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when new years comes, everyone's balls will drop (2011 edition)
Disregard what I said before. I've spent alot of time thinking about this, and literally will not start a thing until the New Year starts(as a symbolic sort of thing and it gives me a another day or two to really refine and define this all for myself), I literally want to turn my entire life around.

-Social life; It really isn't that bad despite my weekdays being a strict schedule of school and then studio classes and personal studies. But I need to improve it, I have a wide set of friends, but I don't see them all enough. I need to make time for all of them, even if that means pushing off time with my best friends here and there, or even pushing aside some of the studio work for a little bit.

-As a member of my family; Yeah, as I said before school and the studios eat up alot of my time but I need to be able to be more avalible for my family. I spend almost no time with them, ever and I'm off to college in only two years, and my time with them is growing shorter. I want to have more great experinces with them before I am out in the world and beginning my own life.

-Art; I'll behonest I should be a hell of alot further then I am. School has been bogging me down with work and tiring me out, and then on my weekends there is the attempt to gain a social life, and spend time with my family. If anything I need to have a strict work schedule and follow it, because I do work hard at school and this, but I don't alot my time properly, but if I really work out a schedule for social life, family time, art and school. I know I can do it, I just need to really bust myself to the bone to make it work, but it's worth it.

-How I conduct myself; I'm generally an accepted person, there are a few people that don't like me here and there but hey that's life. But I have some pretty negative personality traits that I need to get rid of such as; I'm a smartass, a total smartass. I don't know when to call it quits either, I'll just keep belting out witty quips till I dig myself a hole so deep that I pretty much can't get out. I'm also thickheaded as alll hell, when I have a point to make or feel that I'm right over someone else I won't back down, I just keep asserting my point. I'll accept a loss after I push for an over amount of proof that I'm wrong. On top of all this I am a huge procrastinator, and I also allow depression from overwork to block out any emotions and I become a total prick. I'm not an awful person, and I'm not all to sure I'm a bad one. I'm just a person with plenty of room for improvement.

-School; I can sum this up pretty quickly, I do fairly well in school and I always turn in near top work. I juist procrastinate far to much and I need to start putingmy best foot forward all time and really pull out all the stops.

-Girl friend; well I need to get the ball rollling on this one.

-Religion; I go to a Catholic school, I belive in God, but y'know I really have lost sight here. I think I need to take a real long hard luck at myself, what I belive and why I belive it, and on top of it re-commit myself or make necessary adjustments here.

-Most importantly; Sticking to this, this is it. This is a New Year, a new me and more importantly it's time to build a better me for a better future. This is it, balls to wall reformation.
greetings from the future!
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Thanked by: Maxpphire
Everyone still in 2010 is a chump.
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Hey, don't chump me for being stuck in mountain time!
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Boy if decades continue to go by this fast I'll be dead before you know it.

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welp, good luck everyone
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Be a better person
Save money
Improve my art skills
Try new things in my paintings
Work more on my paintings
Try doing paintings and drawings faster
Start working on commissions
Save money
Abstain from gluttony and eat healthier
Maybe go back to working out
Save money

But most of all, enjoy it throughfully! And save money.
Thanked by: Alpha Six
I'm gonna play more games!!!!
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literally the worst new poster
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
Thanked by: ThePortalGuru, Garamonde
Like, you don't even know.
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