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Pokemon Gen 3 - Underrated or Underappreciated?
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't nintendo has some policy regarding when certain remakes can be released?

I think FR/LG was an exception to this since there was a huge controversy regarding the whole not being able to trade via gameboy games sort of thing and lack of johto pokemon.

ether way I don't see what else factors in to when a remake is released. far as I care I think the 10 year gap for G/S/C was most likely because of the fact that it's been praised as the best games in the entire series and Game freak wanted to celebrate it's anniversary. Could be wrong on that however.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
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Or because gen 2 pokemon were hard to get without hacking, just saying.
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[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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(02-01-2012, 08:37 PM)DioShiba Wrote: Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't nintendo has some policy regarding when certain remakes can be released?

I think FR/LG was an exception to this since there was a huge controversy regarding the whole not being able to trade via gameboy games sort of thing and lack of johto pokemon.

ether way I don't see what else factors in to when a remake is released. far as I care I think the 10 year gap for G/S/C was most likely because of the fact that it's been praised as the best games in the entire series and Game freak wanted to celebrate it's anniversary. Could be wrong on that however.
No. It's because Gold/Silver batteries were dying by that point, so they remade them for that reason.

Only motivation I can see for remaking Ruby/Sapphire is to get rid of that damn Berry Glitch.
Thanked by: Garamonde
(01-23-2012, 05:04 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: HEY YALL GENERATION 3 IS THE BEST

Hey yall just came here to say this. Always is, always was *fistbump tyvon*
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
Thanked by: Viiper
Which gen 3 game is your favorite(not counting the gen 1 remakes)?

Mines is Emerald.
Thanked by: Viiper
Gen 3 all the way. But, I'm a sucker for nostalgia. I actually had way more fun with the latest gen.
[Image: Rrr4r.jpg]
Thanked by: Azure-Tranquility
one of three starters of generation 3 alone is an outright internet meme, and one of the most popular ones at that (as well as the most annoying)
Thanked by: Maxpphire, Lemonray
Yeah, the worst one statistics wise too.

Both Blaziken and Sceptile rape the shit out of Swampert, yet Mudkip gets so much popularity... dunno why. :/
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I wouldn't say Swampert is bad stat wise, though. It's pretty much an all around balanced Pokemon, and it's typing of Water/Ground give it one major weakness. It also has the highest base stat total of all the other starters. =o

I don't use Mudkip because of it's meme status though, I use Mudkip because Swampert is just that much of a ballin' beast. It's my second favorite Water/Ground type (Gastrodon is my actual favorite) and it's just a delightfully good pokemon.

(plus this game has Breloom, who is totally my favorite Gen III pokemon ever, and is just ten times better then Sceptile in my opinion. Blaziken and Sceptile are cool bros tho)
Thanked by: Maxpphire, Garamonde
Still, when Swampert was introduced in Gen 3, it was pretty crappy due to the way attacks worked. By Gen 4, Swampert's usefulness did shoot up, much like Feraligatr.

While he only has one weakness, it IS a 4x weakness which is pretty major. You can't for the life of it set it up against a grass type, it's a guaranteed rape. At least with Blaziken and Sceptile they stand a chance against their weaknesses, though for different reasons.

With that said, Gen 3 starters are probaly the most balanced. Swampert is defensive, Blaziken is offensive, and Sceptile is speedy. What more do you need?

Adding on to that, Gen 3 introduced quite a few new pokemon that were generally well received. Not nearly as much as Gen 1 obviously, but I can think of more "good" pokemon from Gen 3 than from Gen 2. Gen 2 was really just Mareep/Flaffy/Ampharos and Wooper/Quagsire, with a small helping of Houndour/Houndoom(And personally, I liked Sneasel but it didn't reach its full potential until Gen 4). Gen 3 had Swellow, Aggron, Ludicolo, Flygon, Breloom, Sharpedo, Camerupt, Cacturne... etc etc etc.

I think the reasoning for that is because, so far Pokemon gens have a pattern. Gen 1 introduced pokemon obviously, but Gen 2 was roughly 3/5 new pokemon and 2/5 new evolutions to existing pokemon: Steelix, Scizor, Bellossom, Crobat, Magby, Elekid, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Smoochum, Pichu, Slowking, Politoad, Kingdra, Espeon, Umbreon, etc.

Then Gen 3 came around and only introduced Wynaut and Azurill. Gen 4 proceeded to do what what Gen 2 did, albeit to a shittier degree: Adding a shitton of new evolutions and pre-evolutions, which Roselia being a prime example.

With that said, it's likely that Gen 6 will be another "evolution" gen, but it's still odd that Pokemon introduced in Gen 5 weren't considered evolutions(Like Alolomoa should have been the evolution of luvdisc).
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Actually all 3 can be used in all 3 ways.
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[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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(02-09-2012, 05:40 PM)Kat Wrote: Actually all 3 can be used in all 3 ways.
Yes but they specialize in certain affinities.

...wait, how can Swampert be used as a speed pokemon? His base speed is a whopping 60. I will concede that he is a good physical attacker, though, much like Feraligatr.

Blaziken can be a mixed attacker, or specialize in one or the other. Its speed isn't anything to write home about, but it's not crappy either.

Sceptile, obviously, is speedy but is also great at attacking. His special attack is much better than his attack stat though.(I was pissed when I found out his signature move was no longer useful in Gen 4 :/)
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Fun fact: With the right breeding and training, base stats can essentually be ignored.
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[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
(02-09-2012, 05:39 PM)Azure-Tranquility Wrote: But it's still odd that Pokemon introduced in Gen 5 weren't considered evolutions(Like Alolomoa should have been the evolution of luvdisc).

I think part of that had to do with wanting to make generation 5 more like generation 1 in that regard.

Still, I hope when they make a gray version, that they actually expand on the pokedex and actually be able to capture certain pokemon earlier in the game. like Sveiper or Zangoose for example.

Actually that said I hope they expand on generation 5's gameplay in general. There were quite a few things in white/black that I wish were brought back or improved upon since it got really boring to grind pokemon by the time you beat the game.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
Thanked by: Gwen
(02-09-2012, 06:02 PM)Kat Wrote: Fun fact: With the right breeding and training, base stats can essentually be ignored.
Interesting. Could you maybe post some videos of pokemon excelling at their weaker stats? Like, say, a Swampert outrunning an Electrode or Alakazam.
Thanked by: Ton

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