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Favorite Gen 5 Pokemon
So, uh. Here are mine:

Emboar, Zebstraika, Leavanny, Seismitoad, Scolipede, Sigilyph, Cofagrigus, Beartic, Chandelure, Volcarona, Hydreigon, Bisharp, Mandibuzz, Braviary, Whimsicott, Darmanitan, Excadrill, Gigalith, Golurk... But Swanna is my favorite... Mediocrity comes in graceful packages.

One of my least favorites, though, is Yamask. It would have been cooler if he was a canopic jar, which sort goes along with the whole "Ancient Egyptian death ritual" thing that its evolution's got goin' on.
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joltik and galvantula Cute oh my gosh the cutest
Thanked by: Asther, Shawn
Darmanitan, Accelgor, Golurk, Excadrill, Carracosta, Scrafty, Escavalier, Simisage, and Braviary.
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Cofagrius Excadrill Chandelure Archeops Carracosta Gothielle Reuniclus Cryogonal Golurk Boufallant Volcarona Darmanitan

After 15 years nintendo finally makes me like fire pokemon

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you guys want some canon?
[Image: 1302455017208.jpg][Image: 1302456092723.jpg][Image: 1302454942312.jpg]
The last one is amazing
[Image: 2003-02-20.gif]
Thanked by: Ton
Golurk oh my godddddddddDDDDDDDDDDDD

(of course they had to explain how that thing's able to fly I mean)

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how is dodrio able to fly

i refuse to believe it can go from pallet town to lavander town in one fucking jump

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