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Favorite Gen 5 Pokemon
(10-13-2010, 07:46 PM)Random Talking Bush Wrote:
(10-13-2010, 05:34 AM)Keychain Wrote: [Image: mamanbou.png]

I hate this thing for not being a Luvdisc evo.
Yeah, I'm kinda surprised that it wasn't a Luvdisc evolution. And also that Emonga has no relation to Pachirisu, despite being similar (both are white-coloured, electric squirrels with yellow cheeks).

As for my favourites? I'll look through the list again sometime later and post 'em here. Maybe.

But they are different types of squirrels with different color scemes. I can see them being not related.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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All of them. Only one I kinda don't like is the garbage bag evo guy but thats just because his face scares me.

If I had to listo ut my top 5, it'd be Wotter, Hahakurimo (grass bug final evo), Shinpora (crazy bird thing), Zoroark, and Shibirudon (Eel leech thing)
Thanked by: Gwen
besides the starters and its evolutions, I love all of these:

[Image: 494.png] [Image: 522.png] [Image: 529.png] [Image: 539.png] [Image: 544.png] [Image: 563.png] [Image: 566.png] [Image: 570.png] [Image: 575.png] [Image: 579.png] [Image: 584.png] [Image: 590.png] [Image: 599.png] [Image: 607.png] [Image: 608.png] [Image: 609.png] [Image: 610.png] [Image: 617.png] [Image: 621.png] [Image: 625.png] [Image: 626.png] [Image: 627.png] [Image: 628.png] [Image: 631.png] [Image: 634.png] [Image: 643.png]
Thanked by: Gwen
i love a lot of them, even the trio's now that i know they're based on the three muskiteers

but i really want to marry koromori for being too fucking awesome, and gear is still an all time favorite

but for final evolution i say desukan Heart
[Image: zzha.gif][Image: Sloth.jpg]
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I really love the Alligator trio too.
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[Image: 625.png]

Nuff said.
[Image: EnbuooFront.gif]

looks pretty damn good(and i shall call him......Gannon.....or bacon.)
Thanked by: Rökkan, Zac
[Image: BWTeam-1.png]

these guys
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so far I like Kurimuga, Aianto, and Emboar
I'm sure as I use more of them in battle I'll get more faves
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while I'm here, I might as well throw this out there:

[Image: 625.png][Image: 623.png]
Edward and Alphonse

(gonna be my two leads in any and all Doubles match-ups)

[Image: favpkmn.png]
Pretty much my favorites.
Thanked by: Gwen, Nindo
[Image: 2133kuo.png]
What's not to like?

[Image: 334qctg.png]
Badass rock monster. When I get mine, I'm naming him Thardus.

[Image: 2ewhaf4.png]
He's like a cooler, better version of Spiritomb.

[Image: 2m2e6uo.png][Image: 2hghd7m.jpg]
Mothra and King Ghidorah?

[Image: 14dpoj9.png]
Ants are cool. His stats aren't terrible either.

...There are lots of others that I like, but I can't be bothered to list them all.
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(because it's cool, I like Water Pokémon and I like NFE Pokémon)
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For the first time in any generation, the Water-type starter is my favourite
Thanked by: Gwen
(10-20-2010, 01:28 PM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [Image: 625.png][Image: 623.png]
Edward and Alphonse

If you don't do it, I will. Fucking sweet.
Thanked by: Rosencrantz, Maxpphire

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