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Pokémon B/W. How's the adventure going so far?
(04-29-2011, 04:36 AM)The Ullapool Caberknight Wrote: >EV training Riolu
>Killing Patrats and Lillipups in route 1
>Don't need to worry about messing up the EVs because they're the only Pokémon who appear in the route and both give 1 ev point in attack, so I'm just mashing the A button
>Realize that the Patrat I just Ice punched had blue eyes instead of red

Well fuck.


>Want Salac berry because the above Riolu knows endure/reversal
>Salac berry not yet available in Gen V



>Taking a stroll inna woods
>A wild Sewaddle appeared! *sparkle*

Hell yeah, motherfucker.

I have a shiny Patrat I can give, as well as one of those berries.

(04-29-2011, 08:09 AM)The Ullapool Caberknight Wrote:
(04-29-2011, 07:54 AM)Teddy The Elite Wrote: First off, you can all go to hell for seeing shinies. I've got like 100+ hours and haven't even SEEN one. :C

I didn't see a shiny in Soul Silver until I had 300 hours on the clock :/

Although, two shinies within 24 hours is excellent luck, even if I only caught one.

The only legitly mine shiny I've encountered that wasn't an event was a shiny exeggcute.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
Thanked by: Lemonray
(04-29-2011, 01:21 PM)Kat Wrote: I have a shiny Patrat I can give, as well as one of those berries.

Well, I'm not really concerned about Patrat, but I'd really appreciate that berry :p
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(04-29-2011, 01:43 PM)The Ullapool Caberknight Wrote: Well, I'm not really concerned about Patrat, but I'd really appreciate that berry :p

I don't think anyone is. Heck, Ive decided to make sure Patrat and Watchog are the last two pokemon I catch, because I dislike them that much!
Thanked by: Lemonray
But they are BLUE.

In otherwords you're both crazy.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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my shiny patrat has 31 def woot

Thanked by: Maxpphire
>Battle subway
>Get into a stall war with a rest talk Emboar
>All I have left is Scrafty
>We're both +6 atk/def due to Bulk up and Curse
>Can't keep him poisoned due to rest
>He rests off the damage from dragon tail/payback, his gyro ball can't outdamage my healing from leftovers
>Eventually, Emboar runs out of pp for rest
>Just as that happens, OHKO him with a critical dragon tail

>Mon visage quand
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Re-fighting the elite four the other day. Started with the Dark Guy

>Elite four (enter name here) sent out Sharpedo. Go Hydreigon! "Use Earthquale!"
> Sharpedo used Waterfall!
> Hydreigon flinched. "Damn. oh, well, that wont happen again. Hydreigon use earthquake!"
> Sharpedo used Waterfall!
> Hydreigon flinched. "thats not fair. oh, well. theres about a 4% chance of it happening twice. It won't happen again. Hydreigon, earthquake!"
> Sharpedo used Waterfall! Hydreigon flinched! "Ok, a 0.8% of it happening 3 times in a row. but Hydreigons health isn't doing well. Actually, it should be able to take two more hits. Come, on, Earthwquake! This will surely hit!"
> Sharpedo used Waterfall! Its a critical hit! Hydreigon fainted! "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
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>Finish ev training Virizion
>Go to the battle subway
>Wreck entire teams with Swords dance/Sacred sword/Leaf blade/Stone edge, holding Expert belt
>Also deals well with special attacks

When I first saw this guy, before the games were released, I knew he'd be a bro. I wonder what the other two are like compared to this guy?
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(05-01-2011, 05:39 AM)The Ullapool Caberknight Wrote: When I first saw this guy, before the games were released, I knew he'd be a bro. I wonder what the other two are like compared to this guy?

Terrakion is a beast. The best of the three by far.

Honestly, I didn't think virizion was that good when I tried training it. I mean, 4x weakness to flying. Mind you, when I started training it it was OHKO'd by a wingull, so I decided to give it up. It probably is really good, but I personally dont like it.

EDIT: anyway, i was just searching for a shiny Heatmor. I don't know why, but it just looks awesome. Plus I want a Heatmor anyway.
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Traded my Tynamo for a Thundurus over the GTS v(^o^)v
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>Bred Garchomp
>Lonely Gible, alright.

Gonna be a good 'un. Smile
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who else loves trading shelmets online

Still got your Sewaddle here stupickles.

>Replaying FireRed for kicks
>Remember you can fish for Dragonairs in the Safari zone

Big Grin
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so last night im on the random matchups and oh goody gumdrops i get a 4 star japanese player with several hundred wins

my team is zoroark (shiny), regigigas, and porygon-z (shiny) in that order

so i send out zoroark which used night daze on them which took half of their health somehow even though they had a tyranitar and afterward they did dragon dance and then their red-card item kicked my zoroark out

so my regigigas comes out and is about to fuck some shit and they pretty much said 'welp im out' and disconnected

whenever i am doing SLIGHTLY well in random matchups i always get people in japan who are 4 stars and are pussies because this is the third time something similar has happened (and the other times was with different teams)
Thanked by: Rosencrantz
(05-02-2011, 05:09 PM)Own is my body Wrote: who else loves trading shelmets online

You sir have a heart as black as coal.

So since TMs are unlimited in this gen, I've been making more than one competitave team. Yet, I still seem to want to change the members ALL. THE. TIME.
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