04-12-2012, 08:29 PM
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TSR 2012 Nuzlocke All-Stars!
Thanked by: Rosencrantz
04-12-2012, 08:39 PM
Started not too long ago, I amazingly didn't run into a battle I the first route before I got some balls. But it's time to head to Violet City~
Team so far: Ishmael the Chikorita (7) Rocksanne the geodude (3) Mrs. Hoot the Hoothoot (3)
I'm a bit ahead of you, just now finishing up sprout tower. I also chose my starter randomly for some added fun. Happened to land on Cyndaquil. Here's my team report:
CAUGHT: 4 DEATHS: 0 ALAMO the Cyndaquil ♂ (Naive, alert to sounds) ![]() AUTUMN the Sentret ♀ (Brave, sturdy body) ![]() OSCAR the Geodude ♂ (Impish, good perseverance) ![]() VICTORY the Bellsprout ♂ (Lonely, good perseverance) ![]() Expect a comic update soon after I beat the first gym. ![]()
04-12-2012, 09:32 PM
count me in! i've never done a nuzlocke before, but i'd sure like to.
i'm playing Heart Gold. i'll be back with a summary after i get my pokemon for routes 29 and 30. Thanked by: water dog
04-12-2012, 09:58 PM
I assume if all your pokemon faint it means the game is over for good?
04-12-2012, 10:05 PM
There's two ways. Some count a white out as a game over, some count completely running out of Pokemon (including the alive boxed ones) as game over
04-12-2012, 10:19 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot that you could collect enough to fill a box. xD That answers my question about what happens if you run out of your team of six.
Anyway, I have a LOT of pokemon to transfer before I delete my save, but since I got a 3DS I have the means to trade a bit easier by having two systems.
04-12-2012, 10:21 PM
Quote:1. You can only capture the first Pokemon encountered in each new area. If you fail to catch it, too bad.Does this count from the very beginning, or the moment you get access to Pokeballs? Because on my way to Mr. Pokemon I already encountered stuff on Route 29/30, and I'm not entirely sure if I'm allowed to catch stuff there after Lyra shows you how to do that. Just wanna make sure I'm not already breaking rules 20 minutes into the challenge :l (04-12-2012, 10:21 PM)Vic Wrote:Quote:1. You can only capture the first Pokemon encountered in each new area. If you fail to catch it, too bad.Does this count from the very beginning, or the moment you get access to Pokeballs? I don't know what others have been doing, but I consider the rules to be in effect after the beginning part of the game (i.e. after delivering Oak's parcel, after giving the egg to Elm, etc etc). Also, for the sake of not having anyone eliminated before the actual tournament, I will say that running out of a supply of Pokemon is a game over. That means you can store spares in your box to use if any of your Pokemon faint. EDIT: Would any object to me adding the no duplicates rule? For example if you catch a Geodude in one cave and then the first Pokemon you encounter in the next cave is a Geodude, it counts as your first encounter but you can't catch it because you already have a Geodude. I'm just trying to find a way to balance out the Pokemon spread here, so far I haven't run into a single hitch in my journey (though I've only beat the first gym) and I fear there won't even be a challenge soon enough if I get too many Pokemon. Thanked by: Crappy Blue Luigi, TomGuycott, megaMasquerain
04-12-2012, 10:57 PM
I'm in, this is a friend of Chad, Devin, etc etc etc
Using Soul Silver. I'm a Barbie Girl. Thanked by: Rosencrantz, Crappy Blue Luigi
04-13-2012, 12:14 AM
WARNING: Incredibly long text heavy post. I enjoyed writing this too much.
Dear diary, holy fuck, I wish Lyra would go harass someone else for once. I'm sick and tired of her cutesy bullshit. The past three years of my life in this dump have been all the more miserable thanks to her presence. But thankfully, today's the day I'm allowed to set out on my own and see the world. No more sheltered kid living with his mom, I'm going to be a free man! Maybe, just maybe, I won't ever have to see Lyra's face again. Heh, that'll be the day. -Crappy ![]() ... Dear diary, Professor Elm gave me my first Pokemon! Actually, he gave me a choice between three; a mouse-like thing with fire on its back, a plant creature with an absurdly large leaf sticking out of its head, and a badass blue crocodile with the widest fucking grin I've ever seen. Take a wild guess as to who I picked. Apparently, his name is Totodile. PFFF, fuck that, his name's Nash now. Aw yeah. I slapped a pair of shades on him and he high fived me. I think I made the right choice. Elm asked me to run him an errand. He's an alright guy, so I accepted. I guess I need to go to a Mr. Pokemon's house, just north of Cherrygrove City, and check out his latest find. What kind of guy names himself after Pokemon? I can't wait to get out of this hellhole! No more Lyra, no more Mom nagging me to put away the dishes, and no more red- headed guy clocking me in the face. Johto, here I come! -Crappy ![]() ![]() ... Dear diary, oh man, oh man. This day just keeps getting better and better. So I got to Mr. Pokemon's place, and he had this egg. I guess nobody knew how Pokemon were born before now? Whatever. The important thing is, there was this other guy there, Professor Oak. You might have heard the name, he's only the most well- known Pokemon expert in Kanto. He gave me a Pokedex. I now own a Pokedex. Holy shit. It gets better! On the way out, Elm called me about some kind of disaster, but he hung up before I could ask what happened. As I was leaving Cherrygrove, I ran into that red-head jackass from earlier, and he challenged me to a fight! Who was I to refuse? (I wasn't really interested in getting my lights punched out again.) He had that plant creature from Elm's lab. I'll get back to that, but the important thing here is that I won. And that's still not the best part! The douche dropped his Trainer Card as he was running away, and I caught his name; Crimson. After that, I made my way back home, only to find that somebody broke into Elm's lab and stole one of his Pokemon. Gee, I wonder who did that? Well, now that I've passed that little detour, I'm free to explore the world. Goodbye, New Bark Town. I won't miss you. -Crappy ![]() ![]() ... Dear diary, it's been a while since I last wrote. Not a whole lot has happened, but I made it to the first Gym location, Violet City. On the way there, I caught my first two Pokemon. First, a Hoothoot on Route 29. Something's off about his voice; he keeps saying something that sounds like "cocoa," so I decided that that'll be his name. Then, on Route 30, I caught a Rattata. I named him Lavender, because I felt like it. I don't need a reason for every name. After I caught him, I passed some youngsters who wouldn't let me go to Violet City unless I fought them in a Pokemon battle. It seems Rattatas are fairly popular around here, so I might not use mine. Gotta stay fresh, yo. I'm on my way to starting the Gym Challenge, but for now, I'm tired as fuck. Gotta get some sleep. Tomorrow, I take on Falkner. Goodnight, diary. -Crappy ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanked by: Gwen, water dog, Sengir, Rosencrantz
Making a comic is hard. I may just do it all once I am done with the Nuzlocke. Anyway here's my progress... Everyone please have a moment of silence for Oscar the Geodude.. I will never forget his contribution to my team. He's the only reason I was able to beat Falkner and he did it with ease.
CAUGHT: 7 DEATHS: 1 ALAMO the Quilava ♂ LV: 5-15 (Naive, alert to sounds) ![]() AUTUMN the Sentret ♀ LV: 3-11 (Brave, sturdy body) ![]() VICTORY the Bellsprout ♂ LV: 3-14 (Lonely, good perseverance) ![]() LILITH the Gastly ♀ LV: 4-12 (Quirky, mischievous) ![]() NOODLES the Wooper ♂ LV: 6-12 (Serious, quick tempered) ![]() LULU the Zubat ♀ LV: 5-11 (Naughty, often lost in thought) ![]() Going to be grinding them all to at least 16 so another incident like Oscars never happens again... RIP. Thanked by: Crappy Blue Luigi
04-13-2012, 12:11 PM
This sounds pretty fun, I already moved all my Pokemon from HG to White so I don't mind starting over.
Training to battle Whitney when a Magmar comes out of nowhere and kills my Wooper I was training to resist rollout with a critical hit. I mourn, but my resolve isn't gone yet! I still have many other powerful Pokemon allies. Zubat gets hurt from confusion while I'm frantically trying to get her to use roost. Then enemy crits her. I think I'm just going to try this again but on Platnum..
So apparently a Lickitung with a new haircut just wanted to ruin my life so I am most definitely starting over now on Plat. If anyone objects to this I will continue to do my HG/SS file but all my counters to Whitney are dead and there's just nothing I can do. RIP Noodles, Lulu, Lilith... and never forget Oscar.
04-13-2012, 08:55 PM
i guess ill join
just really hesitant to delete my hg file.... |
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