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[IDEA] THE FIGHTERS RESOURCE suggestions thread
MMF2 for sure Please.
(If you want,I could help with storylines, and fit unlockables into it. Smile)
[Image: Little_lamp_in_dark_room.jpg]

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(03-19-2012, 05:58 PM)[robo9] Wrote: Cons:
* While not necessarily a con, the input system would use six buttons instead of a two button with forward or backward input effecting the move. 
*Not necessarily a con either, but the hyper moves would be different. One button would be the "hyper button" Depending  on the Hyper meter, a different move would be performed. 

No offense meant, but...

I have difficulty believing that MMF2 does not support multiple or sequenced inputs. I remember managing to do both in The Games Factory during middle school, and that clunker of a piece of software was released in 1996.

If you don't mind my asking, what makes these features impossible or difficult to implement?
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If you know how to do sequenced or multiple inputs, feel free to tell me.

[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
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I had an idea on how to make it work once before, but I'll have to see if I can actually MAKE it work. If I get it to work I'll let you know, it's just experimental.
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I'm sure there is a way to do it. In my firs video, each move robo did was sequential. You pressed X during light punch, you would get medium punch. Press A during medium, you would get the spin kick. W would do vuvuzuela, etc. I could probably as an animation to where if you pressed forward whilst in the ducking animation, you would go into a small, almost unnoticble few frames in which a button press would allow a super move. I'm not sure on if that would work or not, I'll fiddle with it when I can.

However, the forward backwards input system still puzzles me a bit. Im not completely sure on to how I would do it.
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
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(03-19-2012, 11:06 PM)[robo9] Wrote: If you know how to do sequenced or multiple inputs, feel free to tell me.

I haven't used MMF2 really, but assuming you can do pressed and released checks for button inputs, if/then/or type of script, and time-related checks...

Here's something for a crude hadouken kinda attack.(with lax input time)

>timer "P1input" reaches 0.2 sec.
>>set timer "P1input" off; set timer "P1input" = 0 sec.

>[Down] pressed
>>IF: variable "SpecialAttack" = 0
>>THEN: Set variable "Special Attack" = 1; set timer "P1input" on
>>ELSE: do nothing

>[Foward] pressed
>>IF: variable "SpecialAttack" = 1; [Down] currently pressed; timer "P1input" < 0.2 sec.
>>THEN: Set variable "Special Attack" = 2; set timer "P1input" = 0 sec.
>>ELSE: do nothing

>[Down] released
>>IF: variable "SpecialAttack" = 2; [Foward] currently pressed; timer "P1input" < 0.2 sec.
>>THEN: Set variable "Special Attack" = 3; set timer "P1input" = 0 sec.
>>ELSE: do nothing

>[Punch] pressed
>>IF: variable "SpecialAttack" = 3; timer "P1input" < 0.2 sec.
>>THEN: Set variable "Special Attack" = 0; Run HADOUKEN

Not the cleanest looking way to do it, but I don't know exactly what MMF2 is capable of in regards to events and event detection.

You would just need to use a smaller version for directional punching/kicking.

EDIT: I just realized that I forgot to have a check in the events for the timers actually being on, but you kinda get the idea.
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I'm not sure if there is a released option for keyboard inputs. Ill check whenever I can.
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
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(03-19-2012, 06:05 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: I'm noticing that there is no noticable defined design document link anywhere. Have you guys created and constructed an organized design document containing ideas, mechanics, programming systems, limitations, and overall game requirements? Confirmed characters, assists, actual indepth gameplay analysis?

It's very easy to start a design document that everyone can share, whether it be via Dropbox (so you can still access files offline), or Google Docs (so everyone can edit and talk about stuff in realtime). I would honestly recommend building one as soon as possible-- a thread full of different information in different pages won't cut it if you want your project to be the best it possibly can be.

And yes, I am willing to help out.
hi, this is still here

Since gorsal is the project leader he obviously gets the final say, but uh
I posted about it before a while back, but until gorsal says otherwise, this is currently NOT a full community project in the sense that everyone is pitching in to work on the game.
this is gorsal and robo9's project (with some community input), with additional characters and stuff by other people being added -after- the base game is done.

Yes, there is a (currently incomplete) design document but due to the fact that this is still technically gorsal and robo9's personal project and not a full community project (and therefore still currently closed source, etc), I doubt a public/dropbox copy will be released any time soon, if at all.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]

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