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Anyone here listen to...
While it's dumb how they talk about how knowledge is stupid, I do respect their views on absorbing what you have and not just dissecting everything. It seems like sometimes people take science way too seriously and have to have a logical reason for god damn everything in the world. And if that's your thing that's cool but you don't need to feed shit to people that don't care.

Actually fuck it, I'm not even going to try to explain myself any further because I probably look really fucking stupid for somewhat agreeing on their points of view. :l
Thanked by: PrettyNier
Quote: I probably look really fucking stupid for somewhat agreeing on their points of view
Pretty much. Heart

In all seriousness:
I fucking hate the anti-intellectual nonsense that dictates having a real understanding of something somehow cheapens it. No. No no no fucking no. Science is so immensely intricate and complex that a greater understanding only makes you appreciate things more. It's about time that we as a society moved away from the idea that knowledge is something to be feared or something that ruins the simple joys in life, because that's just bullshit put around by people who don't fucking think enough.
If someone has to believe something's ~magic~ for it to mean anything to them, you can't even call them a child. I've never met a child who wasn't full of questions about everything ever. The sort of person who prefers things to go unexplained is just a coward hearkening back to a "more simple time" that never fucking existed.
[Image: 6WzBw.gif]
This is the part of the conversation when I realize I'm wrong and say nothing else on the matter.
Thanked by: PrettyNier
Aww man, I didn't want to browbeat you over it
[Image: 6WzBw.gif]
Thanked by: PrettyNier, Maxpphire
i'm totally on gillian's side about this

maybe i just like to have everything be logical or whatever, i dunno
but to blindly go about believing only what you're told and not finding out things for yourself or questioning why things are how they are is just
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
Thanked by: Maxpphire
(12-06-2010, 08:35 AM)Tachikoma Wrote: Good conviction but just not believable enough

Okay. Maybe this addition might help. Maybe not a lot, but a little. Hey, every little bit counts!

"An observation that turned out to be prophetic. 'From the very beginning of our music, God is in there,' Violent J says, 'in hidden messages.'" That is true. In Fonz Pond for example, the song is about crazy kids who visit a pond and die there, because something pulls them down under, and many kids have died every year. But what it sounds (to me) like they're trying to say is, when you see a creepy pond, and you've heard rumors about kids dying in that pond, it's best to just avoid them. And they mention, in the lyrics:

"In this pond, a spirit cries,
Bugs and snakes replace his eyes."

I'm pretty sure that after one read-through of that statement, you'll see how that relates to God.

They also mentioned a riddle box. If you cranked your riddle box, what would pop out? God, or the devil? Now, we all know the devil's name is Satan. I don't think true Christians would dare say his name.

Violent J also admits that there are some lyrics he regrets writing. Dumb, stupid, idiotic ones that he wrote without knowing better. In fact, he regretted them so much, he didn't want to say them again. Also, if you read this part:

"Violent J says releasing Thy Unveiling, coming out as a Christian, was the most exciting moment of his life. 'It felt so good, brother. I was fucking in heaven. Let me tell you something: I would go running at night, and my feet wouldn't even touch the ground. I had my headphones on, I'd be listening to Thy Unveiling, and I'd be in such a zone that my feet wouldn't even be touching the ground. I'd be literally levitating.'"

Now we know that telling the truth about himself, as a Christian, felt good to him. He finally let his secret out, and he doesn't have to keep it bottled up inside him. Because keeping big secrets like that one bottled up inside you is not good.

Also, you will read that both Violent and Shaggy had been going through some rough times:

"I suddenly wonder, halfway through our interview, if I am looking at two men in clown make-up who are suffering from depression. I cautiously ask them this and Violent J immediately replies. 'I'm medicated,' he says. 'I have a lot of medicine that I take. For depression. Panic attacks are really a serious part of my life.' He points at Shaggy. 'He's gone through some things as well.'

'You do a show in front of how many hundreds or thousands of people.' Shaggy nods. 'You're giving your full being, your soul, to every person in that crowd, every pore in your body is sweating, you're fighting consciousness, just to get it out of you, and after the show all your fans are partying, 'Yeah! Rock and roll!' And you're just here.' He glances around the dressing room. 'You're just fucking sitting here.'"

They're also a little upset about how bad other people think they are as a band:

"Shaggy nods quietly. 'I get anxiety and shit a lot,' he says. 'And reading that stuff people write about us… It hurts.'

'Least talented band in the world,' Violent J says. 'No talent. When I hear that I think, 'Damn. Are we that different from people?''

He looks as if he means it – as if he sometimes feels hopelessly stuck being him."

So you see? Violent J and Shaggy aren't really violent people. If they were as violent as they seemed, they would have murdered many of their fans by now, they wouldn't have admitted that they were Christian, and they would have murdered the interviewers. Heck, they probably would've ended up killing themselves, if they weren't careful. You'll also notice that some of the songs have religious-themed titles, such as "Crossing Thy Bridge" and "Thy Unveiling". They're just normal people like you and me, writing songs about violent people, but with a hidden message of God in each song.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is Part 2 of my hypothesis. If you need a Part 3, I will gladly make it.
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No don't, please don't, you're proving nothing.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
Please continue.
[Image: 6WzBw.gif]
Thanked by: PrettyNier, Cshad, Maxpphire
Thank you, someone who actually thinks.

All I'm saying is, we really shouldn't be beating these guys up just because their characters are crazy clowns who make rap music. If you read parts one and two of my hypothesis, plus the interview article, then obviously you'll see they're actually good people, even if they are dumb. If you don't like ICP, then you don't need to post negative comments. This thread is for people who LIKE and LISTEN TO ICP, NOT for people to trash their music.

And so, Part 3 of my ICP defense hypothesis trilogy comes to a conclusion. If that doesn't satisfy you, then I don't know how to make it any clearer.
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(12-06-2010, 05:53 PM)Somari64 Wrote: Thank you, someone who actually thinks.

All I'm saying is, we really shouldn't be beating these guys up just because their characters are crazy clowns who make rap music. If you read parts one and two of my hypothesis, plus the interview article, then obviously you'll see they're actually good people, even if they are dumb. If you don't like ICP, then you don't need to post negative comments. This thread is for people who LIKE and LISTEN TO ICP, NOT for people to trash their music.

And so, Part 3 of my ICP defense hypothesis trilogy comes to a conclusion. If that doesn't satisfy you, then I don't know how to make it any clearer.

No need to question my thinking ability, all you did was post clips of that article. And to reason that I only hate them of because of who they are is fucking stupid. I listen to bands with people who are awful people, Burzum for example, its about the music, and ICP's music is just awful in my opinion, along with me not liking them.
And I can't believe that you're insinuating that because they're christian, they didn't kill the interviewers.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
Thanked by: PrettyNier
Somari, your whole hypothesis is stupid.
They probably only "unveiled themselves as Christians" to gain more publicity, because lets face it, they've been around for 20 years and I haven't heard a damn thing about them.
Your whole Biblical argument is also stupid.
No one is afraid to say the name Satan.
That "in this pond" verse makes no sense in relation to God, either.
Maybe you just didn't convey your point thoroughly in your walls house of text.
But seriously.
whole argument is stupid.
[Image: cIUPd.png]
Give me my own member group!
megazario Wrote:quite amazing good job make up more keep up the good work
plz dont give me a bad point plz for sounding a bit gay here
There's no reason to analyse ICP because there's nothing to analyse. They're not a satire of violent culture, they're just a couple of manchildren who think violence is funny. You're mad.
[Image: 6WzBw.gif]
(12-06-2010, 09:10 AM)Tachikoma Wrote: Aww man, I didn't want to browbeat you over it

I guess you can say you're

the science police

(12-06-2010, 05:53 PM)Somari64 Wrote: This thread is for people who LIKE and LISTEN TO ICP,

that's kinda selfish
we don't need a topic that only you can post in

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