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the poop happens world we live in thread 2XXX
Man, a lot of you are needing patching up recently.
Kind of feel like I might be coming across as a smartass know-it-all, but I guess that's the risk I was always going to run.

(10-07-2012, 03:24 PM)Angel Plague Wrote: Well now well now on the lower left part of my right hand has swolen a little bit, I think constant friction has irritated my hand, so it hurts like fuck right now, I just got some ice in a sammich bag and am using it to numb my hand.
Edit: It's the bottom side of my hand.

Sounds like simple abrasion, try to rest it and keep the area moisturised.
Usually you build up a bit of a callous or thicker skin around the ball of your hand after a while, but if your skin is too soft or it's a recurring issue I know a few people who swear by fingerless cycling gloves for long hours of computer work.

(10-07-2012, 07:44 PM)sponge7325 Wrote: So, yup. I got frostbite. Its not hurting TOO bad yet, but after going on Wikipedia, I can see its gonna be pretty bad later on.

This is a really common problem that I see almost every day.
Not the frostbite bit, I'll get to that in a second, I'm talking about the wikipedia bit, it's very easy to let hysteria blow things out of proportion when you see severe clinical examples of a condition out of context.

Anyway, frostbite, in essence it's caused by extreme cold freezing tissue, it can be very extreme and even fatal during long-term exposure to the cold or if you were, for example, an Arctic explorer.
More common is a very mild form of it referred to as "frostnip", which is just damage to the skin rather than the soft tissue, it can sting and itch and in some cases it can look really bad, sure enough it's no fun at all but it's not permanent or life threatening.

Given that you're not in a lot of pain I'd say you just need to keep the area warm and clean, as always moisturising is a good idea too.
One caveat though, if the affected area and the skin around it start turning black (not purple, red or blue) or swelling excessively you need to get to a hospital immediately, that's a big red flag that it might be necrotic, and that is really no joke.
I'll spare the details since it's crazy unlikely to happen anyway, but necrotic tissue is essentially dead flesh, and it will spread and kill off any tissue surrounding it too, there is no cure (it's dead, there's no way to fix death) and requires immediate surgery to remove the affected tissue.

Again, that's so unlikely it barely needs mentioning but it's better to know about it and not have it happen than the other way around, just avoid exposure to extreme temperatures and you should be pink and smooth again in no time.
B A N D C A M P - T W I T T E R - T U M B L R - Y O U T U B E - G 1 5
Call me aggressive, call me obscene,
but you've always called me sir when you've invaded my dreams.
Noticed it was Patient Zero and the thread glitch is happening but I thought I'd chime in and say I'm handling the ramen pretty well, and I'm taking small sips occasionally of my sprite, doing pretty well so far.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
Thanked by: Garamonde

Good to hear you're on the mend, having some solid food in your belly is a big step to getting back on your feet.
Even if you're feeling well again soon you should probably take it easy for a day or two, no fatty or spicy foods, plenty of sitting around being lazy, often your body needs time to recover properly after the nausea is gone.
Plus it's an excuse to sit around and play games or catch up on trashy TV, and that's never bad.

You'll be chasing ladies and rocking the house (people still say that right?) again in no time.
B A N D C A M P - T W I T T E R - T U M B L R - Y O U T U B E - G 1 5
Call me aggressive, call me obscene,
but you've always called me sir when you've invaded my dreams.
Thanked by: Gwen, Garamonde
my cat just escaped outside and we cant hear him anywhere

im so fucking worried right now and i dont know what to do
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Spontaneous nosebleed for the first time in over 10 years. Thankfully it stopped but breakfast breathing out of only 1 nostril wasn't fun!

Oh and I still haven't managed to compile sfMidi, but at least I got past the FIRST errors. Now it just seems like the program is broken '_;
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I don't want to go to work
I don't want to be an adult
I just want to play Batman all day

I should call work and say I can't come in because I'm playing Batman
You know what I haven't had in a while? An out-of-the-blue fit of crippling depression! Bipolardisorderissomuchfun.
[Image: 332arg3.jpg]
Kilgore Trout Wrote:I let her touch my PSP once, and she was all "where are the a and b buttons" ;3;
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Welp, I'm scheduled to unload a truck tonight at work, tried talking my way out of it with my mom, I mean I'm 19, yet I still ask for permission for shit, I guess it's because I'm living with them, and she's all "No, you need to make money to spend money etc"
Mom, I'm just saying one night, and I have a decent amount of spending money right now anyways.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
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Explaining stuff to your mom....

Join the club I'm stuck doing it for two years here at community college land.

Oh and (Batman relate spoiler if you haven't played Arkham City yet)
However the game's plot twists and build up were fantastic.
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(10-08-2012, 10:40 PM)м▲я✞H Wrote: Explaining stuff to your mom....

Join the club I'm stuck doing it for two years here at community college land.

Oh and (Batman relate spoiler if you haven't played Arkham City yet)
However the game's plot twists and build up were fantastic.
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wii wont read dual layer discs, RIP. no metroid: other m (yawn) or smash bros (fuck) or monster hunter (FUCK) or xenoblade chronicles (PISS) or the last story (PISS + ASS + FUCK) which are all of the games i basically planned on using my wii for, nintendo wont replace it.
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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I was able to solve that issue a few times by opening the console and cleaning the lense with alcohol using a cotton bud / Q-Tip (although now the lense is fine but I think a controller chip is damages so it often fails to read discs - my brother's PS3 had a similar issue on but I got a replacement laser unit somewhere and replaced the damaged one).
There's also lense-cleaning kits (even official Nintendo ones) but I don't know if those work well.
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well see the thing is the original wii model was apparently made with cheap materials, so eventually even if you keep the lense clean it's going to crap out on you
i had a snafu when brawl came out and i went out and bought a lense cleaning kit. so after using it tonight i guess my wii finally crapped out
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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Yep. I had mine open every other month until it decided that it didn't want to read any discs at all. Now it sometimes reads single layer discs, but has frequent read errors... while the old GameCube still runs well.
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actually, I called tech support (wii crapped out halfway through Other M, failed to read discs ever since) and they offered to fix my wii for free. sent it to them, lo and behold, new disc reader. free dual-layered disc reader ftw

PS: while the repairs were free (after all, releasing a game that breaks the console is bad customer service) the shipping and handling weren't. the more you know~

EDIT: read kojjiro's post again, why won't they replace it?
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