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Major Pokemon Black and White Animation Ripping Project
here is hitmontop, kingra, natu, smeargle, sudowoodo
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(10-16-2010, 09:57 AM)Clowcardruler Wrote: Hey just wanted to inform everybody has our animations on their page, the arent taking credit for them, nor are they giving us credit....Just wantd to let yall know

the person running te site says he gathered them all from theinternet, but it would have been nice if he gave us credit and posted onlyours because we are the ones who have been workng our butts off on all of these

Yeah they did steal our sprites they even steal My kurumiru!!!Cry
if they want to use our sprites they should give us credits and permission
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Ya I know, He no gives credit to the forum and i told him that it wasnt we were mad of, it was the fact that he didnt ask and give credit, now he will ask me for permision firs so dont worry
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haha, that sudowoodo is funky to the max.
[Image: JSW7XoM.png][Image: M9AUckK.png]
Thanked by: Baegal
Hello to everyone may i present you my sixth rip^^ its Gochimiru I rip her because when iam playing Black and white on my computer i saw her on my team so it gave me the idea to Rip her and she is cute^^for me anyways here she is

[Image: gochimiru.png]
Gochimiru's GIF:
[Image: gochimiru.gif]
Thanked by: Baegal
5 new sprites:

I think that this topic need to be properly rearranged...
I don't know more who is doing what...

so here is what i've done

I'm an Italian Webmaster ( )
Pokémon Black & White Ripping Animation Project, Gif Repository: here
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Terakion complete Smile
[Image: terakionback.gif]
[Image: terakionsheet.png]

Your sprites are cool
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@Deneb87 cool rips but Golduck have already been posted by Metalflygon08
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ok guys im gonna do all of the unown just telling yall
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(10-17-2010, 08:19 AM)Clowcardruler Wrote: ok guys im gonna do all of the unown just telling yall


Well, here is Wynaut.
[Image: wynaut.gif][Image: wynautback.gif]
[Image: wynautsheet.png]
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SadOk im gonna start posting all unown whch includes abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz and !?
Thanked by: Baegal
WOW, I have been great, you're a ripping machine, I can barely sprites rip 3 or 4 day and you do 28?
Keep it up and will soon finish it cool Cool

PVery Sad Would be nice if you were adding the backs, I know that is heavy but there are task Sad
Thanked by: Baegal
(10-17-2010, 11:08 AM)Jefelin Wrote: WOW, I have been great, you're a ripping machine, I can barely sprites rip 3 or 4 day and you do 28?
Keep it up and will soon finish it cool Cool

PVery Sad Would be nice if you were adding the backs, I know that is heavy but there are task Sad

oh shoot, i always do the fronts and forget about the backs, ill start doing them soon Sad
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(10-17-2010, 11:22 AM)Clowcardruler Wrote:
(10-17-2010, 11:08 AM)Jefelin Wrote: WOW, I have been great, you're a ripping machine, I can barely sprites rip 3 or 4 day and you do 28?
Keep it up and will soon finish it cool Cool

PVery Sad Would be nice if you were adding the backs, I know that is heavy but there are task Sad

oh shoot, i always do the fronts and forget about the backs, ill start doing them soon Sad

Incredible, is not you forget? ji, ji, ji. You have a head ...
Well I hope that the wonderful flavors nosepass animation
[Image: nosepass.gif]
[Image: nosepassback.gif]
[Image: nosepasssheet.png]
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ok now im starting to do the backs of all my posted animations here are some...
Thanked by: Baegal

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