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Hey guys.
Hey guys, I'm Jayden. It's a shame I noticed you guys had a forum rather late Cry (sorry xD). Anyhow, I'm an sprite animator/spriter for a very long time. I pretty much need you guys since when I first started years ago, references and pre-made sprites helped me develop tons, I greatly appreciate the work you guys do every week or so. As an animator, you guys pretty much are what made us what we are by taking the time to rip sprites for us to use and I can't thank you guys enough. Especially to whomever ripped the LSW sprites. That's basically my whole hobby there so I owe you guys big time.

I can sprite anything but mainly I'm an LSW spriter (I love that style too much Big Grin), and hopefully look forward to stay here.

Hardcore DBZ/One Piece fan, PS3 player for those that play Mass Effect or any shooting game in general can add me Cute. Also, No need to worry about me behaving since I'm an admin of the LSW forum so I got the knowledge and all down.

So nice to meet you guys. Cute

OH one thing, I already scouted the forum so I know where to post, but...where would I post my animations? Very Sad

[Image: Siglookingassnigga.png]
"Only by experiencing victory and defeat ,have run away and shed tears, can you truly grow up to be a man."
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I knew a guy called Jayden once. He wasn't that cool. I'm hoping you'll be cooler.


Welcome to the Resource, Jayden! I'm also a "hardcore" DBZ fan, although not so much One Piece. I've read some of the manga but no anime yet.

When you say animations, do you mean your own sprite sheets? In that case I'd recommend the Spriting and Pixel Art section.
If you mean something else like animated GIFs, Creativity looks like the place to post.

Hope you like it here, and enjoy your time!
Thanked by: Mistah_Jayden
Lmao haha, hopefully I don't share the same burden.
Animations as in Gifs, Thanks a lot man. I'll post a few of my stuff there then. I've already post some one shots of my old work. Sadly I lost my computer so I can't post my Omega Shenron sheet T.T, but thank you again bro. Cute
[Image: Siglookingassnigga.png]
"Only by experiencing victory and defeat ,have run away and shed tears, can you truly grow up to be a man."
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Welcome to the Resource Community!

I suppose you learned your lesson and regularly back-up your work from now on! Genki ^_^
Thanked by: Mistah_Jayden
Oh yeah, I went and bought a 500gb spare external @.@ Never again man.

Thanks for the welcome Big Grin
[Image: Siglookingassnigga.png]
"Only by experiencing victory and defeat ,have run away and shed tears, can you truly grow up to be a man."
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Welcome to TSR, Mr. Jayden!
I'm glad that our site has been so helpful to you and I hope that it will continue to be. Wink
As for your animated .GIFs, as long as they are sprites, they always go in S&PA, not Creativity, puggsoy. No harm done though, another mod can move it if they feel it's necessary. Tongue
Please enjoy your stay here! Big Grin
[Image: sweet-capn-cakes-deltarune.gif]
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Oh, my mistake Tongue I haven't had much experience in those sections so I wasn't so sure.

I myself make animated GIFs of sprites (used to be a link in my sig), the ones I use as avatars, so I might make a thread for them too.
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Well I did post up some sprites and some animations but no one really commented.
[Image: Siglookingassnigga.png]
"Only by experiencing victory and defeat ,have run away and shed tears, can you truly grow up to be a man."
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That's normal around here, people are way too lazy to type Tongue
If you're lucky, they find the energy to click a like button, but that's all you could hope for. Wink
Thanked by: Shade, Garamonde, Zadaben
Very Sad aww.. lol that sucks if you post something you put a lot of effort into T.T
[Image: Siglookingassnigga.png]
"Only by experiencing victory and defeat ,have run away and shed tears, can you truly grow up to be a man."
Thanked by: Garamonde

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