he can afford it)
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(06-25-2010, 05:49 PM)Keychain Wrote: my mom beat me with a yard stick when i was young because i told my step dad that she drove me around all night, on a school night causing me to not wake up to my alarm clock the next day

my dad is cool because he gained custody over me from my mom and buys me anything i want (i tend to only want stuff when i know he can afford it)

i bet you like scott pilgrim too
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Thanked by: PrettyNier

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