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No he doesn't he's the same in the past and the future.
Good news for those who have been wanting to rip N64 models I'm nearly finished with my step-by-step tutorial on ripping them and making them work properly in all 3D apps.
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really? I kinda thought he might have been dead or something, I don't remember him being in the manga during the adult portion.
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No he's quite alive, just frozen solid like the rest of Zora's Domain. Morpha freezes them through a curse on the Water Temple, which is the source of their water. You have to go to the ice cavern behind Lord Jabu Jabu to blue fire to melt the red ice that encases King Zora. After you free him he offers you the Zora Tunic and if you already have one he offers you a kiss instead because of his great gratitude, to which Link freaks out and so King Zora decides to not go with that gift.
The manga in a lot of ways is an abridged version in comparison to the actual game. There's a lot less depth. This applies to most mangas of games that I've read. I own all the Kingdom Hearts manga books and I've read them all and I can say with confidence that they exclude a whole lot from the games.
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Well here you go, I finished fixing up Young Ruto:
And good news I got to Nabooru in-game and have ripped her now too. I'm really kinda doing these in a random order with just whatever I feel like doing at the time.
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you have volumes 1-5 of Kingdom Hearts II? I can't find volumes 2-5 anywhere in Arkansas.
Nice work on Ruto BTW
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12-20-2010, 03:31 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-20-2010, 03:32 AM by Zerox.)
Only volumes 1 and 2 were released in English for KH2 though if you know where to look you can get scans that were translated into english for the rest of the manga. Anyway that's getting a bit off-topic from the models. Just send me a pm if you wish to speak of this more.
And as for a real update here's Ganondorf's Steed. Ganondorf himself will be her tomorrow. Just gotta throw him into an unanimated pose.
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will do.
So this is what gannon's horse looks like in OoT, looks just as menaceing as the Twilight Princess version, It's a shame I did'nt rip the twilight princess models I have on my computer myself, if i did i would gladly give them to you all....maybe I can contact the person who ripped them and see if I can get them to submit them here.
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did you get the models from zelda capital?
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Yes, I downloaded and converted each and everyone of the models they had posted. I actually have to go back and re-convert the TP Zelda models because they accidentally got deleted after I gave the converted models away.
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valforwing you obviously love ripped models, and to be honest Twilight Princess is an incredibly easy game to rip from with all the tools out there. I think that ripping models from there could be your chance to shine!
Anyway back on-topic I've got 2 new models for you!
The first is the mighty Queen Gohma!
I absolutely
love the design of this enemy she's so cool! I've wanted this model for a long time so I couldn't help but go and get it myself. I'll have the larvae up here soon enough too.
The second model for tonight is Ganondorf as he appears in the past, when Link is young, his look does in fact change between then and 7 years into the future. I'll rip the future version from the boss battle soon enough.
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You guy's aren't getting bored with my Zelda models yet are you? Just seems odd no one commented on a rip of the main villain.
Anyway guess what it turns out that being mutuated freak's is just quite typical when it comes to gorons. See?
Anyway I'm ripping some models from Majora's Mask now so I'm going to rename this thread, "Zerox's Zelda 64 Rips" instead.
![[Image: linkdeku_icon.png]](
![[Image: linkgoron_icon.png]](
I actually had Deku Link and Zora Link done last night but I felt it a shame to release the transforming trio separated so I held off on releasing them until today.
In other news I've started repairing Nabooru but she's got
39 textures and even tons of UV issues to fix. I had no idea how detailed texture wise the model really was. She's even more messed up looking than some of the gorons have been. But I'll get her done as soon as I can.
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Sorry on the lack of commenting on my part at least. If I end up seeing them too late at night I get a bit too tired to really comment on it.
I like this rip a lot though. I didn't play Majora's Mask so I never got to see Link's transformations for that game before.
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I just got on, i had a company party and a forced family shopping outing that lasted all day.
so thats what Gohma looks like in the old games....scary but it seems to have a green button stitched into it's eye.
the deformed Gorons actually look cool with their oOOo Aracno eyes. as for me ripping models, I don't think thats gona happen anytime soon, my computer is on the verge of breaking. I love ripped models because when put in MMD and mixed with other models you can create fake screen shots of games. also I often edit the textures of models to suit my useages, right now I'm makeing a model of a Final Fantasy Unlimited charecter from a model of Renamon.
Zora Link looks ausome, I'm guessing that Mikau's model is the same or very simular? also Zerox have you ripped the Mask of Majora? it's one of those items that is iconic and makes a great acessory, I thought about one from SSB but it just did'nt look right.
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12-22-2010, 01:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-22-2010, 01:44 AM by Zerox.)
Ah it's alright guys I just was feeling like I was the only one posting but people were still posting before the other two I just was so anticpating some sort of response and got nothing after a day so I was kinda shocked.
Shadowth, glad I could show you you something new I'm a bit surprised you haven't played Majora's Mask after having had played Ocarina of Time but it's not like it's a requirement to life to play them both.
Valforwing, I was quite stunned when I looked at her eye and realized it is kind of like a button that's kind of funny.

Agreed the mutant Goron's faces look a bit cool but it's not really a desired effect.

I have no idea if Mikau's model is the same yet but I'm going to rip him as soon as I get to him in-game, I cheated and used a completed save file for the transformations. I did rip Majora's Mask and the skullkid a while back but it's been quite some time and I must say I can make a more accurate rip now than I did back then.
And my last gift for the night here's Young Link.
I've included two .obj files in this .zip. One is Link without any equipment like when you start, and the second one is with full equipment (no c-button stuff) on as seen in the preview.
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these look great, I just finnished up the Lou lupus model, It's amazing how just changing the texture on something can make it COMPLETELY different, now I just have to wait for my friend to add her dress. I've made so many different models from ONE base. all i've changed is the texture. I even made Spider man from the Grey Fox model Shadowth117 ripped from Brawl a while back.
If I could find away to take a PMD model and make it into a Obj file I would love to share with you guys my texture edits. BTW is Queen Gohma a spider or another type of bug?