08-20-2008, 09:00 PM
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Serious discussion of Current Consoles (PS3, X360, Wii)
08-20-2008, 09:14 PM
(08-20-2008, 09:00 PM)koopaul Wrote: It's mind boggling how you can hit on Galaxy when so many agree (reviewers and gamers alike) that it was one of the best Mario games of all time. And perhaps the best Wii game to date.Yeah, most reviewers believe that Galaxy was a great game, but some people just didn't like it, jeez.
08-20-2008, 09:40 PM
Its one thing to not like it, it's another thing to say it was a bad game. There's a difference.
08-20-2008, 11:34 PM
Conduit and Madworld are enough to satiate the hardcore gamers for Wii.
The best part about Wii's price is the fact that it is cheaper than Dreamcast was at launch. Are those all not just the opinions of the reviewers, though? You must also realize that disliking the game or calling it a bad game is also an opinion. Graphics and sound quality (both points which are hard to argue) don't make a game. Presentation, Gameplay, and Replayability (all very subjective areas) are what really matters. There's bound to be a wide range of opinions regarding any game.
two games. woohoo
(08-20-2008, 09:00 PM)koopaul Wrote: It's mind boggling how you can hit on Galaxy when so many agree (reviewers and gamers alike) that it was one of the best Mario games of all time. And perhaps the best Wii game to date.lol, opinions. chill with the fangasming, broheim edit: also it was a bad game. if you like repetitive gameplay masked with shiny graphics and cool physics and ridiculously easy boss fights that's on you. peace
08-21-2008, 10:13 AM
A lot of people who played Mario 64 first will say Galaxy was bad. I didn't think Galaxy was bad, I didn't love it but I can see why people would. You can't argue with opinions (unless it's about new Sonic games) and after all reviews are just glorified opinions.
Galaxy is simply a game that many are going to disagree on because on it's own, its a good platform game but when compared to the almighty Mario 64, it ain't much.
08-21-2008, 10:16 AM
*Here comes a new challenger*
X-box 360, up until I heard a certain title was going to be released I was content playing it's massive library at someone else's house. Want to know the game? Tales of Vesperia. Then Square said FFXIII was going to be on there too, but not FFXIIIVs. which was strange, but made me less mad. I have come to expect and respect the business aspect of the gaming industry. That doesn't mean it doesn't control the way I game. 360 is a system I would only buy if someone told me that Tales of Vesperia was only going to be on 360, because I'd have to buy one cause i'd have to enjoy beating that game. I know it sounds ludicrous, but I've only needed RPG's, Platformers, and Fighters, Eternal Sonata another RPG is being released for PS3 in english sometime this year, boy was I glad I didn't have to immediately get a 360. PS3, Metal Gear Solid are like the only FPS-ish...Games I've ever wanted to play, so I got a PS3 the week Burst Limit and MGS4 came out. It was a good week, and has been good there after. I honestly know that PS3 will not win because PS3 games are doing the following: Coming out every other day like it's bigger brother PS2, the games aren't exclusive, (unless you were me and only wanted RPG's and anime-esque fighters anyway) or the games aren't that good. Wii, a nostalgic time machine that lubricates short burst of awesome in large groups, rehashes of games, or simply in utter boredom. May be useless in times of solitude, and boredom.
08-21-2008, 04:57 PM
I think the main problem with the Wii is the lack of replayability. The games that have multiplayer feel gimmicky and get boring quickly after the charm of the motion sensor goes away and the hardcore epic single player games are long, but after you beat them, there's nothing to do, or the Online play is so absolutely horrible that you can only really play the game with people you know. I don't know why, but the more recent Nintendo hardcore games don't really hold my interest for long either. The games just somehow feel like more of the same even though they have a completely different controller. Overall, the Wii is fun for short and isolated periods of time, at least for me.
08-21-2008, 06:01 PM
The Wii-mote hasn't really done much in changing games. The Wii board, maybe. But most Wii games could as easily be played with a normal controller. With some games (Wii Sports) the Wii-mote adds a lot to it but with the "hardcore" games (Mario, Metroid, No More Heroes) a normal controller could just as easily have been used.
08-21-2008, 08:38 PM
Honestly, the Wii's main draw for me is VC. Now if only they would release more games from more systems (and announce the solutiuon to the Wii's storage problems).
08-21-2008, 11:21 PM
(08-21-2008, 10:13 AM)Goemar Wrote: A lot of people who played Mario 64 first will say Galaxy was bad. I didn't think Galaxy was bad, I didn't love it but I can see why people would. You can't argue with opinions (unless it's about new Sonic games) and after all reviews are just glorified opinions. Uh, I played Mario 64 first and I still loved that game. Obviously people here just quit playing after the credits role. They don't even know the incredibly hard challenges that await after they "beat" the game. Yes reviewers are just opinions but its no coincidence that so many people share such an opinion. "if you like repetitive gameplay masked with shiny graphics and cool physics and ridiculously easy boss fights that's on you. peace" So you must think Super Mario 64 is bad game too? Especially when all you had to do with every boss was run around them and grab their behinds. Boy, the original Super Mario Bros. must suck too because the gameplay doesn't change at all throughout the game.
08-22-2008, 01:12 AM
You're right, it probably isn't coincidence that many reviewers have similar opinions. They all cater to what the masses want to read. As such, the masses then read the review they want to believe and stick with that opinion.
Posting a bunch of reviewers that gave a game positive ratings doesn't prove a thing, because they also neglected to find sites that gave it a poor rating. He wasn't talking about gameplay not changing within the same game. He meant how Galaxy was basically just 64 with improved sound/graphics and a gimmick.
08-22-2008, 02:12 AM
But koopaul, if they didn't like the main gameplay, how the fuck are they gonna like the ahead challenges.
The greatest games are the games that can be played over and over and over, not bore you to death the first time. @Yoder's last sentence. Galaxy's not that good >:I
08-22-2008, 04:17 AM
(08-21-2008, 11:21 PM)koopaul Wrote:see yoder's last sentence.(08-21-2008, 10:13 AM)Goemar Wrote: A lot of people who played Mario 64 first will say Galaxy was bad. I didn't think Galaxy was bad, I didn't love it but I can see why people would. You can't argue with opinions (unless it's about new Sonic games) and after all reviews are just glorified opinions.
08-22-2008, 04:17 PM
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