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puggsoy's Professor Layton rips
I can tell the person who made the program that it still needs some fixes if you like (for Last Specter that is)... It might take some time, but he usually gets to it. xD; (of course, I don't want to annoy him too much, so I also report some things whenever there's something wrong).

As for some other bits, you may want to look at all the folders, I think some of them are hidden... or something. xDSweatdrop
Thanked by: Garamonde
If you could ask him, that'd be cool, if you don't think it'll annoy him too much. Then again, there's no rush, I'm fine as it is.
Thanked by:
It has been done.

[Image: pllastspecter-puzzles_general_icon.png]

It took some time, but I'm glad I did it. In addition to reripping all previous rips, I included some that I missed, left out the multichoice buttons, and used a darker background.

Hope it's complete this time round Smile
Thanked by: Garamonde, redblueyellow
Awesome! Big Grin
[Image: sweet-capn-cakes-deltarune.gif]
Thanked by: puggsoy
Darn, realised this morning that I was missing the flashing frames for the S. Hint button, and quickly ripped and reuploaded. I relinked in my previous post and the OP.

Sorry for all this trouble!
Thanked by: Garamonde
Nice job! Looks like you got everything, glad to see someone taking a shot at the Professor Layton games. Smile
[Image: CvlJ7PI.png]
Currently working on: moving
Thanked by: Garamonde, puggsoy
Decided to have a go at London Life backgrounds and got City Hall today. It's pretty easy and fun, so I'll probably do some more later.

[Image: pllastspecter-londonlife_cityhall_icon.png]

If anyone thinks I should change the background colour that's cool, but it looks fine to me. I'd like to keep it consistent unless it's necessary to change.
Thanked by: Garamonde
No it's perfectly fine! Got it up. Wink
[Image: sweet-capn-cakes-deltarune.gif]
Thanked by: puggsoy
Here, two in one go!

[Image: pllastspecter-londonlife_grannyshack_icon.png] [Image: pllastspecter-londonlife_wedgehamcastle_icon.png]

After doing Granny's shack, it was difficult to decide what to do next. Stuff like Town Hall and Central Station have real simple layer configuration, but others like Cruise Cafe are a hell of a job. Not only that, but some bits aren't visible due to the character being blocked off by some stuff. And then you've got those areas like Scotland Yard that change according to the storyline...
In the end I figured Wedgeham Castle was easily doable. Next up I'll be doing peoples' homes (Darling Dwellings and Royal Rooms).

Anyway, I dunno if anyone cares about all that, I just like writing it down. Hope you like them!
Thanked by: Shade, Garamonde
Another one:

[Image: pllastspecter-londonlife_titlescreen_icon.png]

I know I said I'd be doing peoples' rooms, but I felt like doing this first.
Also, to to do those kind of apartments, I'll have to do the player's room (empty, of course) as well. In my current save file I'm in Darling Dwellings, so I'll be able to do that, and I can start a new game and do Humble Homes, but I'll have to wait until I've got the required Happiness to get into Royal Rooms.

Anyway, I'm not making any more promises, but I'll see to doing stuff like Darling Dwellings and Oxshire Museum next.
Thanked by: Garamonde
That's great, looking forward to the rooms. Smile
[Image: sweet-capn-cakes-deltarune.gif]
Thanked by: puggsoy
Sorry, but I noticed that you put the Title Screen sheet in the Misc section. It's actually supposed to be in the London Life section, since it's the title screen of London Life, not the actual Last Specter game.
I will do the Last Specter title screen eventually, and then that will go there, but this one should just go under London Life.

As you mentioned earlier, you've never played a Layton game so I understand that you could have gotten mixed up, so no worry.
Thanked by: Garamonde
I see. Sorry about that, it's fixed. Tongue
[Image: sweet-capn-cakes-deltarune.gif]
Thanked by: puggsoy
Right, I'm not doing the rooms, for two reasons:
  1. The wallpaper and floor of the player's room can't be reset to the default, which is what I would like for the rip, and
  2. There's an object that appears in ???'s room at certain times throughout the story, and I can't be bothered to play through again until I get to that point.
My sister will eventually play London Life, so when she gets up to that part I can use her save to rip the object. Even so, I don't know how to rip the player's room in Darling Dwellings and Royal Rooms, since the default wallpaper and carpet only appears in Humble Homes (unless you don't change it ever). But whatever, once eventually I get the aforementioned object I'll think up a solution.

Anyway, now I'll be doing other stuff. I decided to give the other games a go, and ripped the title screen of The Curious Village:

[Image: plcuriousvillage-titlescreen_icon.png]

I'll probably rip the title screen from the other games next, including that from The Last Specter. Then I'll probably do some more London Life or puzzle stuff.
Thanked by: Garamonde, Shade
Ugh, why do I always say I'll do stuff and then I can't? The title screen of all other games are pretty much unrippable, apparently Level-5 thought that it'd be easier to smash almost everything on the same layer. I mean, the top screens are all right, but the bottom screens have got lots of stuff overlapping each other. So yeah, sorry about that.

I did update the Curious Village sheet though, since I recently realised that the intro logos should probably be included so I added those.

Well, I won't go saying what I'm planning to rip anymore. I'll just post anything I get, so I won't have to apologize for not doing what I said I'd do Tongue
Thanked by: Garamonde

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