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Pokémon Black & White (be warned: spoilers)
I think it looks fine. Again, though, Wotter wins! Glad I love Wotter and not the pig or snake.
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
Thanked by: Sengir, Maxpphire, Gwen, Helmo
Someone answer me a question.

Why would the grass monkey have only one shade under his head, but the fire, who is meant to be in the same style and what not, have 2?

EDIT- Also, on the right side of the starter evo page, it looks like a glare on the curve of the page, and yet it doesn't seem to effect the grass guy's nose. Wouldn't the glare show up over that as well? (provided it is indeed a glare, which I believe it is)
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This is all from serebii at least there aren't anymore legendaries this time as there was last time (Both Gen 4 and Gen 5 seem to have 13 or them)

There are 156 new Pokémon within this generation; 153 within normal gameplay and further 3 event Pokémon (#647, #648 & #649) that will be distributed in a manner similar to Darkrai, Shaymin & Arceus in the previous generation
In regards to a few numbers and details;
#633 through #635 are a Dark/Dragon-type evolution chain
#638 is a Steel/Fighting-type Legendary
#639 is a Rock/Fighting-type Legendary
#640 is a Grass/Fighting-type Legendary
#641 is a Pure Flying-type Legendary
#642 is an Electric/Flying-type Legendary
Reshiram is to be #643
Zekrom is to be #644
#645 is a Ground/Flying-type Legendary
#646 is a Dragon/Ice-type Legendary
#647 is a Water/Fighting-type Event Legendary
#648 is a Normal/Psychic-type Event Legendary
#649 is a Bug/Steel-type Event Legendary
In Hiun City, the boats will take you to various islands.
Remember, there is a chance that this will change prior to release of the game.

The evolution of Tsutarja is called Janobii (ジャノビー). It is the Grass Snake Pokémon, is 0.8m, 16kg and a Grass-type. Its ability is Overgrow
The evolution of Pokabu is called Chaobuu (チャオブー). It is the Fire Pig Pokémon, is 1m tall, 16kg and a Fire/Fighting-type. Its ability is Blaze
The evolution of Tsutarja is called Futachimaru (フタチマル). It is the Training Pokémon, is 0.8m, 24.5kg and a Water-type. Its ability is Torrent
The fire ape is called Boappu (バオップ). It is the High Temperature Pokémon, is 0.6m, 11kg and a Fire-type. Its ability is Gluttony. It has a new move called Burst Flame (はじけるほのお) which does damage to nearby opponents
The fire ape is called Hiyappu (ヒヤップ). It is the Water Throw Pokémon, is 0.6m, 13.5kg and a Fire-type. Its ability is Gluttony. It has a new move called Boiling Water (ねっとう) which, while being a Water-type move, can inflict a Burn
Another image also shows that Dento has co-gym leaders which use the other chimps. One of the characters is named Poddo (ポッド) and the other is Koon (コーン). The gym leader you face appears to depend upon the starter Pokémon you choose.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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(09-11-2010, 12:31 AM)Kat Wrote: #641 is a Pure Flying-type Legendary

Wasn't expecting this
[Image: sxv5uJR.gif]
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About time they had a pokemon that was pure flying type.

I wounder if they buffed the type enough to make it more then just a sub type.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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Yessssss, they were actually real

Wotter is going to be my starter; because I have a feeling Smugleaf wont be Grass/Dragon or Grass/Electric and Piggybacon is gonna be Fire/Fighting instead of Fire/Ground

Also fuck gimme my Normal/Ghost ):


Afro-bull. Fuck yes~
[Image: 2003-02-20.gif]
Actually I feel kinda cheated with the Not-Tauros.

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Shikijika's evolution is called Mebukijika (メブキジカ), is the Season Pokémon, is a Normal/Grass-type and has the abilities Chlorophyll & Herbivore
The cloud Pokémon is called Monmen (モンメン), is a Grass-type, the Cotton Ball Pokémon and has two new abilities; Mischievous Heart (いたずらごころ) and Slip Through (すりぬけ )
The bulb Pokémon is called Churine (チュリネ), is a Grass-type and has the ability Chlorophyll & Own Tempo
The mushroom Pokémon is called Tamagetake (タマゲタケ), is the Mushroom Pokémon, is a Grass/Poison-type and has the ability Effect Spore
The Rock Pokémon is called Dangoro (ダンゴロ), is the Mantle Pokémon, is a Rock type and has the ability Sturdy
The bull is called Baffuron (バッフロン), is the Headbutt Bull Pokémon, is a Normal type and has the abilities Reckless & Herbivore
The cat is called Choroneko (チョロネコ), is the Ill-Natured Pokémon, is a Dark type and has the abilities Limber & Unburden
The dog is called Yooterii (ヨーテリー), is the Puppy Pokémon, is a Normal type and has the ability Pick-Up
Previously revealed Pokémon Doryuuzu , is the Deep Earth Pokémon, is a Ground/Steel type and has the ability Sand Throw & Sand Power
Previously revealed Pokémon Tabunne , is the Healing Pokémon, is a Normal type and has the ability Healing Heart and a new one called Regeneration (さいせいりょく )
Previously revealed Pokémon Basurao has two different forms. It is the Violence Pokémon, is a Water type and has the abilities Reckless & Adaptibility
Previously revealed Pokémon Ononokusu is the Jaw Horn Pokémon, is a Dragon-type and has the abilities Rivalry & Mold Breaker
Previously revealed Pokémon Desukan is the Coffin Pokémon, is a Ghost-type and has the new ability Mummy (ミイラ )
Previously revealed Pokémon Denchura is the Electric Spider Pokémon, is a Bug/Electric-type and has the ability Compoundeyes or the new ability Anxiety (きんちょうかん )
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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So, the Starter's Evolution Page of CoroCoro is a possible fake, apparently some things on it didn't add up (at least according to Serebii)...Nevermind, they just confirmed it...I have to say, I absolutely love Mijumaru's Evolution! I just hope that when it evolves into it's final form, it will be able to stand on it's hind legs (if that one is confirmed real)

Also, Afro-Bull is awesome!
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
Thanked by: Maxpphire
Zekrom's Signature move is Cross Thunder while Reshiram's is Cross Flame. If you use one after the other one has been used, the power of each move is increased and it is used automatically.
Victini has a new exclusive move called Fire Platform which can cause a burn. However, this move isn't in Victini's level-up and is learned via a different method. It attacks everyone on field
Emonga has a new move called Eleci Ball (エレキボール) which has a higher power based on your speed compared to your opponent's speed
Dream World
Different wild Pokémon will appear in different areas of the Dream World. For example you can find Aerodactyl in a sky area and other Pokémon near lakes. This is done in a place called Dream Island. You can even play if you don't have Black & White!
Makomo will loan you her Munna so you can access the Dream World
There are numerous mini-games within the Dream World for you to participate in and if your results are good, the Pokémon you played with will befriend you and be willing to be sent down to your main games
You can trade items with other players in the Dream World

A Plasma executive, and the guy we've seen in numerous trailers is called Geechisu ゲーチス

N uses Choroneko while Aloe is weak to Chaobuu as she focuses on Normal-types

There is an option to battle straight away on the main menu
The Transfer Machine with PokéShifter requires DS Download Play which will link into your Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver games. This is different from the PokéShifter and allows you to get the beasts and Celebi over to access Zorua & Zoroark. You need to select the words "Everyone Happy Easy Communication" to get it to work (みんな ハッピー かんたん つうしん)) This is done in Hiun City
Zorua is to be found in a building in Hiun City while Zoroark is found in a new area called Illusion Woods. It can only be obtained once
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF why is it Fire/Fighting starter again? That's so gay. I had high hopes for the pig ):

Deer looks awesome though. Same with the sarcophagus.
Thanked by: Baegal
wotter family is the greatest ever



Is it that fucking hard to make something else Fire/Normal would have been better
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normal cant be a secondary type so yeah it is hard lol

also the mole is fucking retarded, the mantis and spider are koopauls sig incarnate

afro bull is awesome, its obviously a bison with an afro like mane but did the SERIOUSLY name its move afro break? thats more retarded than the mole. i hate a game when it cant even take itself seriously

wotter still on top, has been since the start
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
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if there making a pure flying fly type they can

The pig is cool but they should've gone with a fire/steel ram
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(09-11-2010, 08:58 AM)pikachu diamonds Wrote: normal cant be a secondary type so yeah it is hard lol

also the mole is fucking retarded, the mantis and spider are koopauls sig incarnate

afro bull is awesome, its obviously a bison with an afro like mane but did the SERIOUSLY name its move afro break? thats more retarded than the mole. i hate a game when it cant even take itself seriously

wotter still on top, has been since the start
Afro Break is most likely the rough Engrish translation of the move. They'll probably rename it in the English version.
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