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the poop happens world we live in thread 2XXX
Hung out with friend yesterday.
Friend had other friend over.
Other Friend turns out to be a Brony.
I'm not a brony, but I'm not against bronies. I like the show, I just don't watch it regularly.
Brony disses me and starts ignoring me because I'm not one.
Since when is Bronies a religious cult?
[Image: Dexter.png]  [Image: Bubbles.png]  [Image: SNWzHvA.png]   [Image: SamuraiJack2.png] [Image: kQzhJLF.png]  [Image: Pikachu.png] [Image: tSCZnqw.png]
(08-12-2012, 06:14 PM)Orgasmatron Wrote: someone was licking my teeth and they asked if i hadnt brushed them that morning

i had forgotten.

my dog does that sometimes too
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Licking the lid to a can like an idiot and cut my tongue x<
Ouch. Luckily it was just a small cut.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
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Money, love and well - everything else. Life is pretty hard at the moment and there's a lot of big things to sort. I feel like I've aged terrible, that so many issues should have been addressed long before now...
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Gettin' headaches.

Also gettin' bad feels about some things.
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Oops very long post ahead.

So, I live with two people. There is Brendan, the house owner and a close friend of mine, then there is Alex, that guy that moved down here from Ohio to be Brendan's boyfriend who has some major social anxiety issues.

Long minor part of the story short, they didn't work out, but Alex still lives here.

Now when Alex moved in, some really minor things changed around the house. Like before Alex, Brendan didn't care if people wore shoes in the house, as long as it wasn't wet out, after Alex, you had to take your shoes off and put them on a shoe rack. Things that were not and are not a big deal.

Now normally when people are over, Alex will hide away downstairs in his room, which is fine, he has issues dealing with people he doesn't know so if that makes him comfortable then so be it. Sometimes even Brendan and I have issues with the amount of people over, however Brendan likes his open door policy and likes his place to be the place to escape to when people are having issues in their lives.

I've seen Alex be hella nice and make jokes, unfortunately those moments are far and few between. He has been a huge asshole to eveyone more often then not, and threatening to kick everyone out if no one owns up to the tiniest, dumbest things. Like leaving a can of soda on the counter unattended for a few minutes, for example. Or telling Brendan that "maybe they shouldn't come over then" when Brendan was trying to explain that one of our friends needs to wear shoes in the house for medical reasons. Or dumping out a full can of Red Bull then throwing it out that was just opened because no one claimed it because the person who it belonged to was playing a loud arcade machine.

Now Alex doesn't pay rent. I've been paying rent since the beginning of July. I also have a signed contract with Brendan essentually saying that I understand that the price of rent may increase or decrease depending on how many roommates currently live in the house and that I am welcome to stay as long as I want provided that I act like a mature, responsable, and civil adult.

After Alex and Brendan broke off offically, Alex had been avoiding me. Like I was sitting on the couch, playing Theatrhythm with headphones in, not using the t.v. at all, he'd peak in, see me, then hide back downstairs, Avoiding Me. So I ask if I've offended him at all, in some unknown way. He just said that we'd have to talk later.

So later, he comes to my room and we talk. He asks me to move out. He makes it seem like Brendan wants me out too by saying "He doesn't want to say this to you because you are his best friend and all and I don't see why he doesn't want to do this for me, but I think it would be for the best if you move out." and he is vauge when he talks, also mentions that he'd even ask Brendan to move out if it wasn't his house.

I told him I'd try but cannot make any promises.

After he leaves my room, I break down and cry to the point were I almost vomit, text Brendan, asking why I'm always failing when it comes being a responsable adult. He also gets a text from Alex saying that he talked to me. He instantly knows what's going on, comes and finds me, he calms me down and we talk, I told him what Alex had said about him, he was surprised.

But importantly he tells me that he wants me to be here, that he enjoys my company and that I've been a fantastic roommate. But if I want to move out of my own free will, I'm more then welcome to.

So I think about it overnight, decide not to move out after all. I refuse to let moving out of my mom's house to end in failure after not even six months of living here. Not to mention, all of the people whom are good friends with Brendan and visit often have become good friends of mine and I'm loving living here.

The next day I tell this to Alex. I tell him that I refuse to move out and that it isn't even fair of him to ask because he is not the home owner, nor does he pay rent. My voice shakes due to being nervous and I tell him in a much more civil and polite way then that. He tells me "fine, don't hang around me then." to which I tell him that I don't anyway because he doesn't seem to like me anyway so that shouldn't be a problem.

He walks to the bathroom, makes a phone call that has nothing to do with this situation, then walks downstairs, sends me a barrage of texts while I'm playing arcade machine, explaining on how I'm a shitty roommate in general and how "not even the best of friends make good roommates" and how I don't respect the house.

As I'm texting him back, he comes upstairs to explain all of this to me in person. APPARENTLY IT IS BECAUSE HE NEVER NOTICES ME TAKE OUT THE TRASH OR DO THE DISHES BECAUSE HE APPARENTLY DOES IT ALL THE TIME. Uhh, not only do I do those chores occasionally, do other things around the house, unlike him, but by paying rent, I'm helping Brendan pay the bills, and helping keeping a roof over our heads, which he also doesn't do, and I let him know this.

He basically gives up, goes back downstairs, and we don't talk to eachother for the rest of the day.

Tl;dr: Roommate who is not the home owner, and who doesn't pay rent while I do pay rent asks me to move out. I tell him no and he acts like a 5 year old spoiled brat over it. Homeowner wants me to say so me saying isn't an issue.
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[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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Wow, what a way to act. I hope he won't become too obnoxious towards you.
Christ, Alex sounds insufferable. Something really needs to be done about his attitude.

So today, I had to fix the top shelf inside my grandmothers's fridge again. See, a few weeks ago, one of the little protrusions, located on the back of the shelf, that fits into the recesses in the fridge, broke off. So, you couldn't put anything on the shelf without it tipping over and possibly making a huge mess.
I'd tried gluing it back on three times, but each time the damn thing breaks off again after a while. Anyway, I pretty much solved the problem entirely by attaching a little wooden die to the shelf where the protrusion used to be, with a screw. The thing was fine for about five minutes, until my grandmother decided to take the shelf out to clean it.
When she took the shelf out, she dropped it; the glass panel smashed into a thousand pieces. And the other little protrusion thing broke off like the other one had.

Grandma just stared at it for a second, then said "Okay, you'll have to find another piece of glass, and another die so you can fix this shelf again."
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wait, why is alex trying to get YOU to move out?

if he's brandon's ex and doesn't even pay rent, he should be the one to be kicked out
go to brandon about it
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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Just got a cold today, ugh. Nose, y u make so much mucus?

Also Alex sounds like he sucks. Like seriously I hope I never meet anyone like that.
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(08-15-2012, 01:55 PM)Vipershark Wrote: wait, why is alex trying to get YOU to move out?

if he's brandon's ex and doesn't even pay rent, he should be the one to be kicked out
go to brandon about it

He is apparently mentally bothered over the fact that other people are in the house while he greaves over the fact that they don't have a relationship anymore. Brendan told him to go see a counselor or something and he scoffed at the idea of it.

Brendan hasn't kicked him out yet because he is too much of a good guy and sees something in Alex that I doubt anyone else even sees anyone. Also according to legend Alex is going to be paying rent in a week or two and is also planning on moving out anyway.

Might as well mention that Alex has blown up and yelled at both Brendan and I for little to no reason before, Brendan has been close to kicking him out before due to this anyway.
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[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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If he wants to live by himself so he can be depressed so badly, he should buy his own damn house. It sounds like you already give him plenty of space. He doesn't have to hang out with you guys or even like you just because you're roommates, but to ask you to move out and to lie and say your friend wanted you to as well, and say he would even ask the homeowner (the person who allowed him to stay despite the fact that their relationship had ended and he doesn't pay rent) to leave if he didn't own the place, is EXTREMELY obtrusive and obnoxious. The fact that he's upset is not your problem, and your friend is not his keeper. If he's not even considering counseling, then I doubt he's going to change anytime soon. Hopefully he moves out. :/


feel like shit, feel completely trapped

what else is new
Thanked by: Maxpphire
Amazon is a fucking thief. Go to buy the Mp3s for an album, accidentally use old debit card I forgot to delete, and it cancels payment. Go to check my bank account, they took the money anyways, and won't let me edit the FUCKING payment so I can get my mp3s. Really pissed off, if they don't credit me back within the next few days, you can bet my ass I'm calling and going to knock some fucking heads together. I'm absolutely confused what the point of the EDIT your debit/credit for existing orders is if they won't allow me to do it. Fucking assholes, thanks for taking $9 out of my pocket, I hope you guys fucking hate death metal, and your computers force you to listen to it.
EDIT: And before anyone tells me I'm overreacting to $9 being lost, I have a tight budget, and for every paycheck I can afford $20 worth of music and still get by barely comfortably, and I stick to it because music pretty much keeps me going at this point, it's my drug, it's what gets me through a shitty day, and it's something that excites me and I want to make music with my life, so the fact that I have to go get it again, from somewhere else (Itunes) and spend $10 there, effectively ending my budget, it really fucking blows, and that's one less band's music I get to enjoy, and one less band who gets my monetary support to make more music for a huge fan such as myself and that really really really really grates my gears, especially considering I'm tired, wanted to get the album on my ipod and listen to it while I go to sleep.
So yeah. I'm mad, tired and cranky. A terrifying triad. Probably woke up somebody cursing at Amazon, so add that to something that I'll probably get a talk about tomorrow. Oh and I have to go take a drug test tomorrow, even though I've taken many for past jobs and have NEVER had work related incidents, or have I ever even touched drugs(you know, not prescription and that shit, I'm expecting someone to be a smartass, that's how cranky I am), except once a few years back, and that was an isolated incident, so I'm annoyed about that as well, and on top of that, school's starting in a few weeks, I have to return this laptop soon, and find a new one before classes, since I'll need one for programming. Shit's just seeming really peachy right now, now that it's all hitting.
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I was carrying too much stuff this morning and dropped my DS on concrete and the top/bottom halves broke apart.

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