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Favorite Gen 5 Pokemon
[Image: 105px-495Tsutarja.png][Image: 103px-497Jalorda.png][Image: 118px-507Haderia.png][Image: 115px-518Musharna.png][Image: 120px-525Gantoru.png][Image: 107px-528Kokoromori.png][Image: 94px-536Gamagaru.png][Image: 64px-542Hahakomori.png][Image: 120px-544Hoiiga.png][Image: 120px-547Erufuun.png][Image: 119px-554Darumakka.png][Image: 97px-556Marakacchi.png][Image: 120px-565Abagoura.png][Image: 96px-574Gothimu.png][Image: 87px-575Gochimiru.png][Image: 83px-576Gochiruzeru.png][Image: 112px-578Daburan.png][Image: 63px-594Mamanbou.png][Image: 109px-603Shibibiru.png][Image: 80px-607Hitomoshi.png][Image: 120px-621Crimgan.png]
[Image: OH4K4jX.gif] [Image: R7WBBzo.gif] [Image: TsJpssj.gif]
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Hm.. in battle (OU), Ononokusu. For ubers, Step forme Meloetta. Based on just opinion, or whatever, then either Virizion or Zekrom, maybe.
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[Image: gochiruzeru.png] Gothita is interesting looking [Image: 635-1.png] [Image: 545-1.png] These 2 are just hard core looking [Image: 595-1.png] Bachuru is cute Cute [Image: pokemon_jalorda_sprite_by_emeraldfire131-d36n7mv-1.gif] And Archeos are sweet looking to
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Chandelure, Reuniclus, Cofagrigus, Eelectross, Hydreigon, and Terrakion

Oh, and Darmanitan
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My new top 3 favourite Gen 5 Pokemon:

I like Electric types
Thanked by: Nindo
Smuglord (or whatever that last evolution for snivy is)
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
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Scraggy and Oshowatt are probably 2 of my favorite pokemon. Not just in terms of the 5th gen, but in general.
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Updating mainly to add SCRAFTY and Reuniclus
[Image: OH4K4jX.gif] [Image: R7WBBzo.gif] [Image: TsJpssj.gif]
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Braviary, Sigilyph, Excadrill, Bisharp, Emboar, Cobalion, Zekrom, Reshiram.
Thanked by: Nindo
Sigilyph, Amoongus, Sigilyph, Durant, Sigilyph, Crustle, Sigilyph, Krookodile, Sigilyph, Ferroseed, Sigilyph, Galvantula

and I don't know about you guys, but I thought Sigilyph was pretty cool too.
[Image: fFrame1Big.gif][Image: Frame1Big.gif]
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5th gen is honestly really good overall Smile
Thanked by: Zac, Nindo, Cshad, Devicho, Baegal, Helmo
leavanny hands down
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
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Oh Christ I have so many I like it's hard to pick absolute favorites.
I think I'll go with Swoobat, Scrafty and Leavanny. Any more than that and I'd go on forever. :I
Thanked by: Baegal
i think now that ive played it, my favs are carracosta, bisharp and garvantula
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[Image: Fushide.png]
[Image: 188px-Doryuuzu2.png]
[Image: 188px-566Aaken.png]
[Image: 188px-Dasutodasu.png]
[Image: 188px-Nattorei.png]
[Image: Agirudaa.png]
[Image: Iwaparesu.png]

Worst, are the clink evo chain, Throh, Sawk, Sigilyph, the three genie legendaries, and Braviary.
this is a sig

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