Love the idea of the powerful-looking viking with the cape for the third fire starter stage, but his stance in that pic is a little odd. Also a full beard would probably look better than that goatee, especially if we go with the viking motif.
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TSR PokeDex Project
![]() I haven't made a fakemon in forever so I'm not sure if these are what you'd be looking for. Anyways, I guess I should give some info (I'm just making up names on the spot, feel free to suggest new ones). Huminy (Hum-Mini)- Grass/Flying- Hummingbird pokemon Humilidae (Hum-Trochilidae)- Grass/ Flying- Hummingbird pokemon So yeah, based off of hummingbirds and flowers for obvious reasons. EDIT- Thought of another, more interesting pokemon. ![]() Now I know people say a fire and water type wouldn't make sense, but I think it could work. Shrimurry (Shrimp/Curry)- water/fire- Geyser pokemon Craburn (Crab/Burn)- water/fire- Vent pokemon I thought of this general idea back when Ruby and Sapphire came out but I never made a design for them until now. Either way I think the general idea works in a way that would justify their types. Also, I couldn't think of a better name so I'm open for suggestions. Edit-changed names to better ones. Thanked by: Sengir, StarSock64, Wes, Gwen
03-03-2011, 10:47 PM
Those rams look great! They make me think of storm clouds though which makes me feel like he should be electric type...You could probably get away with a different type but wouldn't fire/rock be a pretty mean weakness to grass and water and ground? Unless he has an ability to compensate, or something.
The birds look good too, but they should be bigger to look more like legendaries; I feel like I could find those wild in the grass. Also, it seems a little silly to have birds without flying as their secondary type. I mean, even doduo/drio have flying type, and they're flightless. It might be better to try other animals for rock and scissors.
Damn and I had just made this...
![]() Well it's up to you guys what you prefer. I personally think softer looking hooves look better. I based them on the Mareep line. The gunshrimp is an interesting idea. I had an idea foe a Water Fire Pokemon that was a teapot. Thanked by: Baegal, ~DrakoRero~
03-04-2011, 10:47 AM
once all the ram designs are we could edit the poll to see which one everybody likes more
03-04-2011, 12:19 PM
Oh hey, just wondering if you guys have made a common bug type yet. If not I had an idea a while back that could work for this.
A bee like pokemon based off of witting utensils. First stage could be your basic caterpillar, it evolves into a cocoon that moves around but springing with a clicking retractable tail like nub on it (mimicking a mechanical pencil/pen) and the final one is a bee who's stinger is based off of one of those old fashioned ink pens. Unlike previous bee and bee like pokemon, I picture this one being slower and a bit dumpier instead of sleek and ready for action.
03-04-2011, 02:58 PM
![]() The legendary Pokémon of team spirit: Pegentaur (Pegasus+Centaur) Type: Dragon/Psychic Companionship Pokémon There are some things you can't do on your own. In these situations it is best to have partners you can rely on. This is what Pegentaur taught the people. To come: Uniquern (Unique+Unicorn) Type: Dragon/??? Independance Pokémon Sometimes you have to make your own decisions. It is best to trust your own instinct rather than be steered in the wrong direction. This is what Uniquern taught the people. Planned design: In contrast to Pegentaurs four legs I want to give Uniquern four arms. I also want to give him yellow hair, light skin and purple or dark blue bracelets. It also has two horns on the sides of its head instead of one on its forehead. All I need is to get the design right.
@NICKtendo DS:They're good ideas, but it doesn't have the same sort of look like Pokemon such as Dialga and Palkia, or Reshiram and Zekrom. And if Uniquern is based of a unicorn, shouldn't that have one horn, and Pegentaur have two?
@Chaoxys: We've got an idea for one common Bug type but it's not confirmed. I think your idea is interesting. Thanked by: Gwen
03-04-2011, 04:52 PM
(03-04-2011, 03:54 PM)Ike Wrote: @NICKtendo DS:They're good ideas, but it doesn't have the same sort of look like Pokemon such as Dialga and Palkia, or Reshiram and Zekrom. And if Uniquern is based of a unicorn, shouldn't that have one horn, and Pegentaur have two? That's optional. As long as my idea is clear. Anyone is free to use and abuse these. Getting Pokémon to look like the actual legendaries isn't that easy for me. I had to destroy various failures of sketches before I had Pegentaur "right". I insist that the idea of the two legends of teamwork and independance stay. What could the third be (think Rayquaza, Giratina, Kyurem). I had "the power of nothing" in mind. I also had a name, but isn't permanent: "Chaoid" (Chaos+Void) Chaoid Type: Dragon/Dark? Null Pokémon On rare occasions it's better to leave the situation as it is. Tampering with the situation could lead to either success or chaos. Sometimes it's better not to take the risk. That is what Chaoid taught the people. Also an idea for a BUG Pokémon: A pill bug (woodlouse). It is also known as a roly-poly or roll up bug (on Wikipedia), so maybe BUG/GROUND, BUG/ROCK or pure BUG with attacks like Rollout. The body could be designed accordingly.
03-04-2011, 05:26 PM
Mkay, this'll be my last one for now, at least until I get some opinions or whatever so I know if I'm going in the right direction with these. Heres my idea for the Pikachu of this gen.
![]() Voltaru (Volt/Kangaroo)- Kangaroo Rat pkmn I wanted to make his arms stubby to show that he'd fight more with his feet. Also, the tail is meant to be a bit more poofed up than it looks. It's like individual hairs, not a flat... thing like Riachu's tail.
03-04-2011, 05:33 PM
Chaoxys, I like all of your ideas. I've always wanted a Hummingbird pokemon, but the second stage looks kind of clustered because it's so small. Maybe remove a few details, but very good. And Fire/Water is one of my favorite fakemon type combinations. I once made one that was like a large giant squid that was also an underwater volcano, but this idea is very cool. And it really looks like a real pokemon. Reminds me a lot of Remoraid and Octillery, which I a good thing. The kangaroo rat is great, but Raichu was based off of a kangaroo rat so I think its a little too similar.
03-04-2011, 05:47 PM
Hmmm... I'm not really sure what I could remove without making it look... well...hmmm.
I don't want to remove his flower neck thing since thats obviously a key part of the design. The wings are obviously needed.. What if I reposition the red part of it's tail so it's not getting in the way of the wings, or just remove them in general? Also, I don't think the kangaroo rat thing would be too much of an issue if they look different enough (I'm not saying mine does, I'm just saying in general). I mean, look at the Pikachu's in gen 4/5.
03-04-2011, 06:14 PM
(03-04-2011, 05:47 PM)Chaoxys Wrote: Hmmm... I'm not really sure what I could remove without making it look... well...hmmm.Yeah the red part of the tail was sticking out to me too. Like I wasn't sure if it was part of the wings or not. I think the problem is just how small it is. Like I know it has to be small, but somethings seems cluttered to me. Maybe its the two leaves at the base of the wing. If you remove those and maybe just have the wings connect to the body the way that the first evolution's wing does, it might look a little less bunched up. As for the rat, its just that the body shape remind me off earlier Pikachu and Raichu designs (like the Gen 1 sprites) and the tail really looks a lot like Raichu's. But you should probably wait for more input before changing anything.
03-04-2011, 06:46 PM
Hmmm... I just tried changing it how you suggested but it makes him look... off. Honestly I think the issue may spawn from the pose in general. I'll probably try working with it some more later, but honestly, for a grass type flower bird, I think having it a bit flashier and what not is fitting, but like I said, I can work on it more later.
Wait, if I make the general body size larger, would that resolve some issues?
03-04-2011, 08:58 PM
Well you could be right. I mean I agree having the flower, as well as some patterns like those on the petals and the wings, is necessary for your design. Maybe I'm just crazy and it actually looks really good right now. And yeah, making the picture larger might help, but you don't have to. I mean the Pokemon itself should stay small, though. I'm not suggesting we change it's height in the Pokedex, just the size of the image.
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