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'Pokemon World'
well, this may sound stupid, but I compare all of them to Mew before I make them(Mew's 1'04") so sizes may be a little off, but Oddish is 1'08" and Poliwag is 2'00"

Oddish may be a little small, since I don't count his leaves as the part of the body that is taken into consideration in the measuring(I think of it as hair =P)
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
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Ok, so I made the First Gym, and to go with it, it's Leader

This is probably how all Gyms will be, bundled with their leaders

I'll probably do the inside of places first, especially because I don't know if I want the same tiles for the Outside world(I'm thinking about having Bigger tiles, but not by much...the current 'inside' tiles are 16x14, I'm thinking about making the 'outside' 18x16)

And in case you're curious, not every Trainer is going to have the same base...think of it like Pokemon Battle Revolution...There's 6 different Base types with many different clothing options(only there may be more than 6, since the 'real' games also include the elderly, as well as adults)The only two bases right now are the pre-teen to mid-teen Male & Female(which is the General age of all of the in-game 'heroes'...and surprisingly a lot more random trainers...)Also, most of the Bases will come as each Gym Leader is completed(since their ages vary from young to old)Rivals are still coming, I just figured I'd get the Ladies man out of my system before I start them!

Ok, since I haven't decided on the Outside World yet, I'll leave it up to you guys(for now =P) Should I:
1. Keep them as tiles(16x14)
2. Make Bigger Tiles(most likely 18x16)
3. Make them like Sonic Battle(ex: ) NOTE: I do not know how to make it look like it does in Sonic Battle(aka 3D-ish) So this one may be tough
4. Have an Overworld System similar to the real Pokemon Games(the Trainers will probably be DP sized, but in my own style, and the tiles might be 18x18 in case I make the Trainers a little bigger)

I'm leaning towards 3 & 4. 3 because it still gives a new feeling. 4 because it's timeless, and the inside of buildings still gives that new feel to it. Also, just a bit of information, I'm really leaning toward 4 because I want to try my hand at making it(this way the walking won't just have two sides[Left and Right] and look kind of weird)and it will bring a 'cliche'(for lack of a better word) to it(that Cliche being the buildings are way bigger on the inside)
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
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The Brock sheet is awesome! When will Ash (Advance/DP version) and Red (black hair and cool pure red jacket style) come?
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Cyndaquil is done

Mega Heroes Wrote:The Brock sheet is awesome! When will Ash (Advance/DP version) and Red (black hair and cool pure red jacket style) come?
I stated this on Page 2: 'I decided to go with the G/R/B/Y Red instead of the Manga one, I may still make the (Manga Red's)head and have it on the sheet, for easy edits, though, but no promises...' And my decision is still the same...Also, since the anime's different from the games(as is the Manga) Ash will not be included in this project
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
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The sizes seem a little off compared to the rest of your sprites.
[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
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A.J. Nitro Wrote:The sizes seem a little off compared to the rest of your sprites.
[Image: scaled.php?server=441&filename=ipposig.png&res=medium]
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Fixed Cyndaquil's height(made him 2 Pixels smaller) didn't fix the tag yet though

Also, I re-figured out why I used Mew's Height(1'04") as the 'base' height, and I'll explain it here, so if I forget again, it's written somewhere...:
1'04"(16") = 20 Pixels(my Mew's height)
16/20 = 4/5
Therefore, it's four(4) inches every five(5) Pixels
Of course, I follow this loosely, making 5 Pixels the Maximum for an inch

I also remembered that all of my old sheets heights fall under a few 'categories' in which they would be virtually the same height(Leading to some being too small[noted case: Scyther]). Those categories were 'Small'(01" - 5'00") 'Medium'(5'01" - 12'00") 'Large'(12'01" - 20'00") and 'Huge'(20'01" - Biggest Pokemon)

And to let everyone know that I'm not just guessing height, I get all of that from's D/P Pokedex
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
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The thing is, Josh, we know game-wise you're being very accurate.
But that doesn't mean it's actually going to look right.

Like I've being saying from the start, you should use sizes that LOOK good and that LOOK accurate, rather than using the official numbers (which seem to be pretty stupid anyway).
[Image: Ryon%20Man.png]
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haha, that's what's so funny, that was my intention, but the people started complaining about them not being size-accurate(I think this was after I came back to this project way before this forum was up)so, I think I'm gonna go back to the method I originally made them in(the categories way, only maybe a few more) and instead of 5 Pixels being an inch, it'll be more like half of 1 ft.

This may mean that Oddish might get done again, but I dunno how much time I want to spend going over old sheets

I'm going to revise Scyther, and that's a guarantee, because Scizor's a little bigger than Charizard, and (my)Scyther's height is way off anyway...I'm going to start using the Trainers for bigger measurements, Mew will still be the base height(for the smaller Pokemon), but I'm going to go for what looks right Oddish will probably be redone(he's not as much of a problem as someone like...oh, say Lugia =P)

Edit: Okay, so I made Oddish like 4 Pixels smaller, now he looks more like he should
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
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Finished Chikorita

Trying to figure out who to make next on my list...Stuck between Eevee, Dratini, or Tangela
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
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I'd say Tangela, simply because that will be a bitch to make. Better make one that's not that easy to sprite.
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That is actually a good point, and I think I will do it next...Incidentally, I want to make some Bird Pokemon soon, and I suck with making feathers, so maybe after Tangela I'll make a few so I'm not all rusty for the Legendary birds
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
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you think you can make some more trainers like Paul or other ppl seen in the anime and show
My Sprites at Sprites Inc

[Image: tobiopeningbannergt9.gif]

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Battosai Rai Wrote:you think you can make some more trainers like Paul or other ppl seen in the anime and show
Sorry, as stated earlier in this topic, I will not be making anyone from the Anime/Manga(the exception is of course with the Gym Leaders, as well as anyone else who appears in the games) This project is about all of the games, it has nothing to do with the anime and manga
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
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Do you think you could make Darkrai sometime fairly soon? I'm making a video game with your sprites, and Darkrai will be the last boss (which means I won't need it for maybe half a year). It's actually a sequel to a game I made a long time ago with your sprites, which isn't that good, but my next one will be better. Here is a link to the first game:
I did give you major credit in the game. Press f1 to open the help file, and at the end are the credits.

Also, you mentioned something about having an official programmer. I think I might be able to do that.
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