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whats the matter with scott pilgrim
Thanked by: Omegajak

im outie
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Thanked by: Alpha Six, PrettyNier
my parents are super christian bible humpers who do no wrong and censor the fuck out of everything in my life especially my mom but my dad is kinda cool when he's not being the farm boy from mississippi
Thanked by: PrettyNier
(06-25-2010, 07:04 PM)Sambo Wrote: my parents are super christian bible humpers who do no wrong and censor the fuck out of everything in my life especially my mom but my dad is kinda cool when he's not being the farm boy from mississippi

this is my nightmare >: im sorry
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My Mom worries way to much, but is incredibly cool at the same time. Plays NES with me a lot, and even tries to play the 360. Tongue
My Bio Dad is an asshole who tries to be a good dad, but doesn't listen at all. He's in a all organic business called Essante, fucking retarded business, and he criticizes me all the time for not getting into it, going as far to say Im killing my family with chemicals. I love him but I can't stand him most of the time.
My Step-dad, fuckin.awesome. Went down to KC when I went to see Mastodon/Dethklok, took us around downtown all day. I could go on, cause he's a rad mother fucker. He can take things to seriously sometimes, but is a great Step-dad.
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my parents are really responsible and i feel that they raised me the best way they could have, but my mom kind of spoils me a lot and it kind of bugs me that she controls my sleep schedule and pretty much everything on my life as if I was a 12 year old that doesn't know what's the best for himself or that barely has limits - and I do, and I'm 17.

also there's something, my mom doesn't know how to argue and doesn't realize that my dad is much better at that and at being more reasonable, so when she doesn't convince me and my brother at doing something and our father does, she thinks that it's because we don't respect her :I

my father is old-fashioned on his opinions though, and sometimes is kind of close minded and short-fused

still, I don't have much to complain, I was raised pretty well by them
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last fathers day i told my dad that when i grow up i just want to be like him.

we hug and cried like manly men do when happy. and then we drank some beers and watched football on his new 42" lcd tv C:

i couldn't have better parents, and i wish i could share them with you guys.
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(06-25-2010, 02:24 PM)DrSlouch Wrote: my dad is a sleezy opportunistic right-wing insurance salesman who has a short fuse

but he's kind of a goofball and we grew up playing N64 together (he used to kick my ass at Mario Kart 64 + he was the one who got 120 stars for me in Super Mario 64 without a strategy guide + did the hard path on Star Fox 64 + beat Bomberman 64) and he taught me how to drive
this is literally me
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not even kidding i did all of those things
and my dad is an insurance salesman(kind of!!!, he's the district manager of some insurance company i dont really even care enough to learn the name of)
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my dad is the janitor from scrubs
Thanked by: triptych, Kairos, 17 kids
first page pretty depressing. 2nd page clean slate.
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My dad is racist, sexist, and homophobic.
But he is really a cool guy. We watch soccer matches together and chill out. He also gave me my first beer.

My mom likes to yell. I mean YELL. She yells at me every time my room is not cleaned or if anything isn't going her way. I remember asking her why she yells so much and she said exactly "Shit won't get done if I say pretty please."

Thanked by: Sengir
Mom's a worrywart. If my dad was a little more focused she wouldn't have to worry, and they could be more like a team not just each of them trying to fix everything on their own. Still very loving and forgiving people, despite they're hypocrisy in some situations.

I put in work I asked for game consoles they obliged I kept out of trouble they let me rent games I did a little work they gave me money to buy my own games.

I asked for a Laptop 3 years ago I save up some money they split it down with me with me covering most of the bill. Good people I tells ya.
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You may also know me as Giraffe
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my dad is literally bryans dad but a trucker instead of a dockworker

my mom is very sane and USUALLY reasonable but she has these spurts where she tries to gain authority over me by being more strict and shit when i literally do nothing wrong though i think shes just taking out her rage she has for my p.o.s. brother on me because she literally lets my brother do w/e he wants (steal, drugs, father children, write bad checks and cost us thousands each month)
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I caught my dad fapping once, it really was awkward as fuck Sad
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Thanked by: Gold

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