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Nice job on the rips. How are you even ripping these, by the way?
Also, you get the honor of making the game icon for Final Fantasy X, since nobody else has submitted models from this game yet.  (It's the second icon type option in the Icon Maker.)
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i use a combination of two tools, if needed. the FFX model tools and Chargeur model viewer and exporter (both should work with FFX-2 too). if a file extract or import doesnt come out great or is missing somethin, i use the other. i import them into 3ds Max 2010 Student Version where i fix it up.
i downloaded da tools a looong time ago after endless nights tryin to find the brotherhood (to import Tidus's high-poly into brawl WITH his sword). i realized i had to get it myself. after i got the tools and ISO file extracts, it was a matter of just messin with the files. the only ones i actualy extracted awhile ago were Tidus and his brotherhood with some other swords.
(by the way, do you know of the proper way to make sure normals export properly? Yuna's High-Poly has a small indirect lighting on pieces of her hair after i export to .obj format. shes the only one that has the problem. i kept the .max to hopefully get it fixed someday)
oh. kool, ill make a couple and narrow it to 1
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Ah, I see. Too bad it doesn't export rigged models (or does it?). If you got them a long time ago, there's a chance there could be a newer version out there. It would certainly be worth checking!
And sorry, I don't know much about that.
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hrm...I can only rig non humanoid stance models so...
any and all of the wolf pallet swap monsters will do
creatures with the same mesh as Zu and Fafnir/Nidhog
lots of pallete swaps
ahriman pallet swaps
![[Image: Ahriman10.jpg]](
lizard pallet swaps
![[Image: Cave_Iguion.jpg]](
fafninr pallet swaps and monsters simular to it
![[Image: FFX_Fafnir.png]](
Wolf Pallet Swaps and mosnters simular to it
Oh an yojimbo's dog
 if u can get a shoopuff it would be EPIC!
see I can rig a wolf but i can't rig bahamut... it's too humanoid to use my rigging system.
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03-09-2012, 11:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2012, 11:07 PM by ramonM64.)
ye, theres alot of monsters with few changes. some are texture swaps while some add in or change a lil bit of it model-wise. im thinkin when i prepare those, it would be best to have a "monsters family" in one submission. like the slime, it has, i think, over 6 different versions of it. i would want to have them separate though except that might clutter the FFX download page.
(03-08-2012, 02:28 AM)Peardian Wrote: Ah, I see. Too bad it doesn't export rigged models (or does it?). If you got them a long time ago, there's a chance there could be a newer version out there. It would certainly be worth checking!
And sorry, I don't know much about that. i googled around the other night and i think both creators of the tools have dropped from the net, taking their tools down too. others have shared the tools though. i checked the Chargeur one and noticed it can export Model + Skinning. now that i know what that is, i tryed it and it worked.. kinda. the models export attached to other objects which causes the textures to not apply right. i dunno how to keep the rig while detaching polys.
if i ever do find out though, ill make sure to include .DAEs in submissions. the only model from FFX i rigged myself is Tidus which.. i think i forgot to include
i got a couple of more goods
Lulu - HP
Lulu - LP
Lulu Equip - Dolls
Kid Tidus
Tidus' Mother
Blitz Ball
Grimp Reaper
Shoopuf Driver
Shoopuf Goods
sadly.. both methods i tryed couldnt get the sattle car thing for the shoopuf. one tool crashes and the other CAN view it except can only export textures (which i included anyway). the last resort would be to use a 3D print screen tool except my comp is probaly too weak to run it. if i ever do get it, ill update it with it.
i was lucky the Wiki page for Lulu's weapons and stuff had the photos named, i only knew 2 of them there. im still lookin around for other sword's and rod's names i dont know before uploading Tidus' and Yuna's stuff. ill upload other dude's models after i find out all da equip's names. if any of you got a PS2 and can run the game to let me know specific equip names i dont remember that would help out alot.
and for the Final Fantasy X icon i made around 10. i narrowed it down to these.. ill make up my mind somewhen..
I'd personally go with this one,
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lulu's dress always bothers's so...unpractical.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!
this is probably the only high quality moomba model in existence in the rippable game universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!
 Ride ze shoopuff?
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agreed, the dress is made outa a bunch of belts
heh you really like that thing huh.
who are you referring to when talkin about Laguna? u_O
@Jetters - yea i really like that one, its the first one i made. i think the first one posted captures what FFX is better though. it has water.. clouds.. da sky.. and Tidus. im gonna go with the first one.
anywho, no update yet, ive been neglecting alot of other important things. ill ready some more models in the comming days.
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All of the models posted so far have been uploaded. Congrats on your first model submissions!
I had to guess the categorization for most of the second batch, so please correct me if I put any in the wrong section. In future posts, it will greatly help me if you categorize the models, as I've never played this game before.
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it's a refferance to the moomba's
in FFVIII they all call out LAGUNA LAGUNA. see moomba's can't talk but Laguna taught some to say his name. see moomba's remember people by blood, so they were licking squall's wounds and after that point all of them started calling him's one of the hints as to who squall's father is.
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oh, sounds like a interesting story. i never played that one, ive only seen some of the characters around. i like Squall's design.
(04-11-2012, 12:13 PM)Peardian Wrote: All of the models posted so far have been uploaded. Congrats on your first model submissions! 
I had to guess the categorization for most of the second batch, so please correct me if I put any in the wrong section. In future posts, it will greatly help me if you categorize the models, as I've never played this game before. wh00t kool. thank you
you organized em pretty well. the one that seems out of place is the grim reaper. hes more of a attack/status effect that happens durin a battle. maybe organize it as " Battle Misc. " or.. i dunno. a other one that i got that would go in the same area would be the angel that revives you.
when i get the time, ill ready more. it'll probaly be that Angel mentioned above, 1 main character and equip set, and a few monstahs
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you can give me the software for extract that models ?
locked & warned. if OP wants to post more stuff, PM me.
unlocked by OP's request.
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its been awhile since the last upload. had some free time and decided to get a few more models to share, mainly equips. i found a good guide to help name them. some have multiple names, i went with what i thought were "canon" for them (like Tidus' main sword being called da Brotherhood instead of Excalibur or Ice Brand)
Main Characters
Auron (Low-Poly)
Auron (High-Poly)
Zanmato (one of Yojimbo's swords and sheaths)
Floating Eye
Auron's Katanas
Tidus' Swords
Yuna's Staves
Treasure Chest
Holy Angel
a note to Peardian, the [F] in the floating eye's icon means there was a "Family" tree for the monster. some monsters are unique and only 1 of them, those wont have that [F]
also, i found all the Aeon's "Dark" models and their textures. since they are essentially the same model with texture edits, could i PM you the textures when they are all ready and you put em in to the already uploaded files?
lastly, i noticed you guys host everything. after everything is uploaded and such, is it alright if i use yer links for downloads and images in this thread's first post?