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WHAT IF POKEMEN WERE REAL!!!!!! Grown-up Edition
(01-18-2011, 02:20 PM)munky cheez Wrote:
(01-18-2011, 02:05 PM)Deleted Sarcasm Wrote: airlines and boat companies would go bust
not to mention stormy weather situations, i imagine the business would stay as is, especially for non-trainer locals

I will answer this with one statement:

Fearow, use Sunny Day!

But about the fatuque and stuff, most pokemon would suffer, yeah, but pokemon like gliscor can, according to the platinum pokedex, can circle the globe on just a faint breeze, or something.

But yeah, if pokemon was real I'd have a shiny huntail by now. and nothing would stop me

EDIT: oh, and Pokemon like Golem and Aggron would make great traffic wardens: if you break the rules you'll break your own car
In school, I'd probably have a metagross to help me revise
Jewellery stores would have signs saying 'No Sableye allowed'
Starmie would make great ninjas, because they can use camouflage
And for food, you forgot the berries grown, and the nuts grown on grotle and berries on Snover
Thanked by: Garamonde
Well there's been boats in the Pokemon games since Gen 1, and Black/White has an airport, so it seems those business could easily survive with the existence of Pokemon.
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you'd take a nap unknowingly on the back of a Torterra and wake up possibly miles away
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Hi, I'm the S.S. Anne. I exist and so do other boats. Woops.

Wouldn't people use Miltank in the place of regular cows? That sounds like milk and beef to me.
[Image: Dexter.png]  [Image: Bubbles.png]  [Image: SNWzHvA.png]   [Image: SamuraiJack2.png] [Image: kQzhJLF.png]  [Image: Pikachu.png] [Image: tSCZnqw.png]
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(01-18-2011, 03:41 PM)Kriven Wrote: Hi, I'm the S.S. Anne. I exist and so do other boats.

Woops. I forgot about the current boats!

Oh, and I found this comic online:
[Image: If_Pokemon_were_real_by_inkydragon.jpg]
Pokesmons power is also obviously exaggerated considering its physically impossible, magical or not, to fly around the world with a simple gust considering at those kinds of speeds, gliscor would have dissolved into dust before it got anywhere
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
Scratch what I said earlier if Pokemon have always been since the beginning there would be no humanity. You see humans evolved as the superior species because they learned how to survive the elements, and kill larger beasts.

We hunted the mammoths and used their bones and organs as tools and more. With the ability to kill other animals we were able to dominate the world and build our modern societies.

The same can't be said with Pokemon, a group of primitive men could slaughter a mammoth easy... But a Mamoswine?! Those things can summon blizzards and cause earthquakes! We wouldn't stand a chance.

There would be no modern society we'd all be living in caves... or we'd be dead. Probably dead.

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Mewtwo and all those Legendaries would kill us all.
Humans would be inferior to a lv. 10 Charmander. =(
[Image: Intro_Project2_zpsa3f9d668.gif]
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This is why I don't like discussing if Pokemon were real with people. All anyone can ever say is "I THINK CHARIZARD WOULD KILL EVERYONE XD"
And Koops you make a good point BUT as I said I think the actual power of a Pokemon is EXTREMELY exaggerated. I highly doubt the move "blizzard" summons a literal blizzard and I doubt the move "earthquake" creates a literal earthquake... otherwise "magnitude" would be a billion times more devastating than "earthquake" if you ever got lucky and hit a 10... that's a 10 on the Richter scale, and I highly doubt a little rock ball is going to be making one of those.
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
Not to mention Pokemon have always been utilized by human's through some sort of special bond anyways, so, as far as we're concerned, Pokemon and humans have been partners since the beginning of time
(01-21-2011, 04:43 PM)munky cheez Wrote: I doubt the move "earthquake" creates a literal earthquake... otherwise "magnitude" would be a billion times more devastating than "earthquake" if you ever got lucky and hit a 10... that's a 10 on the Richter scale, and I highly doubt a little rock ball is going to be making one of those.

This is a Pokemon world now.
Anything's possible.
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(01-22-2011, 11:25 AM)Teddy The Elite Wrote:
(01-21-2011, 04:43 PM)munky cheez Wrote: I doubt the move "earthquake" creates a literal earthquake... otherwise "magnitude" would be a billion times more devastating than "earthquake" if you ever got lucky and hit a 10... that's a 10 on the Richter scale, and I highly doubt a little rock ball is going to be making one of those.

This is a Pokemon world now.
Anything's possible.

Not even in the anime is that devastating. And we are not arguing the viability of Pokemon in the Pokemone world, it's what if Pokemon were in the REAL world. We already know what it's like in the Pokemon world, considering, that's where the games and show and EVERYTHING take place, and even then, earthquake and blizzard don't make literal 1:1 scale blizzards and earthquakes.
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
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A normal run of the mill fire Pokemon like Charizard could probably actually burn a town town. It's a dragon. Electrodes could probably be dropped from the sky onto an unsuspecting town as a bomb.

I think the only Pokemon that are capable of being as devastating as some moves are portrayed are legendary Pokemon.
Thanked by: Gwen
(01-21-2011, 01:03 AM)Koopaul Wrote: Scratch what I said earlier if Pokemon have always been since the beginning there would be no humanity. You see humans evolved as the superior species because they learned how to survive the elements, and kill larger beasts.

We hunted the mammoths and used their bones and organs as tools and more. With the ability to kill other animals we were able to dominate the world and build our modern societies.

The same can't be said with Pokemon, a group of primitive men could slaughter a mammoth easy... But a Mamoswine?! Those things can summon blizzards and cause earthquakes! We wouldn't stand a chance.

There would be no modern society we'd all be living in caves... or we'd be dead. Probably dead.

It feels silly to say this, but there's actually a canonical explanation for this in Pokemon.

Apricorns. They were used since the stone age to capture pokemon. Instead of evolving to make knives and stuff, humans evolved to use apricorns to catch and train pokemon. There's some kind of reaction with the apricorn or whatever it's made out of which is what causes the pokemon to shrink and fit inside the ball. It's how Pokeballs are made, as demonstrated in Gold & Silver.

I also remember reading something about Arceus creating humans and pokemon as the same beings at first and then they eventually split off.
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Yes but then relying on the magics of these beasts in order to survive would put a damper on our evolution.

If we relied on other animals to assist us we'd never learn how to advance. Again we'd still be living in caves.

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