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Digimon Masters Online
After effectively giving up on Digimon World Data Squad due to multiple technical issues that made model-ripping via emulator impossible for me, I simply said "screw it" and went for the next-best thing - the Digimon Savers MMO, which hasn't gotten a western release - yet. Still...

Now, the thing is about PC model ripping, depending on the game, it can be either complicated or pretty easy, depends on the tools available. In this case, DMO uses the .nif filetype, used by games such as Civilization 4 and Oblivion, not sure why they're using that particular format, but in any case, I could potentially rip not only models and textures, but animations as well.

I'd use NifSkope, but it turns out it can't export skinned meshes to obj, so I decided to try using the "import to Blender" method. Was a massive pain in the ass just to set up, and even then, it didn't get me the minimum for what I wanted...

[Image: agumontextureless.png][Image: gaomontextureless.png][Image: lalamontextureless.png][Image: falcomontextureless.png]

It wouldn't import textures (not properly, anyway, it seems to import only Gaomon's glove textures for some reason), but getting the mesh and, from the looks of it, the bones (possibly, looks like it, but the rigging setups are just plain weird), is a huge step up from not getting anything at all while trying to rip models from the PS2 game. However, since the Blender method isn't working, I'm gonna have to try and use 3DS Max instead, it may be more reliable and less of a pain to set up. Maybe. If there's a god of model ripping, he's obviously screwing up my efforts for kicks.

Hopefully, with some effort, I'll be able to get some textured results.

Edit: Also, for any Digimon Adventure 02 fans out there:

[Image: digimonkaiser.png]

Found this among the NPC model files. Dunno if he's actually in the game proper, but it's neat, regardless. I plan on ripping the models for the NPCs and player characters as well as the Digimon, I was relieved to find that the PCs have complete models for each 'costume', though some of them will need to be re-posed in order to get them into a proper T-Pose. Thankfully, they're already rigged, so...
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Big Grin wow I'm impressed that there was a Ken model in there.
I've got a model of Renamon from that game i think. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI3XUogcF7U do you know if it is?
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Looks highly similar (especially with the legs and feet), but I can't be completely certain... But here's the DMO model as shown in NikSkope for reference:

[Image: renamonpreview.png]

There's a rather high-quality custom Renamon model which I discovered at one point, though the downloadable model isn't as high-res as the on in the turntable, which kinda sucks. Ah, well.
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yup thats the same one allright, yay, i was hopeing for more models from that game. are the other digidestined from the season 1-3 there as well?
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There's pretty much any and every digimon you could probably imagine in it. There's a group of people at http://www.wc3unlimited.com/ that have ripped nearly everything in the game.
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(03-30-2011, 01:15 PM)Zerox Wrote: There's pretty much any and every digimon you could probably imagine in it. There's a group of people at http://www.wc3unlimited.com/ that have ripped nearly everything in the game.

darn my email's still banned? well that ausome that you guy's managed to rip so many goodies. i hope this game comes out over here soon.

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was it you i told about ps23dformat?
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it might have been...but i can't remember.

Candescence, I was wondering if you still had some of the models you ripped from Data squad. even without their textures i'm sure i could find a use for them. if not thats okay, i'm always looking for more stuff to work with.
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I knew they had ripped SOME of the models, but... Sheesh, I didn't know they ripped nearly all of them! XD

That being said, there's some Digimon they're definitely missing, such as the more recently-implemented ones like the FanBeemon line. I could certainly still cover any ones that they haven't. Unfortunately, much to my displeasure, 3DS Max doesn't import textures correctly, either... And not even in a T-Pose. Might as well use Blender. DERP.

However, I can use, of all things, 3D Printscreen to grab models from NifScope. Unfortunately, no T-Pose there either, and I cannot get the models in the right orientation, but there is an upside - the textures are there. I might be able to import into Blender, copy over the texture, and then shove it onto imported .nif file. We'll see.

Also, valforwing, I'm pretty sure I made it clear I wasn't able to rip a thing from Data Squad due to numerous technical issues. XD

Edit: BOOYA.

[Image: ravemonmaxtest.png]

The model for Ravemon in 3DS Max, imported from a 3D XML file. Orientation is completely off, as well as the scale, but... It's something.


[Image: tigervespamonsuccessful.png]

TigerVespamon, FanBeemon's Mega form, has been successfully imported to 3DS Max. Closest I could get to a 't-pose', Blender normally does that easily, but in this case it screwed up TigerVespamon's spear-thingies, so... Yeah.

Also, the alpha on the glowy things needs cleaning up, of course.
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Sorry for the double post, but this is kinda important, 'cuz...

I've ripped the entire FanBeemon line, in .max format. They're still "WIP", of course, as they need tweaking.

[Image: fanbeemonrender.png][Image: waspmonrender.png][Image: cannonbeemonrender.png][Image: tigervespamonrender.png]

Aside from the poses not being t-poses (which I'm not sure I can do much about, honestly), the only obvious problem is TigerVespamon's blades losing their alpha during the import process. I'll work on fixing that later.

... When I figure out how, lol. Haven't used Max in ages.

Edit: Actually, now that I think about it, I believe the problem is that said textures use an additive effect. Don't know how to fix that, either.

Edit 2: Also, to make an observation... The models on Warcraft III Unlimited are, of course, in the MDX format, which is kinda useless for general model purposes, unless we want to start converting all of them to regular model formats such as .max and .obj.

That, and only one NPC has been ripped (Digimon Kaiser), not to mention the PCs have a variety of outfits (some outright bizzare) which haven't been ripped either... Funnily enough, most of said outfits are t-posed. That'll make my job pretty easy. Wink
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i thought that u HAD ripped the untextured model, i was just wondering if u had deleted it or not..guess not XD. thats okay though.....i'm really not a fan of the Data squad designs....
the bee knight thing kinda looks like a papercraft model
from one digimon fan to another good luck to you!
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Well if you do decide to submit stuff here, just know that its gotta be straight from the game its from rather than a rip of a rip. You'd also have to have an .obj model in the rip although you can have it in .max in addition if you really want.

Also, if you need help getting things working in Max, you can ask me about if you need it. What you've got there looks good though other than the fact that the vertexes are unwelded leaving the models unsmoothed.
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Quote:Well if you do decide to submit stuff here, just know that its gotta be straight from the game its from rather than a rip of a rip. You'd also have to have an .obj model in the rip although you can have it in .max in addition if you really want.
I don't plan on using anyone else's work, lol. Wouldn't know how to convert over from MDX anyway. These rips ARE straight from the game, it's just that I used 3DVia Printscreen to get the model while viewing it in NifSkope, and then imported that capture to Max. It's pretty much the only method I've found that allows me to actually grab the textures. Sure, it screws up the orientation, but the scale is usually completely off when importing from the .nif files anyway, so adjustments are needed either way.

And I do plan on exporting these to .obj, as I said, I'm gonna fix these up before I do that.
Quote:Also, if you need help getting things working in Max, you can ask me about if you need it. What you've got there looks good though other than the fact that the vertexes are unwelded leaving the models unsmoothed.
AH. I was wondering why the models looked unsmoothed. Uh... Can I just ask how to fix that? Oh, yeah, is there any way to apply the additive effect to the textures on TigerVespamon's 'lances' and keep it that way when exporting to .obj, or will I just have to leave it like it is now?
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To smooth it, first you've got to go into your edit mesh and select all of your vertexes. Next you'll want to scroll down to the spot I've circled in the picture:
[Image: iXMCy.jpg]

Set the number in selected to something extremely low like 0.00000001 and hit selected after making sure all of your vertexes are selected. What this does is combine all of the vertexes within that distance with each other. This connects all of the faces and allows you to smooth them normally while the low number ensures that you don't get rid of the vertexes that are normally a part of the model. You can edit the smoothing now by selecting the polygons you want to change, scrolling down to autosmooth and changing the maximum smoothing angle. This allows you to fix areas that should have hard edges and such.

As for the additive effects on the textures, I'm not completely sure what you mean by that but if you're talking about a glow effect or something that's not really a part of the model than you'd need to set that up in whatever program you're using manually since its different for most programs. If you're talking about something with the material itself like transparency, self illumination and such than you can use Max's material editor to fix that issue and depending on what you need to change it may or may not export with the right settings. If you're material isn't in your material editor, you can add it there by going into Rendering->Material/Map Browser..., select scene under Browse from on the left of the menu that pops up, and than it should be the material or one of the materials under the 4 default shaders at the top. With you're material editor open, you can than double click a material to add it to the editor slot you have selected.

Thanked by: Candescence, Uriel_2015
Fantastic! I'm working on exporting to obj right now. Though I might as well leave the 'glow' textures alone (that's what I meant, really), since achieving that effect is program-specific.

Also, um... Is it possible to be able to rename the texture map exported and not break the link? The name of the resulting image file isn't really what I want, and I want to change it to something more suitable.
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