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Oh hey
Yeah, I was actually realising this now looking at it with a better resolution. Unova's not covered in ice, the photo is. I think the idea is more "Before the end of the game, you can go to the places not covered in ice in this map. After the end, with Kyurem likely captured, the rest of the map is available."
Thanked by: mentioned the "Pokémon AR Searcher" and "Pokédex 3D Pro" that are 3DS eshop downloads. The prior is where you look around where you are and search for Pokémon that can be transferred to your game, and the latter is an update of the Pokédex 3D, including all the non-Unova Pokémon.

Sounds like they will be compatible with the new Black 2 and White 2 games, which also might hint to the Pokédex in Black 2 White 2 having 3D models as well. (although the current screenshots don't really hint to that)

It's still nice to see that although the games are for the DS, they are still letting it tie into the 3DS a bit.
[Image: CvlJ7PI.png]
Currently working on: moving
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[Image: aL21q.png]

fucking badass, day one buy
Oh hi new Coro Coro scans are out.

Possible speculation based off of serebii and some confirmed things:
Quote:Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 - New Forms & Information

The first image from CoroCoro has leaked out and showcases the first new Pokémon forms revealed. This issue's cover showcases that the Pokémon; Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus each have new forms. It is currently unknown if these forms feature any new types but they do match the silhouettes from Pokémon AR Searcher shown last month. We'll bring more on this as and when it comes
Edit @ 07:58: The original leaker of the magazine states that the magazine showcases Cheren, Bianca, Brock and Giovanni. This information is yet to be confirmed but we'll provide evidence either way as soon as possible
Edit @ 08:52: More information is coming from the leaker of the magazine. As before, this is currently unconfirmed while we await scans. First, Pokéwood replaces the musicals and is the movie theatre seen in the trailer. Next, Cheren is said to be a gym leader and finally, the forms of Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus are exclusively captured in the 3DS game; Pokémon AR Searcher, and then sent to the Black 2 and White 2 games from there
Edit @ 10Cute0: Pokémon Smash's episode on May 20th is due to have new Black 2 & White 2 information. Presumably it's the same information coming from CoroCoro, but there should be footage within it
Edit @ 12:45: The leaker also mentioned that there's a facility where various other leaders from the past games appear including Lance, Volkner, Blue, Misty & Steven. Like before, this stuff has yet to be officially confirmed
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
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(04-23-2012, 05:26 PM)Time Lord KKM Wrote: [Image: aL21q.png]

fucking badass, day one buy

This is basically pokewood theatre (looks like a homage to the tokusatsu genre, seems to be a favorite of video game developers). How come it took so long to ween off those silly performance contests, nintendo?

If I'm correct, pokewood will most likely add 5 new tracks to accomidate each showing, so it'll sorta be like the Yoshi Theatre in Mario & Luigi: SuperStar Saga, only more interactive.
Thanked by: DioShiba, Ton
(05-11-2012, 06:28 PM)Captain Artebrock Wrote:
Quote:Edit @ 07:58: The original leaker of the magazine states that the magazine showcases Cheren, Bianca, Brock and Giovanni. This information is yet to be confirmed but we'll provide evidence either way as soon as possible
Edit @ 12:45: The leaker also mentioned that there's a facility where various other leaders from the past games appear including Lance, Volkner, Blue, Misty & Steven. Like before, this stuff has yet to be officially confirmed

browsed the net for a bit and came across this scan.

[Image: 582133_381834251868086_100001245421659_1...6443_n.jpg]

well shit. this better be for real. EDIT: Also from what it appears, sprites of Lt. Surge, Blaine, Jamine, Erkia, and other gym leaders presumably from Kanto and possibly Johto are on this scan on the top right of the middle page.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
Thanked by: Cell Shaded Envy, Ton, recme
To have Gym Leaders and Champions from previous games appear in BW2, that's really awesome.
Then I saw the alternate formes of the Kami trio... They looked awkward in their 'incarnation form', but having a 'beast form' makes them even weirder. I have to see clearer images to really judge on that.
[Image: QUmE6.gif]
My Game Maker games (Dropbox download links):

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Corocoro scans are hardly fakes, this is pretty much confirmed. Seems like fanservice for old fans, because the designs are the exact same from their games.
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They're trying really hard to convince me that the terrible designs for the new trainers and screwing up Kyurem will be forgotten, and they're getting close, just a little bit more and I may just get this.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
Thanked by: Ton, recme
and I still don't see how they screwed up kyurem given the fact that he's supposed to be a shell for Zekrom and Reshiram.

anyways far as fighting past trainers goes I hope they shell out experience for my pokemon to help add re playability because I don't want to fight a shit ton of wild pokemon like I was forced to in black and white.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
Also I think the onis or w/e look bad ass in beast form.. except the bird. Looks awkward.
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
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(05-12-2012, 07:15 PM)Captain Artebrock Wrote: anyways far as fighting past trainers goes I hope they shell out experience for my pokemon to help add re playability because I don't want to fight a shit ton of wild pokemon like I was forced to in black and white.

Kinda late for a leveling tip, but I used to hang out around Nimbasa City because both stadiums have high level trainers to battle every day. Also, battling Cynthia is a good method too.

But yeah, I wish this gives you experience as well, because it looks like fun. I hope there's appropriate fighting music for each gym leader and champion Cute
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I hope the stadium thing returns too, that at least gave some meta game to black and white.

also, bring back the vs. seeker.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
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guys I am going to buy this game so hard that I
[Image: unf.png]
Grand Line Shore
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Now see, this is why the pokemon anime should be rebooted.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
Thanked by: ~DrakoRero~

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