I fucking HATE the manager I worked with today.
She picks on me ALL OF THE TIME for literally no reason, when I stop to think of what I was in the middle of doing before I helped that customer or had to start another thing she will see me do this (Doesn't even take me a minute to think of what it was) and will yell at me for standing around doing nothing and tell me to go do something. The she compares me to Lisa (A co-worker or mine who I like, she is nice and all) all of the time and how much better Lisa is.
She also constantly never helps, she just sits her ass in the office doing god knows what (Manager work doesn't take that long at all) so that caused us to have a steady stream of customers from 10pm to 3am in the drivethrough.
Because of this, I got no dishes done at all (because I was on backcash, I have to take money from customers and do dishes), until 3

0 am because for god know why it takes her a half an hour to even work the god damned money counting machine and I have to watch so she doesn't steal shit (I know she wouldn't but The Store manager watches everything from home every night so he'd pretty much bitch me out if I don't stay there)
So I pretty much had to wash dishes from two sandwich stations, all of the "eat here" trays in the store, all the chili shit, and all of the bacon pans in the store.
How I managed to wash all of that in a half an hour with two other people only spraying degreaser on everything (Read as: Helping with the least amount of effort ever) is a god damned miracle.
Also I ask her to Do A Thing that would have taken her Less Then A Minute to do she said she'd do it in a minute, she takes a long time to do manager shit then comes out and starts moping the back WHEN IT IS ALREADY MOPPED, MOPPED BY PEOPLE WHO DO THIS EVERY NIGHT, THE SAME EXACT PEOPLE, AND THEY DO A FUCKING AMAZING JOB AT IT.
So this is how the next conversation goes
Me: So uhh, can you help me out here?
Dumb Manager: No, I'm mopping
Me: The floors are already cleaned, they even cleaned that same exact spot that you are mopping more then once because people spilled pickle juice over there earlier, I'm pretty sure it is cleaned since none of us smell pickles anymore, can you please help me out over here?
DM: Even ask Andrew, I do this everynight
Tracy (Bossy yet very nice and smart co-worker who has worked their the longest out of anyone there tonight): Yes but it's already done, you don't need to do whats done, just help out with the Dishes so we can all go home at a reasonable time.
DM: I bet if Lisa was doing backcash tonight she wouldn't be complaining
Me: I bet if Tom was Manager tonight I'd be fucking done by now.
She pretty much left me alone after that, mainly because I'm such a quiet and Meek person at work and that everyone thinks she picks on me because I don't really fight back and she knows that pretty much everyone else will if she picks on them, Well tonight I snapped a little, Tracy said "Well, it's about time, maybe she'll finally leave you alone now." and she didn't threaten to write me up (like she has done to other co-workers in the past) so I'm not worried or anything.