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Pokémon B/W. How's the adventure going so far?
I've just beaten the 6th Gym with this team:
[Image: 503.gif]Lvl 38
[Image: 555.gif]Lvl 38
[Image: 508.gif]Lvl 39
[Image: 528.gif]Lvl 37
[Image: 534.gif]Lvl 37
[Image: 549.gif]Lvl 39 (got it from a girl in Something City)
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About to enter Chargestone:

Dewott lvl. 32
Stoutland lvl. 32
Sawk lvl. 32
Victini lvl. 32
Sigliyph lvl. 20 (for Fly)
Purrloin lvl. 17 (for Cut)
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pokemon plot/story/ending

now go find those sages, kid!
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Beat the game now i have 1 or 2 sages to find, and i'm training ma team. Best pokemon is Serperior level 80. I started with tepig and named it porker. traded it to ma bro. started a new game with snivy and now i'm murdering the champion over and over again. the music against the elite 4+champ keep me entertained.
I do Pokemon breeding in black and white and I have a pokedex of 500 AT THE MOMENT! if you want any pokemon I have, PM me.
P.S. I have every Unova pokemon except the last 3 event pokemon
P.P.S. No-one can have any legendaries. There mine, all mine! mwahahahahwahwhhahh whatever Rolleyes
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found the sages on accident, same with the trio
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Crushed Elite 4, and everyone afterward. It was brutal.


[Image: 497.gif] Big Boss - Level 62 Male
[Image: 609.gif] Ouija - Level 65 Male
[Image: 623.gif] Alphonse - Level 61
[Image: 637.gif] Mothra - Level 59 Male

team staples

gonna go own the sages (found one on accident) and then plan for VGC Cool & Frosty!

EDIT: oh, forgot to mention: Ouija and Alphonse both apparently have superior IVs or something according to the IV Judge. :>

EDIT2: so then that also means Big Boss is a fast sunnuvabitch. He has a Can't Be Better in his Speed stat. This makes me smile.

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I want to replace my Simisear with a Heatmor because Heatmor is awesome, but I don't have the heart to boot my Simisear off my team...

grow the hell up Phantom, pokemon don't have emotions they're just video game characters
Thanked by: Gwen, Devicho, Sengir
When I get wargle and Zekrom, I don't know if I'll be able to boot Zebstrika and another from my team :C
I feel ya Phantom.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
Thanked by: Phantom Killah
I didn't know either, but then I did it. Braviary > Zebstrika
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Phantom it's really no big deal. I got sad every time my Accelgor was KO'd even (bad Nuzlocke memories?).

I get pretty attached to my Pokemon, pieces of data they may be.
(03-15-2011, 11:27 PM)Phantom Kojjiro Wrote: I want to replace my Simisear with a Heatmor because Heatmor is awesome, but I don't have the heart to boot my Simisear off my team...

grow the hell up Phantom, pokemon don't have emotions they're just video game characters
This is exactly why I didn't beat Elesa until my team was like... Lv. 30. Flying/Electric vs. a team of Grass, Grass/Bug, Dark/Fighting, Psychic/Flying and Water/Ghost but you know what we can do it team if we just try. (´;∀;`)
Thanked by: Phantom Killah
So it turned out that I breeded a Female Bulbasaur (that is now a Venasaur) and it has This for IVs

HP- 25
ATK- 11
DEF- 19
Sp.A- 19
Sp.D- 31
SPD- 14

I'm pretty happy.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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Alright, so my Simisear already knows yawn, if I teach him false swipe he can be really good at weakening and catching Pokemon. Then I can take him off my battle team but he'll be the leader of my Pokemon catching team. Yeah, he'll like that

edit: awww, can't learn false swipe.. He'll still be my go to guy for Pokemon catching, though
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Apparently, when I let my friend borrow White, to help get pokemon we both dont have and to evolve each others boldores, he said that, in a split level 50 battle, his Snivy (which was before a level 1) beat my Zekrom. My arguement was that it was a virtual me, but that really says something about the pokemon, doesn't it?
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