02-02-2011, 10:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-02-2011, 04:09 PM by Lugana Rysniq.)
I desiced to Make this Thread so People can Discuss About Sonic Related model Things, so that i and other dont have a bunch of things about models from sonic games floting about
So far i have been able to get Models from,
Sonic Heroes & Shadow the Hedgehog (*.ONE > *.PRS > *.DFF)
Sonic 2006 (360) (*.ARC > *.XNO) "Tools not Public, Sorry"
Sonic Colors (Brres)
Models I've been trying to Figure out are
Sonic R (PC) (*.Bin)
Sonic StoryBook's "Secret Rings and Black Knight" And "WiiLeashed" (*.GNO) "Tools Not Public"
Sonic Unleashed/Generations (360/PS3) (*.MODEL)
Sonic 4 (PS3 - *.CNO) And Free Riders (360 - *.ENO)
Sonic Rivals 1/2 (*.STR > *.?)
If anyone knows Or has any Tools that can help others with the ones i have already found out how to handle please Post links here and I'll add them to the first post , Thank you

So far i have been able to get Models from,
Sonic Heroes & Shadow the Hedgehog (*.ONE > *.PRS > *.DFF)
Sonic 2006 (360) (*.ARC > *.XNO) "Tools not Public, Sorry"
Sonic Colors (Brres)
Models I've been trying to Figure out are
Sonic R (PC) (*.Bin)
Sonic StoryBook's "Secret Rings and Black Knight" And "WiiLeashed" (*.GNO) "Tools Not Public"
Sonic Unleashed/Generations (360/PS3) (*.MODEL)
Sonic 4 (PS3 - *.CNO) And Free Riders (360 - *.ENO)
Sonic Rivals 1/2 (*.STR > *.?)
If anyone knows Or has any Tools that can help others with the ones i have already found out how to handle please Post links here and I'll add them to the first post , Thank you