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(04-16-2012, 04:52 PM)Crappy Blue Luigi Wrote: [Image: yvxQe.gif]

EDIT: updated with slightly better curled pose

i think there should be another frame for the dive when he is crouched down ready to jump, and maybe one for curling up between diving and spinning. it looks a bit too spontaneous imo
[Image: tyayr.gif]

thanks for the critique, everyone! i'm really happy with how this turned out.
That looks a lot better. Hopefully you plan on having him land on the ground in front of him though. xD

Looking forward to seeing what you've got up your sleeve next. Tongue
[Image: BannerMain.gif]
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alright guys, here goes. one of my most ambitious animations yet.

[Image: APqnL.gif]

i tried reusing frames for the landing. does it look alright? if it looks odd then i'll try to make new frames, or at least edit the current ones.
That's narly smooth, mate. The landing could use a little work. I mean, you spin like that and no drifting even just a bit? Other than that, continue doin' what you do.
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Would it be too much to add a little slide after the flip? I think it would make it look really fluid.
[Image: 582217063e.png][Image: RWDCRik.png]

Not sure exactly what you're going for, but it could use a windup frame or two at the start, right before he jumps forward; a similar, more dynamic landing frame could also be nice. Of course, both of these would be more if the attack is meant to be a powerful thing and less if it's meant to be like Snake's >>A in SSBB.
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about ten seconds in

first example i could find

the last thing i want is to have more time spent before he jumps. the move is done through built-up momentum by running--in theory of course. you can do the running attack at any point after you start running.
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If that's what you're going for, he doesn't go high enough. Try boosting the height of the jump and making the landing more vertical. It's unnatural to have such a horizontal landing and not slide afterwards.
Thanked by: Crappy Blue Luigi
I think you need one more frame right before he jumps. Have him bend down more, you know, the charge-up! I'm sure it'll look as credible as you need it to after that.

and as for when he lands, i got nothin'
[Image: DffP5jr.png]
Thanked by: Crappy Blue Luigi
[Image: VrRKZ.gif]

how's it looking now? i made a few minor adjustments and changed a few frames.

EDIT: fdfsg it's also missing arms in the new landing frames, apologies abound, will make them later when i'm not half asleep, etc.
maybe give it a frame or so where he bends his knees before launching, so it looks like he's kicking off the ground instead of just kinda levitating
Thanked by: Garamonde
Yeah, though you've already added that (twice), you need more impact to it. You don't need to add more frames, you need to exaggerate the pose in the existing ones.
Thanked by: Crappy Blue Luigi
where do i need to exaggerate his poses?
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On the build up, when he crouches down.
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