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Major Pokemon Black and White Animation Ripping Project
(11-27-2010, 12:01 PM)Zekrom101 Wrote:
(11-27-2010, 09:13 AM)Jefelin Wrote: Kibago back and shiny back
[Image: 610bd.gif][Image: 610sb.gif]

Well now complete the Pokédex Isshu, there are 2 or 3 and is 100% shinys
Ok here are two of them:

[Image: 559s.gif] [Image: 559sb.gif]
[Image: 618s.gif] [Image: 618sb.gif]

But i can't recolor Reshiram, it's the same problem like Zoroark, jefelin can you do it? Smile

EDIT: @Misdreavous525 i don't know that you would recolor Zuruggu, sry Shy

It's done who cares? Tongue

FYI, Turtwig, Grotle, Torterrra, Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Priplup and Prinplup are all recolored. I'll post them once I'm finished w/ Empoleon.
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
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Hi to all,

i've uploaded all the gif here
I'm an Italian Webmaster ( http://www.poketown.net/ )
Pokémon Black & White Ripping Animation Project, Gif Repository: here
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Thank you very much guys, were missing, it did not know you had problems with Reshiram, then I do and I'll post it Wink

Well here is Chatot
[Image: chactot.gif][Image: chactotback.gif]
[Image: chactotsheet.png]

Not for nothing, but most of Sinnoh starter has optimization problems and mistakes (were the first who made Deneb), I think it would be better that me to make them for you recolored, but I will leave to the end because I want to rip those who have not been ripped, sorry Shy
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(11-27-2010, 12:24 PM)Jefelin Wrote: Thank you very much guys, were missing, it did not know you had problems with Reshiram, then I do and I'll post it Wink

Well here is Chatot
[Image: chactot.gif][Image: chactotback.gif]
[Image: chactotsheet.png]

Not for nothing, but most of Sinnoh starter has optimization problems and mistakes (were the first who made Deneb), I think it would be better that me to make them for you recolored, but I will leave to the end because I want to rip those who have not been ripped, sorry Shy

Don't worry I know they had problems which is why it took so long, but they've been fixed Tongue And after ur done Reshiram, if you could do; Hippowdon, Drapion, Carnivine, Lumineon, Weavile, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Tangrowth, Magmortar, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Porygon-Z, Probopass, Gallade, Froslass and the lake trio. Plz? Shy
Well here are the Sinnoh starters, fixed and shinitized XD

Turtwig, Grotle and Torterra:

[Image: ShinyTurtwiganimated.gif] [Image: ShinyTurtwiganimatedback.gif]

[Image: ShinyGrotleanimated2.gif] [Image: ShinyGrotleanimatedback2.gif]

[Image: ShinyTorterraanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyTorterraanimatedback.gif]

Chimchar, Monferno and Infernape:

[Image: ShinyChimcharanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyChimcharanimatedback.gif]

[Image: ShinyMonfernoanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyMonfernoanimatedback.gif]

[Image: ShinyInfernapeanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyInfernapeanimatedback.gif]

And finally, Piplup, Prinplup and Empoleon:

[Image: ShinyPiplupanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyPiplupanimatedback.gif]

[Image: ShinyPrinplupanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyPrinplupanimatedback.gif]

[Image: ShinyEmpoleonanimated-1.gif] [Image: ShinyEmpoleonanimatedback.gif]

They were are; Empoleon was the biggest pain but is fixed and there they are.

Edit: Fixing Grotle, damnit........

Edit: Fixed Big Grin
Next on my list:

Luxio(both), Luxray(male), Budew, Roserade(both), Combee(both), Vespiquen, Shellos(both), Gastrodon(both), Ambipom(female), Drifloon, Driftblim, Buneary, Lopunny, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Glameow, Purugly, Chingling, Bronzor, Bronzong, Happiny, Bonsly, Mime Jr., Gible(both), Garchomp(male), Croagunk(both), Toxicroak(both), Chatot, Togekiss, Azelf, Dialga, Shaymin(both) and Cresselia.
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
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(11-27-2010, 12:43 PM)Misdreavous525 Wrote: Luxio(both), Luxray(male), Budew, Roserade(both), Combee(both), Vespiquen, Shellos(both), Gastrodon(both), Ambipom(female), Drifloon, Driftblim, Buneary, Lopunny, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Glameow, Purugly, Chingling, Bronzor, Bronzong, Happiny, Bonsly, Mime Jr., Gible(both), Garchomp(male), Croagunk(both), Toxicroak(both), Chatot, Togekiss, Azelf, Dialga, Shaymin(both) and Cresselia.

Hey, hey, hey, slower, i would like to do some, too! ;P

I've already done some:

[Image: 453ms.gif] [Image: 453msb.gif]
[Image: 453fs.gif] [Image: 453fsb0.gif]

[Image: 454ms.gif] [Image: 454msb.gif]
[Image: 454fs.gif] [Image: 454fsb.gif]

[Image: 468s.gif] [Image: 468sb.gif]

EDIT: fixed the white lines Wink
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im gonna try to finish all the sinnoh ones i have started today which are
Burmy (all formes)
Wormadam (all formes)
and i plan to finish the oter region nes i have started tomorow which are
Xatu (male female)

here is heatran
[Image: 485c.gif]
[Image: heatranback.gif]
[Image: heatransheet.png]
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(11-27-2010, 01:35 PM)Zekrom101 Wrote:
(11-27-2010, 12:43 PM)Misdreavous525 Wrote: Luxio(both), Luxray(male), Budew, Roserade(both), Combee(both), Vespiquen, Shellos(both), Gastrodon(both), Ambipom(female), Drifloon, Driftblim, Buneary, Lopunny, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Glameow, Purugly, Chingling, Bronzor, Bronzong, Happiny, Bonsly, Mime Jr., Gible(both), Garchomp(male), Croagunk(both), Toxicroak(both), Chatot, Togekiss, Azelf, Dialga, Shaymin(both) and Cresselia.

Hey, hey, hey, slower, i would like to do some, too! ;P

I've already done some:

[Image: 453ms.gif] [Image: 453msb.gif]
[Image: 453fs.gif] [Image: 453fsb0.gif]

[Image: 454ms.gif] [Image: 454msb.gif]
[Image: 454fs.gif] [Image: 454fsb.gif]

[Image: 468s.gif] [Image: 468sb.gif]

Hey thanx for telling me Tongue Luckily I didn't start yet. I did Luxio and finishing Luxray now, but Shaymin and Skymin are next followed by Mismagius, Combee and Vespiquen
Here are Luxio and Luxray male:

[Image: ShinyLuxiomaleanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyLuxiomaleanimatedback.gif]

[Image: ShinyLuxrayanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyLuxrayanimatedback.gif]
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
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here is manaphy
[Image: 490.gif]
[Image: manaphyback.gif]
[Image: manaphysheet.png]
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Never thought I'd say this but I think this is going too fast and I think it's bad, you will see many of the sprites I have not yet reviewed and unfortunately most of them have errors, so do not think it is still advisable to recolor, I appreciate your effort and Misdreavous525 desire puts him but I have to say that these are bad shinys animation sequences are wrong and they have the odd error in frames, so expect to be ripped again Surprise
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(11-27-2010, 02:31 PM)Jefelin Wrote: Never thought I'd say this but I think this is going too fast and I think it's bad, you will see many of the sprites I have not yet reviewed and unfortunately most of them have errors, so do not think it is still advisable to recolor, I appreciate your effort and Misdreavous525 desire puts him but I have to say that these are bad shinys animation sequences are wrong and they have the odd error in frames, so expect to be ripped again Surprise

Well I fixed the Sinnoh starters and even b4 I recolor I check them for errors. I know Luxray had erros, so did Monferno, Empoleon and Grotle.

Here are Shaymin and Skymin:

[Image: ShinyShayminanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyShayminanimatedback.gif]

[Image: ShinySkyminanimated.gif] [Image: ShinySkyminanimatedback.gif]

But yes I'll take a break, since Jefelin I understand what you're saying
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
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But is that those who had already been bad, so we'll make them again (and some more)

(11-27-2010, 12:19 PM)Deneb87 Wrote: Hi to all,

i've uploaded all the gif here

Your page is great but it is a bit unnecessary because Zekrom created one that does the same, however is very good especially the graphics and so on, I congratulate you

And Reshiram Shiny and Isshu´s Pokedex COMPLETE 100%
[Image: 643s.gif][Image: 643sb.gif]
Thank you very much to everyone who helped with the shinys and those who have made good rips, and we only have 4 generations XDD
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(11-27-2010, 02:31 PM)Jefelin Wrote: Never thought I'd say this but I think this is going too fast and I think it's bad, you will see many of the sprites I have not yet reviewed and unfortunately most of them have errors, so do not think it is still advisable to recolor, I appreciate your effort and Misdreavous525 desire puts him but I have to say that these are bad shinys animation sequences are wrong and they have the odd error in frames, so expect to be ripped again Surprise

OK, i understand, say when we can start recolor Wink
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(11-27-2010, 02:54 PM)Zekrom101 Wrote:
(11-27-2010, 02:31 PM)Jefelin Wrote: Never thought I'd say this but I think this is going too fast and I think it's bad, you will see many of the sprites I have not yet reviewed and unfortunately most of them have errors, so do not think it is still advisable to recolor, I appreciate your effort and Misdreavous525 desire puts him but I have to say that these are bad shinys animation sequences are wrong and they have the odd error in frames, so expect to be ripped again Surprise

OK, i understand, say when we can start recolor Wink

Aren't u gonna put up Shaymin and Skymin? Sad
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
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(11-27-2010, 03:04 PM)Misdreavous525 Wrote: Aren't u gonna put up Shaymin and Skymin? Sad

Man let me a little bit time Rolleyes

It's now on the Site Wink
(11-27-2010, 02:38 PM)Jefelin Wrote: And Reshiram Shiny and Isshu´s Pokedex COMPLETE 100%
[Image: 643s.gif][Image: 643sb.gif]
Thank you very much to everyone who helped with the shinys and those who have made good rips, and we only have 4 generations XDD

Yes, we've finished the 5. gen Big Grin
Gongratulation too all helper! Smile

Thanked by: Misdreavous525
You can recolor the ones I've ripped, also of Ploaj and Clowcardruler therefore all are correct Smile

And Shaymin has several errors in the frames as there are some blank should have the sprite, the Skymin is perfect Wink

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