12-26-2010, 08:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-30-2010, 02:17 PM by megaMasquerain.)
Crossposted from PxC.
So, a few weeks ago I decided to switch over from making fakemon to making original creatures for a game. This is the idea for said game - known as Hieros Gamos. (I've actually had this idea a while back, and it's been sitting in the back of my brain for a long time, but I just got working on it now...)
HG is basically a huge nod to the Dragon Warrior Monsters games for the Gameboy, with some Pokemon and Shin Megami Tensei stuff thrown in. The story... I'm still working on it, but it'll be a lot more complex than your average monster-raising game (by complex I mean not shitty).
If you've ever played DWM you should be familiar with how the game will work - 3 on 3 monster battles, breeding as a large part of the game (though HG won't make it 'necessary' to breed), monsters trained to fit a certain role during infancy.
Like I said though, there are many things that I 'took' from other series - the evolution (known as 'rank' in HG) from Pokemon, the monster 'talk' and recruitment from Shin Megami Tensei, and possibly a few features inspired by Monster Rancher (???-breeds instead of "shiny Pokemon", perhaps?).
As soon as I get a few things finalized I'll post the list of monsters that will appear in the game with a short description of each. This is probably my favorite part and I'm looking forward to sharing my ideas with you!
In the world of Roeizek, alchemy has developed so much that it is the single driving force behind everything in the world. The form of alchemy used in Roeizek is homunculus based - most alchemists get by through summoning and binding powerful creatures to do their bidding. After they are finished with, these creatures get released into the wild, causing an influx of monsters surrounding towns and cities. This development called for a new breed of alchemist, one who had the utmost understanding of the homunculi - one who could bind any homunculus to their will.
You are the younger brother/sister of one of these alchemists. Your sister, Morgan, set off three years ago in order to study the Hieros Gamos, the ultimate breeding rite between two super-powerful homunculi. One year ago she was pronounced missing, and you haven't gotten any contact from her until now.
On your doorstep lays a small package. Inside said package is a large crystal - one homunculi are known to produce after they breed.
The return address is illegible, except for the name "Morgan".
The crystal begins to crack and glow. Out of it comes a small homunculus, one of the likes you have never seen before. It appears to be already bound to you, and talks to you as if it has known you for years.
Why would your sister send you this kind of package? What's up with getting a homunculus in the mail? What kind of homunculus is it anyways?
So would begin your long journey as an alchemist, searching for the secrets of your sister and the Hieros Gamos.
In the game there are four base elements, which can combine to make 16 'complex' elements. The elements are as follows:
Earth+Earth = Earth
Earth>Fire = Metal
Earth>Water = Wood
Earth>Air = Sand
Fire>Earth = Sulphur
Fire+Fire = Fire
Fire>Water = Steam
Fire>Air = Lightning
Water>Earth = Blood
Water>Fire = Catalyst
Water+Water = Water
Water>Air = Snow
Air>Earth = Sound
Air>Fire = Nuclear
Air>Water = Miasma
Air+Air = Air
Each creature is also ruled by one of the 8 planets. This determines what type of creature you will get from breeding them.
Mercury (Reptiles)
Venus (Machines/Manmade)
Earth (Plants)
Mars (Mammals and Humanoids)
Jupiter (Everything Else)
Saturn (Birds)
Uranus (Insects/Invertebrates)
Neptune (Marine creatures and Amphibians)
(breeding combinations to come later)
There are spells that correspond to each of the four base elements, which, when learned, can be combined to form the complex element spells. The basic elemental spells do more damage, however the complex elemental spells are more specialized.
Many spells "evolve" from one form to the other, growing more powerful in the process. A certain level and a certain number of spell uses is required for the "evolution".
Temp. List of spells and effects coming later
Each homunculus has 6 life stages and 4 Ranks. As homunculi spend time in the natural world, their life stage and their Rank increase with experience. For this reason, homunculi of all Ranks and life stages can be found in the wild, however when a homunculus is hatched from a crystal it begins at the 1st Rank and the Infant life stage.
The 6 life stages:
Infant (lasts for a very short time. During this time the monster is nigh-useless. Only crystal-hatched monsters have this stage (your starter Homunculus does not). Though the homunculus does very little damage and such, Friendship is impressionable during this stage to an awesome extent.)
Toddler (Homunculi tend to disobey direct orders during this stage, so ordering them around isn't the way to train them. Instead, letting them do what they want in battle works well as both a battle strategy when fighting with toddlers and a way of finding out what type of attacks your homunculus leans toward. Friendship is impressionable now, but not as much as in Infant stage.)
Child (A homunculus in Child stage is at its right time for training - they will listen to what you say. Take what you've learned about their battling preferences and order them to use certain attacks - the results will be that this homunculus will use a similar attack pattern later in life. This is the second-longest stage)
Young Adult (Young Adult stage is perhaps the make or break time for your homunculus. They are starting to get set in their ways so if you didn't like anything they learned in Infancy or Childhood, try and fix it now! They aren't terribly impressionable but a little persistance goes a long way - but you may only see the results in the next life stage...)
Prime (Homunculi in their Prime are the cream of the crop, the best choice for Homunculi cockfights and the best way to make absolutely sure something gets done. Your training in their previous stages will shine through at this point - did you raise a disobedient battling machine, a friendly but weak monster, or a balance of the two? Prime-stage homunculi cannot be taught anymore new skills - their current skills can evolve, however. Their friendship and battling patterns cannot be changed other than through special means.)
Elder (Though homunculi never die, they do get weaker the longer they've been exposed to the world. An Elder reverts back to the battle skills of its Young Adult stage, but remains as stubborn as a Prime homunculi, though the Elder's habits cannot be changed no matter what! Elders can still fight, however they are best used for breeding. An Elder homunculi has the best chance of passing over useful traits and skills to its offspring.)
The 4 Ranks (corresponding life stages and levels)
Rank 1: Infant, Toddler 1-15
Rank 2: Child 16-25
Rank 3: Young Adult, Early Prime 26-50
Rank 4: Late Prime, Elder 51-99 (max level)
Rank changes appearence and raises battle skills. Sometimes a homunculus may be early or late to rank up. Sometimes their element or stats change through rank, so a homunculi can be prevented from ranking up by use of a special binding spell, performed by a powerful alchemist.
Each life stage tends to match a certain level -
Infant: 1-5
Toddler: 5-15
Child: 15-25
Young Adult: 25-35
Prime: 35-75
Elder: 75-99
What I'm hoping to do so training doesn't feel like a chore is make most non-boss battles 2-mannable by two homunculi of the proper level (or one of a higher level), so you could bring an infant along for the ride to train them while you're getting some story stuff done, but you couldn't, say, bring an infant to a boss battle and expect to have good results. I'm also hoping to make the difference between levels not terribly large so that even, say, a Child homunculus could be used to decent effect in one of the higher-level areas.
Personality Info:
The 9 main stats are as follows:
Health (increases max HP)
Mana (increases max Mana)
Melee Attack (Increases damage done by melee attacks and abilities)
Physical Defense (Decreases damage received by melee attacks and abilities)
Magic Attack (Increases damage done by magic attacks and abilities)
Magic Defense (Decreases damage received by magic attacks and abilities)
Spirit (Increases amount healed/buffed by healing and buffing spells)
Wisdom (Increases amount debuffed by debuffing spells)
Charisma (Increases likelyhood of recruiting homunculi if this homunculus helps in the process)
Each homunculus has 3 personality facets: One is visible, while the other two are hidden from the player. The three facets determine the three aspects of a homunculus's personality: Way of Thinking, Way of Fighting and Way of Speech.
Thinking Type:
There are 9 thinking types, based on the Enneagram of Personality. The Thinking Types determine stat bonuses as well as what your homunculus likes to eat and do. With a wild homunculus, the Thinking Type determines what types of questions they may ask you or things they may ask for when you recruit them.
Thinking type is the only visible personality facet, seen on the status screen.
1. Reformer:
Reformer homunculi tend to be perfectionists. They seek balance in everything they do, and can sometimes become over-critical of themselves.
Stat Bonus: Health
"Uhm, excuse me sir/ma'am alchemist... but the third button from the bottom on your jacket is undone"
"No, no, no! I should have used my charge attack instead of that spell... stupid, stupid me!"
2. Helper
Helper homunculi are the spreaders of cheer and joy throughout Roeizek. They are kind, caring, and giving, however they may not pay attention to themselves.
Stat Bonus: Spirit
"Here, I saved this meat for you. What do you mean, I haven't eaten in three days?"
"You're the best alchemist ever! I really mean it!"
3. Achiever
Achiever homunculi are homunculi of action, trying to always be doing something. This can be a disadvantage, however, because sometimes they can become unaware of their own emotions.
Stat Bonus: Melee Attack
"40.7 seconds to maim that Birddon... a new record. Let's get moving"
"Come on, go go go go go go!"
4. Individualist
Individualist homunculi are, in essence, the emo kids of Roeizek. They focus their thoughts on their feelings and emotions, and wish to be true to themselves and others. They are very sensitive, but can also be drama queens.
Stat Bonus: Wisdom
"I chipped a claw back there... man, I just feel like crying right now"
"Hey, do you have my Little Man CD? Their music is sort of a guilty pleasure for me"
5. Investigator
Investigator homunculi live for knowledge and wisdom. They want to know everything! Investigators are calm under pressure and objective with others problems, though they tend to have detached relationships.
Stat Bonus: Magic Attack
"Okay everyone, stay calm. 2 casualties isn't bad"
"Did you know that moving coffin homunculi were used during the Plague Years to get the infected bodies far away from cities?"
6. Loyalist
Loyalist homunculi want to feel safe always, so they usually turn to their alchemist or another authority figure for protection. They have the uncanny ability to tell when someon is lying. They can suffer from severe paranoia.
Stat Bonus: Mana
"I swear, that tree moved! Will you hold my paw?"
"I KNOW you ate that last cookie"
7. Enthusiast
Enthusiast homunculi try to block out bad experiences, believing that it is a waste of time to think bad things. This makes them optimistic and fun to be around, however when they must deal with unpleasant things they tend to break down.
Stat Bonus: Physical Defense
"Think happy thoughts!"
"Don't tell me he's dead! PLEASE don't tell me he's dead"
8. Challenger
Challenger homunculi are leaders, strong allies that other homunculi look up to. They are very self-sufficient, however, this can lead to them being controlling of those around them.
Stat Bonus: Charisma
"I can do it myself"
"You're doing it all WRONG!"
9. Peacemaker
Peacemaker homunculi just want everyone to stop fighting and get along. They make warm, thoughtful and kind friends, however they can have trouble expressing when they DO get angry, and can also have difficulty saying "no".
Stat Bonus: Magic Defense
"Come on you two, it's not a big deal"
"Well... I guess I'll do it"
Fighting Type:
The homunculus's fighting type is hidden from the player and affects which 3 areas of battle the homunculus excels in/is interested in learning.
The fighting types are as follows:
Tank/Melee Attack/Magic Attack
Tank/Melee Attack/Healer
Tank/Melee Attack/Buffer
Tank/Melee Attack/Debuffer
Tank/Magic Attack/Healer
Tank/Magic Attack/Buffer
Tank/Magic Attack/Debuffer
Melee Attack/Magic Attack/Healer
Melee Attack/Magic Attack/Buffer
Melee Attack/Magic Attack/Debuffer
Melee Attack/Healer/Buffer
Melee Attack/Healer/Debuffer
Melee Attack/Buffer/Debuffer
Magic Attack/Healer/Buffer
Magic Attack/Healer/Debuffer
Magic Attack/Buffer/Debuffer
Speech Type:
Speech type has little to no affect on the homunculus' personality, however I am sorting it here because it's similar.
Speech type determines how your homunculus talks. Speech type is typically the same among all members of a species, and some speech types span several different species. However, breeding may, very rarely, give the baby homunculus the speech type of one of the parents.
Homunculus List:
1. Dwartle
Ruled By: Mercury
Rank 1: tortoise
Rank 2: Biped tortoise-dwarf
Rank 3: Painted biped tortoise-dwarf (think tribal paint + painted turtle)
Rank 4: Painted old man biped tortoise-dwarf
Abilityset: Tank
Grimoire Description: A minor manifestation of the element of Earth. The purest possible Earth homunculus, it comes from only the most sacred breeding rituals.
Notes: The starter you receive if your quiz results line up with the Earth element. High health and defenses with some taunt-like and defense increasing skills. Attack is decent.
2. Salamendra
Fire + Fire
Ruled By: Mercury
Rank 1: Salamander
Rank 2: Salamander with paws on fire
Rank 3: Salamander-drake with legs + back on fire
Rank 4: Dragon with entire body excluding decorative acessories on fire
Abilityset: Magic Damage
Grimoire Description: A minor manifestation of the element of Fire. The purest possible Fire homunculus, it comes from only the most sacred breeding rituals.
Notes: The starter you receive if your quiz results line up with the Fire element. Takes attacks well, but its health is low and it doesn't do much damage with regular attacks. Its magic is very good however.
3. Danubine
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Baby with translucent skin
Rank 2: Child with translucent skin, violin-like features
Rank 3: Older Child with translucent skin, violin-like features, and waves for a lower body
Rank 4: Adult with translucent skin, violin-like features, and waves for a lower body
Abilityset: Healer
Grimoire Description: A minor manifestation of the element of Water. The purest possible Water homunculus, it comes from only the most sacred breeding rituals.
Notes: The starter you receive if your quiz results line up with the Water element. All Ranks appear androgynous. Does magic damage that is fine for getting through the first part of the game, however it is best used for healing.
4. Sylphen
Ruled By: Jupiter
Rank 1: A small creature inside a tornado
Rank 2: A small creature inside a tornado - the tornado has arms
Rank 3: A larger creature inside a tornado - the tornado has arms
Rank 4: A larger creature inside a tornado - both the creature and the tornado have arms
Abilityset: Melee Damage
Grimoire Description: A minor manifestation of the element of Air. The purest possible Air homunculus, it comes from only the most sacred breeding rituals.
Notes: The starter you receive if your quiz results line up with the Air element. Does a ton of damage, but takes a lot from melee attacks. Health is fairly high.
5. Cusitren
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Small shaggy dog
Rank 2: Larger shaggy dog, braids, hair covering the eyes
Rank 3: Even larger shaggy dog, braids, hair covering the eyes, fae wings
Rank 4: Even larger still shaggy dog, braids, hair covering the eyes, fae wings, foxfire surrounding it
Abilityset: Magic Damage/Debuffer
Grimoire Description: A shaggy dog homunculus that is said to bring milk to the Fae. Summoning one of these is a definite way to gain contact with the fair folk.
Notes: Specializes in Damage over Time magic and Fire magic. Has an almost-unique ability, Fairy Ring, which debuffs enemies and buffs allies.
6. Birddon
Ruled By: Saturn
Rank 1: Little bird with a bowtie
Rank 2: Bird wearing a tuxedo with a bow tie
Rank 3: Bird wearing a black suit & tie
Rank 4: Hawk wearing a black and grey pinstripe suit
Abilityset: Melee Damage
Grimoire Description: Often used to chase unwanted birds off the alchemist's property, these homunculi can become pests in and of themselves if allowed free range of one's backyard.
Notes: Is basically a mafia don. Knows a few attack-augmenting and support spells, but other than that his melee damage is the way to go. Can also be used to great effect as a tank, however.
7. Mause
Ruled By: Venus
Rank 1: Old computer mouse
Rank 2: Basic computer mouse
Rank 3: Gaming mouse (Razer Naga)
Rank 4: Armored Gaming mouse (Steelseries WoW mouse)
Abilityset: Tank/Magic Damage
Grimoire Description: Their skills in making electronics work make them popular homunculi. Powerful ones can cause nearby computers to experience a "blue screen of death".
Notes: Starts out fairly weak and best used as a magic damager, however by Mause's last Rank he has come into his own as a powerful tank, specialized to handle magic damage. Can still be used as a magic damager, and his melee attack is decent as well.
8. Rashoumon
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Sled dog puppy
Rank 2: Sled dog with slight demon features
Rank 3: Sled dog with demon features, armor, growing a second head
Rank 4: Two-headed sled dog with demon features and armor
Abilityset: Melee Damage
Grimoire Description: It comes from a devil's gate in the East. It is used as transportation across snow.
Notes: One of the mount monsters who can be used to increase your speed across certain types of terrain, if properly trained. Uses melee attacks with a damage-over-time component.
9. Dhaquid
Ruled By: Neptune
Rank 1: Small, sparkling "vampire" squid
Rank 2: Vampire squid (no sparkles)
Rank 3: Vampire squid with Dracula features
Rank 4: Vampire squid with features of traditional Slavic vampire
Abilityset: Debuffer
Grimoire Description: A homunculus who is usually sent to give sickness to enemies by sucking their blood. It can be repelled by putting a fresh fish in front of your door.
Notes: Represents the reverse evolution of the vampire in popular culture. Has decent attack and magic skills but where it truly shines is the stat debuffs it can dole out.
10. Valckin
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Bullet-shaped creature with a smoke tail
Rank 2: Bullet-shaped biped creature with a smoke tail
Rank 3: Bullet-like weasel creature with a smoke tail
Rank 4: Bullet-like weasel creature with an ammo belt and gun arm, and a smoke tail
Abilityset: Magic Damage/Melee Damage
Grimoire Description: It was created with the purpose of demolishing large buildings. Wild ones shoot everything in sight.
Notes: Works as either type of damager. Glass cannon type creature, but good at defeating homunculi with high defenses.
11. Sheipnir
Ruled by: Mars
Rank 1: Lamb with curly fur
Rank 2: Sheep with curly fur, 6 legs
Rank 3: Sheep with small horns, curly fur, 8 legs
Rank 4: Ram with curly fur, 8 legs, racehorse garb
Abilityset: Buffer/Healer/Melee Damage
Grimoire Description: Shorn for their luxorious wool when they're younger. When they have 8 legs, they can run so fast they can fly.
Notes: One of the mount monsters who can be used to increase your speed across certain types of terrain, if properly trained. Super-fast buffer/healer with decent attack.
12. Jerville
Ruled by: Jupiter
Rank 1: Creature with a bird's legs and small wings.
Rank 2: Long-necked creature with bird's legs, demon wings
Rank 3: Long-necked gryphon-like creature with horse's front legs, bird's back legs, demon wings and horns
Rank 4: Long-necked gryphon-like creature with horse's front legs, bird's back legs, demon wings and horns. Body is more demonic
Abilityset: Magic Damage/Debuffer
Grimoire Description: A homunculus created to scare people with its cry like nails on a chalkboard. It lives near pine trees.
Notes: Uses air magic and fear-type debuffs. Decent all-around stats, can be used for pretty much anything.
13. Jestyena
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Hyena cub with jester's collar
Rank 2: Hyena with jester's hat and collar
Rank 3: Hyena with jester's facepaint, collar and hat
Rank 4: Hyena with Jester's clothes as body markings, facepaint, collar and hat
Abilityset: Buffer/Debuffer
Grimoire Description: Known to make even the most stoic of alchemists laugh with their slapstick comedy. Used as court jesters in the old days of the Monarchy.
Notes: Has lots of abilities based on random choice. High defenses, low attack, but a collection of amazing buffs/debuffs.
14. Coffatos
Ruled By: Venus
Rank 1: Coffin with a face + legs
Rank 2: Biped coffin
Rank 3: Knight made of shadow coming out of coffin
Rank 4: Knight with coffin shoulders/facemask
Abilityset: Tank/Melee Damager
Grimoire Description: Once used as a mobile burial coffin during the Plague Years, it has since fallen into disuse, with the exception of battle.
Notes: Knows many 'death-based' abilites, such as instant death and sacrifice spells. Makes an excellent tank. High HP ties in with one spell that restores HP to allies equal to Coffatos's max HP, but kills Coffatos.
15. Hummzilo
Ruled By: Saturn
Rank 1: Tiny Hummingbird
Rank 2: Biped hummingbird
Rank 3: Hummingbirdlike man
Rank 4: Hummingbird knight
Abilityset: Healer/Buffer
Grimoire Description: Created to be a highly mobile medic for wars. These homunculi would travel the air looking for wounded soldiers.
Notes: A healer with decent defenses and speed.
16. Millypod
Earth+Earth (first two ranks), Earth>Fire (last two ranks)
Ruled By: Uranus
Rank 1: Pillbug
Rank 2: Millipede
Rank 3: Millipede with human armor
Rank 4: Upright-standing millipede with knight's armor
Abilityset: Tank/Buffer
Grimoire Description: Made for an invertebrate-loving king to be the main bulk of his army. In spite of their appearence they are very chivalrous.
Notes: Best tank in the game, pretty much, but sacrefices attack and magic damage for his defensive skills. Speed is good enough to pull off defensive manuvers.
17. Dandelante
Ruled by: Earth
Rank 1: Dandelion Puff
Rank 2: Dandelion Lizard
Rank 3: Thistle Lizard
Rank 4: Thistle Dragon
Abilityset: Melee Damage/Buffer
Grimoire Description: A recent homunculus created to feature in a movie. However, it grew larger than expected and escaped.
Notes: Melee attacker with a large amount of plant-based buffs.
18. Bassicore
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Lion cub with a stinger
Rank 2: Lion cub with a mane and a stinger
Rank 3: Lion with a mane and a scorpion tail
Rank 4: Lion with a mane, wings, and a scorpion tail
Abilityset: Melee Damage/Debuffer
Grimoire Description: Created as a musical instrument, it became too much to handle and was released into the wild. It plays a bass riff when content.
Notes: One of the mount monsters who can be used to increase your speed across certain types of terrain, if properly trained. Sound-based attacks.
19. Dorappa
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Small dog with a mic tail
Rank 2: Dog that looks like Parappa with a mic tail
Rank 3: Biped dog that looks like Parappa with a mic tail and turntables
Rank 4: Biped dog with baggy pants, a beanie, sunglasses/a DAT ASS face, a mic tail and turntables
Abilityset: Buffer/Magic Damage
Grimoire Description: Hey Danubine, Imma let you finish, but Bassicore is the best musical homunculus of ALL TIME!
Notes: Really gets the party pumped up with his buffs. Also can insult (damage) with his lyrics.
20. Rampadillo
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Baby Armadillo with sand mound on its back
Rank 2: Armadillo with sand bucket on its back and shovel
Rank 3: Armadillo with a basic sandcastle on its back
Rank 4: Armadillo with a complex sandcastle on its back
Abilityset: Tank/Debuffer
Grimoire Description: A homunculus made for children to play with after a hurricane decimated the southern beaches. It is still popular with kids today, however parents hate when it tracks sand across the floor.
Notes: Has lots of accuracy-reducing sand moves which help its tanking.
Stuff I need to work out still:
Fix the shitty element names
How breeding will work
Alchemist's effect on battle
And lots more!
Thanks for reading my drivel. I hope you have lots of constructive criticism regarding my idea!
Hey, check these out!
(Crossposted from PxC)
The first 13 creatures I have notes on! These are in no particular order except the first four, which are based on Dwarves, Salamanders, Undines, and Sylphs - creatures that represent the four basic elements. These four creatures are the ones you can start with - I have WIP silhouettes of them (Rank 4) in my sprite thread.
"Abilityset" represents the types of moves they learn and stats they receive typically. Homunculi you recruit in the wild will typically have these exact characteristics, but bred homunculi will have inherited their parents spells, attacks, and stats, so they can be used for pretty much any of the roles.
The Grimoire is a bestiary/Pokedex. It catalogs homunculi you have bred, recruited, or received. The book also collects records such as breeding and recruitment results.
Finally, Notes are just my notes on what the average creature of that species does, inspiration for designs, mount status, etcetera.
1. Dwartle
Ruled By: Mercury
Rank 1: tortoise
Rank 2: Biped tortoise-dwarf
Rank 3: Painted biped tortoise-dwarf (think tribal paint + painted turtle)
Rank 4: Painted old man biped tortoise-dwarf
Abilityset: Tank
Grimoire Description: A minor manifestation of the element of Earth. The purest possible Earth homunculus, it comes from only the most sacred breeding rituals.
Notes: The starter you receive if your quiz results line up with the Earth element. High health and defenses with some taunt-like and defense increasing skills. Attack is decent.
2. Salamendra
Fire + Fire
Ruled By: Mercury
Rank 1: Salamander
Rank 2: Salamander with paws on fire
Rank 3: Salamander-drake with legs + back on fire
Rank 4: Dragon with entire body excluding decorative acessories on fire
Abilityset: Magic Damage
Grimoire Description: A minor manifestation of the element of Fire. The purest possible Fire homunculus, it comes from only the most sacred breeding rituals.
Notes: The starter you receive if your quiz results line up with the Fire element. Takes attacks well, but its health is low and it doesn't do much damage with regular attacks. Its magic is very good however.
3. Danubine
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Baby with translucent skin
Rank 2: Child with translucent skin, violin-like features
Rank 3: Older Child with translucent skin, violin-like features, and waves for a lower body
Rank 4: Adult with translucent skin, violin-like features, and waves for a lower body
Abilityset: Healer
Grimoire Description: A minor manifestation of the element of Water. The purest possible Water homunculus, it comes from only the most sacred breeding rituals.
Notes: The starter you receive if your quiz results line up with the Water element. All Ranks appear androgynous. Does magic damage that is fine for getting through the first part of the game, however it is best used for healing.
4. Sylphen
Ruled By: Jupiter
Rank 1: A small creature inside a tornado
Rank 2: A small creature inside a tornado - the tornado has arms
Rank 3: A larger creature inside a tornado - the tornado has arms
Rank 4: A larger creature inside a tornado - both the creature and the tornado have arms
Abilityset: Melee Damage
Grimoire Description: A minor manifestation of the element of Air. The purest possible Air homunculus, it comes from only the most sacred breeding rituals.
Notes: The starter you receive if your quiz results line up with the Air element. Does a ton of damage, but takes a lot from melee attacks. Health is fairly high.
5. Cusitren
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Small shaggy dog
Rank 2: Larger shaggy dog, braids, hair covering the eyes
Rank 3: Even larger shaggy dog, braids, hair covering the eyes, fae wings
Rank 4: Even larger still shaggy dog, braids, hair covering the eyes, fae wings, foxfire surrounding it
Abilityset: Magic Damage/Debuffer
Grimoire Description: A shaggy dog homunculus that is said to bring milk to the Fae. Summoning one of these is a definite way to gain contact with the fair folk.
Notes: Specializes in Damage over Time magic and Fire magic. Has an almost-unique ability, Fairy Ring, which debuffs enemies and buffs allies.
6. Birddon
Ruled By: Saturn
Rank 1: Little bird with a bowtie
Rank 2: Bird wearing a tuxedo with a bow tie
Rank 3: Bird wearing a black suit & tie
Rank 4: Hawk wearing a black and grey pinstripe suit
Abilityset: Melee Damage
Grimoire Description: Often used to chase unwanted birds off the alchemist's property, these homunculi can become pests in and of themselves if allowed free range of one's backyard.
Notes: Is basically a mafia don. Knows a few attack-augmenting and support spells, but other than that his melee damage is the way to go. Can also be used to great effect as a tank, however.
7. Mause
Ruled By: Venus
Rank 1: Old computer mouse
Rank 2: Basic computer mouse
Rank 3: Gaming mouse (Razer Naga)
Rank 4: Armored Gaming mouse (Steelseries WoW mouse)
Abilityset: Tank/Magic Damage
Grimoire Description: Their skills in making electronics work make them popular homunculi. Powerful ones can cause nearby computers to experience a "blue screen of death".
Notes: Starts out fairly weak and best used as a magic damager, however by Mause's last Rank he has come into his own as a powerful tank, specialized to handle magic damage. Can still be used as a magic damager, and his melee attack is decent as well.
8. Rashoumon
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Sled dog puppy
Rank 2: Sled dog with slight demon features
Rank 3: Sled dog with demon features, armor, growing a second head
Rank 4: Two-headed sled dog with demon features and armor
Abilityset: Melee Damage
Grimoire Description: It comes from a devil's gate in the East. It is used as transportation across snow.
Notes: One of the mount monsters who can be used to increase your speed across certain types of terrain, if properly trained. Uses melee attacks with a damage-over-time component.
9. Dhaquid
Ruled By: Neptune
Rank 1: Small, sparkling "vampire" squid
Rank 2: Vampire squid (no sparkles)
Rank 3: Vampire squid with Dracula features
Rank 4: Vampire squid with features of traditional Slavic vampire
Abilityset: Debuffer
Grimoire Description: A homunculus who is usually sent to give sickness to enemies by sucking their blood. It can be repelled by putting a fresh fish in front of your door.
Notes: Represents the reverse evolution of the vampire in popular culture. Has decent attack and magic skills but where it truly shines is the stat debuffs it can dole out.
10. Valckin
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Bullet-shaped creature with a smoke tail
Rank 2: Bullet-shaped biped creature with a smoke tail
Rank 3: Bullet-like weasel creature with a smoke tail
Rank 4: Bullet-like weasel creature with an ammo belt and gun arm, and a smoke tail
Abilityset: Magic Damage/Melee Damage
Grimoire Description: It was created with the purpose of demolishing large buildings. Wild ones shoot everything in sight.
Notes: Works as either type of damager. Glass cannon type creature, but good at defeating homunculi with high defenses.
11. Sheipnir
Ruled by: Mars
Rank 1: Lamb with curly fur
Rank 2: Sheep with curly fur, 6 legs
Rank 3: Sheep with small horns, curly fur, 8 legs
Rank 4: Ram with curly fur, 8 legs, racehorse garb
Abilityset: Buffer/Healer/Melee Damage
Grimoire Description: Shorn for their luxorious wool when they're younger. When they have 8 legs, they can run so fast they can fly.
Notes: One of the mount monsters who can be used to increase your speed across certain types of terrain, if properly trained. Super-fast buffer/healer with decent attack.
12. Jerville
Ruled by: Jupiter
Rank 1: Creature with a bird's legs and small wings.
Rank 2: Long-necked creature with bird's legs, demon wings
Rank 3: Long-necked gryphon-like creature with horse's front legs, bird's back legs, demon wings and horns
Rank 4: Long-necked gryphon-like creature with horse's front legs, bird's back legs, demon wings and horns. Body is more demonic
Abilityset: Magic Damage/Debuffer
Grimoire Description: A homunculus created to scare people with its cry like nails on a chalkboard. It lives near pine trees.
Notes: Uses air magic and fear-type debuffs. Decent all-around stats, can be used for pretty much anything.
13. Jestyena
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Hyena cub with jester's collar
Rank 2: Hyena with jester's hat and collar
Rank 3: Hyena with jester's facepaint, collar and hat
Rank 4: Hyena with Jester's clothes as body markings, facepaint, collar and hat
Abilityset: Buffer/Debuffer
Grimoire Description: Known to make even the most stoic of alchemists laugh with their slapstick comedy. Used as court jesters in the old days of the Monarchy.
Notes: Has lots of abilities based on random choice. High defenses, low attack, but a collection of amazing buffs/debuffs.
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the human clothes/accessories kind of kill the concept for me, but you go ahead with this!
![[Image: shrine.gif]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/344477/shrine.gif)
I can understand why the clothes might wreck the idea for you, but part of the story is that the Homunculi were originally products of the human mind made to perform specific tasks, for example servitors in chaos magick. I don't think it's terribly farfetched to imagine a human might think up a hyena with a jester's cap to tell jokes or a bird in a suit and tie to intimidate other birds.
I might actually just give them clothes-like markings, like I did back when they were fakemon. I'll see what the general consensus is.
Thanks for the support!
Going to consolidate everything into the first post, but I have a preview of some of the mechanics for raising homunculi, including stats and personality:
The 9 main stats are as follows:
Health (increases max HP)
Mana (increases max Mana)
Melee Attack (Increases damage done by melee attacks and abilities)
Physical Defense (Decreases damage received by melee attacks and abilities)
Magic Attack (Increases damage done by magic attacks and abilities)
Magic Defense (Decreases damage received by magic attacks and abilities)
Spirit (Increases amount healed/buffed by healing and buffing spells)
Wisdom (Increases amount debuffed by debuffing spells)
Charisma (Increases likelyhood of recruiting homunculi if this homunculus helps in the process)
Each homunculus has 3 personality facets: One is visible, while the other two are hidden from the player. The three facets determine the three aspects of a homunculus's personality: Way of Thinking, Way of Fighting and Way of Speech.
Thinking Type:
There are 9 thinking types, based on the Enneagram of Personality. The Thinking Types determine stat bonuses as well as what your homunculus likes to eat and do. With a wild homunculus, the Thinking Type determines what types of questions they may ask you or things they may ask for when you recruit them.
Thinking type is the only visible personality facet, seen on the status screen.
1. Reformer:
Reformer homunculi tend to be perfectionists. They seek balance in everything they do, and can sometimes become over-critical of themselves.
Stat Bonus: Health
"Uhm, excuse me sir/ma'am alchemist... but the third button from the bottom on your jacket is undone"
"No, no, no! I should have used my charge attack instead of that spell... stupid, stupid me!"
2. Helper
Helper homunculi are the spreaders of cheer and joy throughout Roeizek. They are kind, caring, and giving, however they may not pay attention to themselves.
Stat Bonus: Spirit
"Here, I saved this meat for you. What do you mean, I haven't eaten in three days?"
"You're the best alchemist ever! I really mean it!"
3. Achiever
Achiever homunculi are homunculi of action, trying to always be doing something. This can be a disadvantage, however, because sometimes they can become unaware of their own emotions.
Stat Bonus: Melee Attack
"40.7 seconds to maim that Birddon... a new record. Let's get moving"
"Come on, go go go go go go!"
4. Individualist
Individualist homunculi are, in essence, the emo kids of Roeizek. They focus their thoughts on their feelings and emotions, and wish to be true to themselves and others. They are very sensitive, but can also be drama queens.
Stat Bonus: Wisdom
"I chipped a claw back there... man, I just feel like crying right now"
"Hey, do you have my Little Man CD? Their music is sort of a guilty pleasure for me"
5. Investigator
Investigator homunculi live for knowledge and wisdom. They want to know everything! Investigators are calm under pressure and objective with others problems, though they tend to have detached relationships.
Stat Bonus: Magic Attack
"Okay everyone, stay calm. 2 casualties isn't bad"
"Did you know that moving coffin homunculi were used during the Plague Years to get the infected bodies far away from cities?"
6. Loyalist
Loyalist homunculi want to feel safe always, so they usually turn to their alchemist or another authority figure for protection. They have the uncanny ability to tell when someon is lying. They can suffer from severe paranoia.
Stat Bonus: Mana
"I swear, that tree moved! Will you hold my paw?"
"I KNOW you ate that last cookie"
7. Enthusiast
Enthusiast homunculi try to block out bad experiences, believing that it is a waste of time to think bad things. This makes them optimistic and fun to be around, however when they must deal with unpleasant things they tend to break down.
Stat Bonus: Physical Defense
"Think happy thoughts!"
"Don't tell me he's dead! PLEASE don't tell me he's dead"
8. Challenger
Challenger homunculi are leaders, strong allies that other homunculi look up to. They are very self-sufficient, however, this can lead to them being controlling of those around them.
Stat Bonus: Charisma
"I can do it myself"
"You're doing it all WRONG!"
9. Peacemaker
Peacemaker homunculi just want everyone to stop fighting and get along. They make warm, thoughtful and kind friends, however they can have trouble expressing when they DO get angry, and can also have difficulty saying "no".
Stat Bonus: Magic Defense
"Come on you two, it's not a big deal"
"Well... I guess I'll do it"
Fighting Type:
The homunculus's fighting type is hidden from the player and affects which 3 areas of battle the homunculus excels in/is interested in learning.
The fighting types are as follows:
Tank/Melee Attack/Magic Attack
Tank/Melee Attack/Healer
Tank/Melee Attack/Buffer
Tank/Melee Attack/Debuffer
Tank/Magic Attack/Healer
Tank/Magic Attack/Buffer
Tank/Magic Attack/Debuffer
Melee Attack/Magic Attack/Healer
Melee Attack/Magic Attack/Buffer
Melee Attack/Magic Attack/Debuffer
Melee Attack/Healer/Buffer
Melee Attack/Healer/Debuffer
Melee Attack/Buffer/Debuffer
Magic Attack/Healer/Buffer
Magic Attack/Healer/Debuffer
Magic Attack/Buffer/Debuffer
Speech Type:
Speech type has little to no affect on the homunculus' personality, however I am sorting it here because it's similar.
Speech type determines how your homunculus talks. Speech type is typically the same among all members of a species, and some speech types span several different species. However, breeding may, very rarely, give the baby homunculus the speech type of one of the parents.
I also have the concepts for the remaining 7 out of the 20 homunculi that I'm going to start with:
14. Coffatos
Ruled By: Venus
Rank 1: Coffin with a face + legs
Rank 2: Biped coffin
Rank 3: Knight made of shadow coming out of coffin
Rank 4: Knight with coffin shoulders/facemask
Abilityset: Tank/Melee Damager
Grimoire Description: Once used as a mobile burial coffin during the Plague Years, it has since fallen into disuse, with the exception of battle.
Notes: Knows many 'death-based' abilites, such as instant death and sacrifice spells. Makes an excellent tank. High HP ties in with one spell that restores HP to allies equal to Coffatos's max HP, but kills Coffatos.
15. Hummzilo
Ruled By: Saturn
Rank 1: Tiny Hummingbird
Rank 2: Biped hummingbird
Rank 3: Hummingbirdlike man
Rank 4: Hummingbird knight
Abilityset: Healer/Buffer
Grimoire Description: Created to be a highly mobile medic for wars. These homunculi would travel the air looking for wounded soldiers.
Notes: A healer with decent defenses and speed.
16. Millypod
Earth+Earth (first two ranks), Earth>Fire (last two ranks)
Ruled By: Uranus
Rank 1: Pillbug
Rank 2: Millipede
Rank 3: Millipede with human armor
Rank 4: Upright-standing millipede with knight's armor
Abilityset: Tank/Support
Grimoire Description: Made for an invertebrate-loving king to be the main bulk of his army. In spite of their appearence they are very chivalrous.
Notes: Best tank in the game, pretty much, but sacrefices attack and magic damage for his defensive skills. Speed is good enough to pull off defensive manuvers.
17. Dandelante
Ruled by: Earth
Rank 1: Dandelion Puff
Rank 2: Dandelion Lizard
Rank 3: Thistle Lizard
Rank 4: Thistle Dragon
Abilityset: Melee Damage/Buffer
Grimoire Description: A recent homunculus created to feature in a movie. However, it grew larger than expected and escaped.
Notes: Melee attacker with a large amount of plant-based buffs.
18. Bassicore
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Lion cub with a stinger
Rank 2: Lion cub with a mane and a stinger
Rank 3: Lion with a mane and a scorpion tail
Rank 4: Lion with a mane, wings, and a scorpion tail
Abilityset: Melee Damage/Debuffer
Grimoire Description: Created as a musical instrument, it became too much to handle and was released into the wild. It plays a bass riff when content.
Notes: One of the mount monsters who can be used to increase your speed across certain types of terrain, if properly trained. Sound-based attacks.
19. Dorappa
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Small dog with a mic tail
Rank 2: Dog that looks like Parappa with a mic tail
Rank 3: Biped dog that looks like Parappa with a mic tail and turntables
Rank 4: Biped dog with baggy pants, a beanie, sunglasses/a DAT *** face, a mic tail and turntables
Abilityset: Buffer/Magic Damage
Grimoire Description: Hey Danubine, Imma let you finish, but Bassicore is the best musical homunculus of ALL TIME!
Notes: Really gets the party pumped up with his buffs. Also can insult (damage) with his lyrics.
20. Rampadillo
Ruled By: Mars
Rank 1: Baby Armadillo with sand mound on its back
Rank 2: Armadillo with sand bucket on its back and shovel
Rank 3: Armadillo with a basic sandcastle on its back
Rank 4: Armadillo with a complex sandcastle on its back
Abilityset: Tank/Debuffer
Grimoire Description: A homunculus made for children to play with after a hurricane decimated the southern beaches. It is still popular with kids today, however parents hate when it tracks sand across the floor.
Notes: Has lots of accuracy-reducing sand moves which help its tanking.
I can't wait to sprite Dorappa
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Some of your cross elements are a bit borked. Melancholia? Really? I suggest:
Water>Earth = Blood (...This feels wrong, but I can't quite place why. It goes well with Earth>Water = Wood, though.)
Water>Fire = Catalyst
Air>Earth = Gravity
Air>Fire = Nuclear/Plasma
Air>Water = Aether (A bit vague. Are we talking mist/fog or miasma/smog?)
Also, Jupiter would probably be elementals/non-corporeal.
Specs 'n' Headphones has been revamped! Check it, yo.
![[Image: 10y3mgj.png]](http://i44.tinypic.com/10y3mgj.png) ![[Image: groove-1.gif]](http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o156/A1exi_911/groove-1.gif)
Thanks to Pik and Solink; they are sexy people. ![Heart Heart](https://www.vg-resource.com/images/custom_smilies/heart.gif)
(12-29-2010, 02:18 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: Some of your cross elements are a bit borked. Melancholia? Really? I suggest:
Water>Earth = Blood (...This feels wrong, but I can't quite place why. It goes well with Earth>Water = Wood, though.)
Water>Fire = Catalyst
Air>Earth = Gravity
Air>Fire = Nuclear/Plasma
Air>Water = Aether (A bit vague. Are we talking mist/fog or miasma/smog?)
Also Jupiter would probably be elementals/non-corporeal.
I like all of these, and I'll probably use them, but I'm in need of a cross element for Sound, and I wasn't quite sure where to place it. I'm thinking Air>something but I'm not sure.
Aether is miasma/smog, I might as well rename it Miasma at this point ahah.
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I initially interpreted it as the modern 'ether'; and imagined a drunk-off-his-tits homunculus.
Air > Earth also works as Sound, if Gravity is too abstract. If these elements are to be treated/flavoured as alchemical ingredients rather than say what Pokémon might consider an element (THE DRAGON ELEMENT, DURRR) - then It might need to be called something else - but cover sound-based attacks. 'Pulse' or 'Force' or 'Wave' or something.
Specs 'n' Headphones has been revamped! Check it, yo.
![[Image: 10y3mgj.png]](http://i44.tinypic.com/10y3mgj.png) ![[Image: groove-1.gif]](http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o156/A1exi_911/groove-1.gif)
Thanks to Pik and Solink; they are sexy people. ![Heart Heart](https://www.vg-resource.com/images/custom_smilies/heart.gif)
(12-29-2010, 02:51 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: I initially interpreted it as the modern 'ether'; and imagined a drunk-off-his-tits homunculus.
Air > Earth also works as Sound, if Gravity is too abstract. If these elements are to be treated/flavoured as alchemical ingredients rather than say what Pokémon might consider an element (THE DRAGON ELEMENT, DURRR) - then It might need to be called something else - but cover sound-based attacks. 'Pulse' or 'Force' or 'Wave' or something.
Alright, the problem elements and homunculi associated with them have been changed. Thanks for the help!
I'm fine with Sound at this point unless I think of something better. "Pulse" and "Wave" bring to mind water, while "Force" is the name of the Wind attacks in the Megaten series and would confuse me (and possibly other megaten fans)
That plus sound could technically be an "ingredient"... like in those episodes of Between the Lions I watched when I was younger, where they had to yell at meat or something. Maybe I'm being a bit farfetched here...
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It's cool brah.
Oh bluh. I swear SMT's 4th element keeps changing. Garu, Force, Zan...
Specs 'n' Headphones has been revamped! Check it, yo.
![[Image: 10y3mgj.png]](http://i44.tinypic.com/10y3mgj.png) ![[Image: groove-1.gif]](http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o156/A1exi_911/groove-1.gif)
Thanks to Pik and Solink; they are sexy people. ![Heart Heart](https://www.vg-resource.com/images/custom_smilies/heart.gif)
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Perhaps you could simplify it greatly. I was thinking there would be three parts of a monster. Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Mind is the battle style and personality.
Body is the physical attributes.
Spirit is the elemental power.
Just a suggestion. Its similar to what you had but simpler. The things above kind of confused me a bit.
(12-29-2010, 08:08 PM)Koopaul Wrote: Perhaps you could simplify it greatly. I was thinking there would be three parts of a monster. Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Mind is the battle style and personality.
Body is the physical attributes.
Spirit is the elemental power.
Just a suggestion. Its similar to what you had but simpler. The things above kind of confused me a bit.
Hmm. Could you explain a little more? I'm not exactly sure how that would simplify it, besides grouping everything. Battle style isn't seen on the status screen, it's more of a 'hidden attribute', also.