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Major Pokemon Black and White Animation Ripping Project
[Image: sprite1f.png] I animated buziel when I ripped them but I guess I never posted them but I already deleted them.
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(12-05-2010, 12:04 PM)Thelimomon Wrote:
(12-05-2010, 11:07 AM)Misdreavous525 Wrote:
(12-05-2010, 10:44 AM)Thelimomon Wrote:
(12-05-2010, 10:31 AM)Misdreavous525 Wrote: Next on my list of shinys, will be:

Rhypeirior, Finneon, Lumineon and Porygon-Z and I'll fix the Yanmega errors

But I want to do something!
[Image: porygonz.gif] [Image: porygonzback.gif]

Right after I finished him, thanx a bunch........Defeated

I'm not taking all of them: Snover, Abomasnow, Mamoswine, Rampardos, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Gible, Gabite and Garchomp all need to be done

Since Porygon-Z was done even after I called it, I'll be doing the Shieldon line

Sorry, realy sorry! Shy
But I finished porygon-Z befor you posted this! Shy

It's better for everyone, including our fellow colleagues. To say when you're doing a certain pokemon. So make sure u tell in the future
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
Thanked by:
[Image: chmchar.png][Image: tangrowmale.png][Image: tangrowthfemale.png][Image: porygon.png][Image: rypermale.png][Image: ryperfemale.png]
[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
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Here's my next batch, Shieldon and Bastiodon coming soon:

Finneon Female:
[Image: ShinyFinneonanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyFinneonanimatedback.gif]

Finneon Male:
[Image: ShinyFinneonmaleanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyFinneonmaleanimatedback.gif]

Lumineon Female:
[Image: ShinyLumineonanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyLumineonanimatedback.gif]

Lumineon Male:
[Image: ShinyLumineonmaleanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyLumineonmaleanimatedback.gif]

Rhyperior Male:
[Image: ShinyRhyperioranimated.gif] [Image: ShinyRhyperioranimatedback.gif]

Rhyperior Female:
[Image: ShinyRhyperiorfemaleanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyRhyperiorfemaleanimatedback.gif]
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
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And here's Monferno:

[Image: 3910.gif] [Image: 391b.gif]
[Image: 391s.gif] [Image: 391sb.gif]
[Image: 391sheet.png]
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Wow thank you Jefelin for still welcoming me here!!! ^^
also you got new people to help you out now yuo can finish this project Rawr~
[Image: 10f0q42.jpg]
Thanked by:
[Image: monferno.png]
[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
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Here's Shieldon and Bastiodon

[Image: ShinyBastiodonanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyBastiodonanimatedback.gif]

[Image: ShinyShieldonanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyShieldonanimatedback.gif]

Next I'm doing the Gible and Snover lines
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
Thanked by:
[Image: 420o.gif]
[Image: 420k.gif]
[Image: cherubisheet.png]
Cherrim Open
[Image: 421b.gif]
[Image: 421b.gif]
[Image: opencherrimsheet.png]
Cherrim Closed
[Image: 421a.gif]
[Image: 421az.gif]
[Image: closedcherrimsheet.png]
[Image: 442b.gif]
[Image: 442o.gif]
[Image: spiritombsheet.png]

Thanked by:
Here are the next batch:

Snover Male:
[Image: ShinySnoveranimatedmale.gif] [Image: ShinySnoveranimatedmaleback.gif]

Snover Female:
[Image: ShinySnoveranimated.gif] [Image: ShinySnoveranimatedback.gif]

Abomasnow Male:
[Image: ShinyAbomasnowmaleanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyAbomasnowmaleanimatedback.gif]

Abomasnow Female:
[Image: ShinyAbomasnowfemaleanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyAbomasnowfemaleanimatedback.gif]

Gabite Male:
[Image: ShinyGabitemaleanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyGabitemaleanimatedback.gif]

Gabite Female:
[Image: ShinyGabitefemaleanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyGabitefemaleanimatedback.gif]

Garchomp Male:
[Image: ShinyGarchompmaleanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyGarchompmaleanimatedback.gif]

Garchomp Female:
[Image: ShinyGarchompfemaleanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyGarchompfemaleanimatedback.gif]

Someone else can do the Gibles and I'll do Cherrim and Cherubi before I go to bed

[Image: ShinyCherubianimated.gif] [Image: ShinyCherubianimatedback.gif]

Cherrim Open:
[Image: ShinyCherrimanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyCherrimanimatedback.gif]

Cherrim Closed:
[Image: ShinyCherrimclosedanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyCherrimclosedanimatedback.gif]
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
Thanked by:
Cranidos (later shiny)
[Image: cranidos.gif][Image: cranidosback.gif]
[Image: cranidossheet.png]

[Image: 408s.gif][Image: 408sb.gif]

Rampardos (later shiny)
[Image: rampardos.gif][Image: rampardosback.gif]
[Image: rampardossheet.png]

[Image: 409s.gif][Image: 409sb.gif]

Shieldon (later shiny)
[Image: shieldon.gif][Image: shieldonback.gif]
[Image: shieldonsheet.png]

[Image: 410s.gif][Image: 410sb.gif]

Bastiodon (later shiny)
[Image: bastiodon.gif][Image: bastiodonback.gif]
[Image: bastiodonsheet.png]

[Image: 411s.gif][Image: 411sb.gif]

For the umpteenth and last time I will repeat, all Deneb sprites have errors and have to be ripped again, which means that these shinys you did have errors, I told you and you made again, I do not know if I can not explain it.
If I have made these shinys is for neither you nor anyone's back to work again, I'll have to do the same with Shaymin and do not know if there any more (Zekrom101 will take care of your family and Shinx)

Thanked by: Thelimomon
And Infernape:

[Image: 392.gif] [Image: 392b.gif]
[Image: 392sb.gif] [Image: 392sb.gif]
[Image: 392sheet.png]
Thanked by: Jefelin
(12-06-2010, 10:00 AM)Jefelin Wrote: Cranidos (later shiny)
[Image: cranidos.gif][Image: cranidosback.gif]
[Image: cranidossheet.png]

[Image: 408s.gif][Image: 408sb.gif]

Rampardos (later shiny)
[Image: rampardos.gif][Image: rampardosback.gif]
[Image: rampardossheet.png]

[Image: 409s.gif][Image: 409sb.gif]

Shieldon (later shiny)
[Image: shieldon.gif][Image: shieldonback.gif]
[Image: shieldonsheet.png]

[Image: 410s.gif][Image: 410sb.gif]

Jefelin I did Shieldon Shiny and Bastiodon
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
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Oh well
Here's shiny Spiritomb front, the back will come later

[Image: 442spiritombs.gif]
Thanked by:
(12-06-2010, 12:13 PM)Mister Monday Wrote: Oh well
Here's shiny Spiritomb front, the back will come later

[Image: 442spiritombs.gif]

Okay that is too fast, way too fast.
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
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